Call Number (LC) Title Results
S 9.10:12145 Atomic energy : nuclear plant life extension : agreement between the United States of America and Switzerland, signed at Bern and Washington May 24 and June 13, 1989. 1
S 9.10:12146 Atomic energy : radiation : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and the European Atomic Energy Community, signed at Brussels July 7, 1986. 1
S 9.10:12147 Atomic energy : safety of operating reactors : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and Argentina, signed at Buenos Aires November 30, 1990. 1
S 9.10:12148 Space cooperation : shuttle contingency landing sites : agreement between the United States of America and the Gambia, signed at Banjul March 7, 1988. 1
S 9.10:12149 Taxation, reimbursement : agreement between the United States of America and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, signed at Vienna March 26, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12150 Fisheries off the United States coasts : agreement between the United States of America and Latvia, signed at Washington April 8, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12151 Judicial assistance, exchange of information in futures matters : agreement between the United States of America and the Netherlands, signed at Washington April 29, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12152 Economic assistance : agreement between the United States of America and the Kyrgyz Republic, signed at Washington May 19, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12153 Scientific cooperation, mining : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and Finland, signed at Washington June 3, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12154 Boundary waters, pilotage services : agreement between the United States of America and Canada, amending the memorandum of arrangements to the agreement of August 23, 1978 and March 29, 1979, effected by exchange of notes signed at Washington October 15, 1992 and June 17, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12155 Aviation, security : agreement between the United States of America and Mali, signed at Bamako June 25, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12156 Investment guaranties : agreement between the United States of America and Ecuador, amending and agreement of March 28 and 29, 1955, as amended, effected by exchange of notes, signed at Washington July 9, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12157 Aviation, transport services : agreement between the United States of America and Switzerland, amending the annex to the interim agreement of August 3, 1945, as amended, effected by exchange of notes signed at Washington May 5 and July 12, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12158 Scientific cooperation, earth and mapping sciences : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and Guyana, signed at Georgetown July 21, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12159 Employment : agreement between the United States of America and Romania, effected by exchange of notes, signed at Washington July 1 and 28, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12160 Aviation, security : agreement between the United States of America and Bangladesh, effected by exchange of notes dated at Dhaka November 23, 1992 and August 23, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12161 Scientific cooperation, earth sciences : agreement between the United States of America and Chile, extending the memorandum of understanding of August 2 and 26, 1982, signed at Reston and Santiago, August 10 and September 16, 1987 and amending and extending agreement, signed at Reston and Santiago, April 30 and August 27, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12162 Fisheries, Pacific salmon : agreements between the United States of America and Canada : extending annex IV to the treaty of January 28, 1985, as amended, effected by exchange of letters, signed at Washington August 24 and September 8, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12163 Economic assistance : agreement between the United States of America and Tajikistan signed at Dushanbe September 13, 1993. 1
S 9.10:12164 Scientific cooperation : earth sciences : agreement between the United States of America and Zimbabwe, signed at Reston and Harare August 12 and September 28, 1993. 1