Call Number (LC) Title Results
S 20.2:AM 5 The Amistad revolt an historical legacy of Sierra Leone and the United States / 1
S 20.2:AM 5/FRENCH La révolte de L'Amistad un legs historique de la Sierra Leone et des États-Unis / 1
S 20.2:AM 5/SPAN La rebelion del Amistad patrimonio histórico de Sierra Leona y Estados Unidos / 1
S 20.2:B 45 The Berlin wall 20 years later. 1
S 20.2:B 53 An outline of American geography regional landscapes of the United States / 1
S 20.2:B 58 The language of trade 1
S 20.2:C 49 Free at last the U.S. civil rights movement / 1
S 20.2:C 76 An outline of the U.S. economy 1
S 20.2:D 39 Democracy in brief. 1
S 20.2:D 39/2 Democracy papers. 1
S 20.2:D 39/3 Principles of democracy. 1
S 20.2:EC 7 Outline of the U.S. economy 1
S 20.2:EL 2/ Election focus 2004 1
S 20.2:EL 2/2 Elections 2004 / 1
S 20.2:EL 2/3 USA elections in brief. 1
S 20.2:EL 2/3/SPAN Las elecciones de Estados Unidos en sintesis. 1
S 20.2:H 62 Outline of U.S. history. 1
S 20.2:H 88 Human rights and you a guide for the States of the Former Soviet Union and Central Europe / 1
S 20.2:H 88/2 Introduction to human rights. 1
S 20.2:H 88/2/SPAN Introducción a los derechos humanos. 1