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How to divide medical words : over twenty-five thousand words in common usage showing their spellings and combinations into syllables / |
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R123 .L8 1987
Logan's medical and scientific abbreviations / |
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R123 .M23
A medical Greek and Latin workbook / |
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R123 .M336 1984
MASA : medical acronyms, symbols & abbreviations / |
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R123 .M359 1997
Lexicography and physicke : the record of sixteenth-century English medical terminology / |
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R123 .M39 1989
Introduzione alla terminologia medica : decodificazione dei composti e derivati di origine greca e latina / |
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R123 .M65 2020
Rhetorical ethos in health and medicine : patient credibility, stigma, and misdiagnosis / |
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R123 .R3
Historisch-terminologisches Wörterbuch der Yüan-Zeit. |
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R123 .R33 1995
Krankheitsnamen im Deutschen : eine dialektologische und etymologische Untersuchung der Bezeichnungen für Diphtherie, Febris scarlatina, Morbilli, Parotitis epidemica und Varicellae / |
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R123 .R34 1974
Semantische Untersuchung zur medizinischen Krankheitsterminologie. |
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R123 .R63 2016
Terminology for medical administrators / |
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R123 .S312 1992
Medical terminologies : classical origins / |
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R123 .S312 1992eb
Medical terminologies : classical origins / |
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R123 .S315 1984
Abkürzungen in der Medizin = Abbreviations in medicine = Abréviations en médecine / |
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R123 .S38 2005
Health and the rhetoric of medicine / |
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R123 .S38 2008
Health and the Rhetoric of Medicine. |
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R123 .S54 1961
The origin of medical terms / |
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R123 .S56 1988
Médecine ancienne et métaphore : le vocabulaire de l'anatomie et de la pathologie en grec ancien / |
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R123 .S62 2003eb
Quick medical terminology : a self-teaching guide / |
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R123 .S69 1991
Stedman's abbrev. : abbreviations, acronyms & symbols. |
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