QL617 .O4 1970
The fishes / |
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QL617 .T6
Beneath the surface : the cycle of river life / |
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QL617 .U63 1985
Uo / |
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QL617 .W36 2011
Do fish sleep? : fascinating answers to questions about fishes / |
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QL617 .W46
The observer's book of freshwater fishes : describing eighty-two species, with 70 illustrations, 66 of which are in full colour / |
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QL617 .W55 1985
Watching fishes : life and behavior on coral reefs / |
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Les poissons : 60 clés pour comprendre / |
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QL617.2 .C6 1963
The how and why wonder book of fish / |
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QL617.2 F46 1961
Goldie is a fish / |
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QL617.2 .S45
Plenty of fish / |
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QL617.7 .F57 1990
The biology and conservation of rare fish : the Fisheries Society of the British Isles Symposium held at Lancaster University, U.K., 16-20 July 1990 / |
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QL617.7 .K87 2011
World without fish : how could we let this happen? / |
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QL617.72.C63 B43 1983
Endangered and threatened fishes of the upper Colorado River basin / |
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QL617.73.C6 A5 1994
Endangered fishes / |
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QL617.73.C65 Q37 1993
Historical accounts of upper Colorado River Basin endangered fish / |
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QL617.73.E85 C66 1996
Conservation of endangered freshwater fish in Europe / |
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QL617.73.O7 U81 1997
Draft, recovery plan for the threatened and rare native fishes of the Warner Basin and Alkali Subbasin : Warner sucker (Threatened) Catostomus warnerensis, Hutton tui chub (Threatened) Gila bicolor ssp., Foskett speckled dace (Threatened) Rhinichthys osculus ssp., Cowhead Lake tui chub (Candidate) Gila bicolor vaccaceps; Warner Valley redband trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss ssp / |
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Standing between life and extinction : ethics and ecology of conserving aquatic species in North American deserts / |
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QL617.73.U6 B38 1991
Battle against extinction : native fish management in the American West / |
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QL617.73.U6 E53 2004
Endangered and threatened fishes in the Klamath River Basin : causes of decline and strategies for recovery / |
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