Call Number (LC) Title Results
QB6 .U5 Catalogue of stars observed at the United States Naval observatory during the years 1845 to 1871, 1
QB6 .U7 Zones of stars observed at the National observatory, Washington. Approved by Capt. G. A. Magruder, chief of the Bureau of ordnance and hydrography; and published under authority of the Hon. Isaac Toucey, secretary of the navy. 1
QB6 .V33 Catalogue of stars within two degrees of the North pole deduced from photographic measures made at Vassar college observatory / 1
QB6 .W58 1986 Synopsis der Nomenklatur der Fixsterne / 1
QB6 Y2 1964 Catalogue of bright stars : containing data compiled through 1962 / 1
QB6 .Y2 1982 The bright star catalogue / 1
QB7 Ad serenissimu[m] ac inuictissimu[m] omni[que] genere virtutum prestantissimu[m] dominu[m] Henricu[m] Anglé et Francie Regem Septimu[m] dominum[que] hiberniê Wilielmi Parron Placentini artiu[m] & medecine doctoris de astrorum i[n] fluxu anni presentis millesimi quingentesimi tercii pronsticon libellus. 1
QB7 .A53 1681 News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1681 with astrological judgements upon the several eclipses, positions, and configurations of heaven happening therein ... : wherein you have a perfect and brief account of the most material matters and things portended by the heavens to be manifested in the world in the same year / 2
QB7 .B66 1537 [...]f our Lorde, M.CCCCC. and, XXXVII. ... 1
QB7 .B66 1540 [...] Prognostication [...] 1
QB7 .B66 1550 [...] August. October. Decembre. [...] 1
QB7 .C43 2009 The astronomical tables of Giovanni Bianchini / 1
QB7 .C43 2009eb The astronomical tables of Giovanni Bianchini / 1
QB7 .C6 The mariners new kalendar. Containing the principles of arithmetick and geometry; with the extraction of the square and cube root. : Also rules for finding the prime, epact, moons-age, times of high-water; with tables for the same. : Together with exact tables of the suns place, declination, and right ascension ... : Also the description and use of the sea-quadrant, forestaff and nocturnal ... / 1
QB7 .C64 1677 The mariners new kalendar containing the principles of arithmetick and geometry, with the extraction of the square and cube root : also rules for finding the prime, epact, moons-age, time of high-water, with tables for the same : together with exact tables of the suns place, declination, and right ascension ... : also the description and use of the sea-quadrant, forestaff and nocturnal ... / 2
QB7 .C64 1697 The mariners new kalendar. Containing the principles of arithmetick and geometry with the extraction of the square and cube roots. Also rules for finding the prime, epact, moon's age, time of high water, with table for the same. Together with exact tables of the sun's place, declination, and right ascension. Of the right ascension and declination of the principal fixed stars. Of the latitude and longitude of places. A large table of difference of latitude and departure, for the exact working a traverse. Also the description and use of the sea-quadrant, forestaff and nocturnal. The problems of plain-sailing and astronomy, wrought by the logarithms and by Gunter's scale. A rutter for the coasts of England, Scotland, Ireland, France &c. And the soundings coming into the channel. With directions for sailing into some principal harbours / 1
QB7 .C648 1688 The mariners new kalendar. Containing the principles of arithmetick and geometry : with the extraction of the square and cube root : also rules for finding the prime, epact, moon's age, time of high-water, with tables for the same. : Together with exact tables of the sun's place, declination, and right ascension ... : Also the description and use of the sea-quadrant, forestaff and nocturnal ... / 1
QB7 .E6046 An ephemeris of coelestial motions, aspects, eclipses, &c For the year of the Christian æra 1682 ... Calculated for y meridian of Boston in N. England ... / 1
QB7 .F56 1570 The rules and righte ample documentes, touchinge the vse and practise of the common almanackes whiche are named ephemerides a briefe and shorte introduction vpon the judiciall astrologie, for to prognosticate of thinges to come, by the helpe of the said ephemerides : vvith a treatise added herunto, touchinge the coniunction of the planetes, in euery one of the .12. signes, and of their prognostications and reuolutions of yeres / 1
QB7 .G33 1672 Ephemerides of the celestial motions for X years beginning anno 1672 (where the industrious Mr Wings expired) and ending an. 1681 : calculated according to art from new tables, and compared with the most correct observations of the noble Tycho, Kepler, Mr. Wright, and other approved astronomers : accomodated to the meridian of ... London : with an introduction to the use thereof / 2