Call Number (LC) Title Results
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.19 [Resolution to refer President's annual message to Committee on Finance.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.20 [Resolution on repeal of internal-revenue laws.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.21 [Resolutions of Board of Trade of Scranton, Pennsylvania, on World's Exposition.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.22 Annual Report of the Joint Commission for the Completion of the Washington Monument. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.23 Letter of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, communicating, in answer to a resolution of the Senate of December 21, 1887, information in relation to the location of a fish-culture station in the Ozark region of southwestern Missouri. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.24 Report of the Commission for the Construction of the Congressional Library Building in response to resolution of the Senate of January 4, 1888. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.25 [Resolution requesting President to negotiate treaty with Emperor of China excluding Chinese from entering United States.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.26 [Petition of members of Omaha tribe of Indians on citizenship, etc.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.27 [Resolution directing Committee on Judiciary to inquire into suppression of votes of colored citizens of Jackson, Mississippi.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.28 [Petition on patent laws.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.29 [Resolution directing Attorney-General to report on employment of Charles R. Westbrook as assistant district attorney of New York.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.30 [Resolution on Omaha and Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge Company.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.32 [Resolution directing Commissioners of District of Columbia to furnish detailed statement of amount paid by District government to Isaac D. Smead and Co.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.33 [Resolution directing Secretary of Navy to report what plans, designs, drawings, etc., of ships or marine engines have been purchased or procured in foreign countries by or on behalf of Navy Department.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.34 [Resolution directing Secretary of Navy to transmit statement of changes made from original plans of Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, and Dolphin.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.35 [Resolution calling for information concerning contracts made for naval vessels.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.36 [Resolution directing Secretary of Interior to report as to extent of present area and boundaries of Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.37 Letter of the Clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting the findings of fact and conclusions of law of said court in a certain spoliation claim under the act approved January 20, 1885. 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.38 [Resolutions adopted by Wool-Growers' Association of Nevada, Eastern Oregon, and Idaho, protesting against any reduction of duty on wool.] 1
ProQuest Serial Set Number 2516 S.misdoc.39 Memorial of Norvin Green, president of the Western Union Telegraph Company, remonstrating against the passage of the bill for the establishment of a government system of postal telegraph. 1