Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2199 .H47 1510 Here is the boke of mayde Emly[n] that had v. husband[es?] & all cockold[s] she wolde make their berdes whe[n] they wold or no, and gyue them [to we]re a praty hode full of bellys 1
PR2199 .H47 1535 Here begy[n]neth y[e] new notborune mayd vpo[n] y[e] passio[n] of Cryste 1
PR2199 .H535 1520 [Hyckescorner] 1
PR2199 .I83 1630 I tell you John Iarret, you'l breake Iohn Iarrets wiues counsell to her husband .. 1
PR2199 (INTERNET) The Cucking of a scould to the tune of, The merchant of [?]
A Pleasant new court song, betweene a young courtier and a countrey lasse to a new court tune.
The Owles almanacke prognosticating many strange accidents which shall happen to this kingdome of Great Britaine this yeere, 1618 : calculated as well for the meridian mirth of London, as any other part of Great Britaine : found in an Iuy-bush written in old characters /
The life and death of the merry deuill of Edmonton With the pleasant prancks of Smug the smith, Sir Iohn, and mine host of the George, about the stealing of venison /
A myrroure for magistrates Wherein may be seen by example of other, with howe greuous plages vices are punished : and howe frayle and vnstable worldly prosperitie is founde, even of those, whom fortune seemeth most highly to fauour. Anno. 1559.
The ioy of tears, or, Cordials of comfort springing vp in the region of sorrow.
An enterlude of welth, and health ... newly ... imprinted. The names of the players. Welth. Helth, Lybertie.
The Merrie historie, of the thrie friers of Ber[wic]ke
A True relation of the life and death of Sir Andrew Barton, a pirate and rover on the seas to the tune of, Come follow me loue.
Here begynneth a lytle boke named the Schole house of women wherin euery man may rede a goodly prayse of the condicyons of women.
Mount Taraghs triumph, 5 Iuly, 1626 to the tune of the Careere.
Here begynneth a dialogue betwene the comen secretary and Ielowsy touchynge the vnstablenes of harlottes
Pathose, or, An inward passion of the pope for the losse of hys daughter the masse
The plouumans tale compylled by syr Geffrey Chaucher knyght
The massacre of money
No-body, and some-body· with the true chronicle historie of Elydure, who was fortunately three seuerall times crowned King of England : the true coppy thereof, as it hath beene acted by the Queens Maiesties Seruants.
VVine, beere, ale, and tobacco contending for superiority : a dialogue.
The new broome
A new song, called Jacke Doues resolution by which he doth show, that he cares not a rush how ere the world goe. To the tune of, To driue the cold winter away.
A nevv, and merrie prognostication deuised, after the finest fashion /
The arbor of amorous deuises VVherin, young gentlemen may reade many plesant fancies, and fine deuises : and thereon, meditate diuers sweete conceites, to court the loue of faire ladies and gentlewomen /
The prayse of nothing
The armes of the tobachonists
Englands Helicon Casta placent superis, pura cum veste venite, et manibus puris sumite fontis aquam.
A Short answere to the boke called Beware the cat
PR2199 .J353 1615 Iames Franklin, a Kentish man of Maidstone his ovvne arraignment , confession, condemnation, and iudgement of himselfe, whilst hee lay prisoner in the Kings Bench for the poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury. 1
PR2199 .J47 1528 [The Jest of Sir Gawaine] 1
PR2199 .J47 1630 [Jest, o]r, A Pretty iest of a bride and a bridegroome where the bridegroo[m] wa[s] most neately deceiued of his sweet- heart by a seruingman : to the tune of, Better late thriue then neuer. 1
PR2199 .J69 1613 The Ioyfull peace concluded betweene the King of Denmarke and the King of Sweden by the meanes of our most worthy soueraigne, Iames, by the grace of God, King of Great Brittaine, France, and Ireland, &c. to the tune of Who list to lead a soldiers life. 1
PR2199 .K3 The kalendar & compost of shepherds / 1
PR2199 .L3 1959 The lamentation of Troy for the death of Hector : wherevnto is annexed An olde womans tale in hir solitairie cell / 1
PR2199 .L35 1630 The Lamentation of a new married man briefly declaring the sorrow and griefe that comes by marrying a young wanton wife ; to the tune of Where is my true loue. 1
PR2199 .L36 1630 A Lanthorne for Landlords to the tune of The Duke of Norfolke.
The Lamentable ditty of Little Mousgrove, and the Lady Barnet to an excellent tune.
PR2199 .L6 1977 Love-poems and humourous ones : written at the end of a volume of small printed books, A.D. 1614-1619, in the British Museum, labelld "Various poems," and markt [C.39.a. (superscript) (over) 1-5 (subscript)] / 1
PR2199 .L68 1615 A Louers complaint being forsaken of his loue to a pleasant new tune. 1
PR2199 .L68 1627 A Louers lamentation to his faire Phillida 1
PR2199 .L68 1631 Loue without lucke, or, The maidens misfortune to the tune of The new celebrand. 1
PR2199 .L68 1633 The Two kinde louers, or, The Maydens resolution and will, to be like her true louer still to a dainty new tune. 1
PR2199 .M32 1625 A Mad crue, or, That shall be tryde to the tune of, Pudding-pye doll. 1
PR2199 .M37 1620 Maister Basse his careere, or, The New hunting of the hare, to a new court tune. The Faulconers hunting, to the tune of Basse his careere 1