Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL57-236-1 Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. 1
PL57-237-1 Tobacco Packing Requirements Amendment 1
PL57-239-1 Washington Monument Association Souvenir Medals. 1
PL57-240-1 Certain Lands Near Denver, Colorado, to South Platte Canal and Reservoir Co. Land Conveyance Act. 1
PL57-242-1 Suppression of Train Robberies Act. 1
PL57-244 Regulation of the sale of viruses, and other products for prevention of disease, in D.C. 1
PL57-244-1 Viruses, Serums, and Toxins Regulation Act, 1902 1
PL57-246-1 Unsold Portion of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Sale. 1
PL57-249-1 Public Lands and Buildings in Porto Rico Disposition. 1
PL57-250-1 Transfer of Ohio National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers to the State. 1
PL57-251 Locks and Dams Across Pond River in Kentucky 1
PL58-1-1 Cuban Reciprocity Act of 1903. 1
PL58-1-2 Cuban Reciprocity Act of 1903 1
PL58-2-2 Louisiana Purchase Exposition Exhibitors Protection Act. 1
PL58-3-2 Yakama Indian Reservation Land Sale 1
PL58-4-3 American National Red Cross Act. 1
PL58-5-1 Bridge Across Mississippi River Near Grays Point, Missouri Amendment 1
PL58-5-2 Urgent Deficiency Appropriations, FY 1905. 1
PL58-5-3 Urgent Deficiency Appropriations, FY 1905. 1
PL58-6-1 Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa, Arizona, Bonds Issued for Freighting and Wagon Road. 1