Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.43:L 37 STS-8 night launch. 1
NAS 1.43:L 37/2 Major NASA launches : eastern test range (ETR) and western test range (WTR) : October 1, 1958 - December 31, 1984. 1
NAS 1.43:L 51 Mark C. Lee. 1
NAS 1.43:L 62/3 Spacelab life sciences 1 the first space shuttle mission dedicated to life sciences research. 1
NAS 1.43:M 12 McCandless flies first "solo" in space. 1
NAS 1.43:M 13/2 McCandless flies first "solo" in space. 1
NAS 1.43:M 27 Magellan mission, magellan, P-32876. 1
NAS 1.43:M 27/2 Magellan mission, Magellan, P-33264bc. 1
NAS 1.43:M 27/3 Magellan mission, Magellan, P-25316ac. 1
NAS 1.43:M 27/4 Magellan mission, Magellan, P-31315. 1
NAS 1.43:M 27/5 The Magellan mission Venus by Magellan, P-38218. 1
NAS 1.43:M 35 [Color picture of Mars, July 21, 1976] 1
NAS 1.43:M 35/2 To Mars via Antarctica 1
NAS 1.43:M 35/5 Mars Pathfinder roving on the Red Planet. 1
NAS 1.43:M 35/6 Mars Exploration Rovers, 2003. 1
NAS 1.43:M 56 Metric is a perfect metric transition, a federal government initiative. 1
NAS 1.43:M 58 Passive microwave remote sensing of snow 1
NAS 1.43:M 69 Mission 51-A payload bay, history's first space salvage mission. 1
NAS 1.43:N 61 Nimbus-7 TOMS images 1
NAS 1.43:Oc 2/2/struct Oceanography from space sea surface structure / 1