Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.26:180241 Shuttle imaging radar-C science plan 3
NAS 1.26:180242 Stereo depth distortions in teleoperation 1
NAS 1.26:180244 Precipitation factors leading to arc cloud formation final report, October 1985 - April 1987 /
Precipitation factors leading to arc cloud formation final report, October 1985-April 1987 /
NAS 1.26:180245 Hydrogen emission from Jupiter: Hydrogen emission from sunlit atmosphere of Saturn semi-annual status report, NASA Grant NAG-5-560 /
Hydrogen emission from Jupiter hydrogen emission from sunlit atmosphere of Saturn : semi-annual status report /
NAS 1.26:180246 Neural mechanisms by which gravitational stimuli and stress affect the secretion of renin and other hormones final technical report on NASA Grant NAGW-490 /
Neural mechanisms by which gravitational stimuli and stress affect the secretion of renin and other hormones final technical report /
NAS 1.26:180247 Wilson cycle studies NASA grant NAG5-585 : semi-annual report, January 15, 1986 to July 15, 1986 / 3
NAS 1.26:180248 Spectroradiometric calibration of the thematic mapper and multispectral scanner system 1
NAS 1.26:180249 The behavior of water on Mars NAGW-552, progress report /
The behavior of water on Mars progress report /
NAS 1.26:180250 Fiducial reference for the HIPPARCOS reference system final report for the period 1 February 1984 to 31 January 1987 / 1
NAS 1.26:180251 Spherical harmonic expansions of the Earth's gravitational potential to degree 360 using 30' mean anomalies Reports of the Department of Geodetic Science and Surveying report no. 376 /
Spherical harmonic expansions of the earth's gravitational potential to degree 360 using 30' mean anomalies
NAS 1.26:180252 Thematic mapper studies of central Andean volcanoes progress report, January 1987 /
Thematic mapper studies of central Andean volcanoes progress report /
NAS 1.26:180253 Boundary conditions for the paleoenvironment chemical and physical processes in the pre-solar nebula : semi-annual status report no. 8, August 16, 1986 - February 15, 1987 / 3
NAS 1.26:180254 Monodeuterated methane in the outer solar system.
Monodeurated methane in the outer solar system
NAS 1.26:180255 Semi-annual status report on research grant no. NAGW-581 Vortex boundary-layer interactions, period 1 September 1986 - 28 February 1987 /
Vortex/boundary-layer interaction semi-annual status report on research grant no. NAGW-581 /
NAS 1.26:180256 Photochemical production of H₂SO₄ aerosols on Venus final technical report / 2
NAS 1.26:180257 Thiol biochemistry of prokaryotes final technical report / 2
NAS 1.26:180258 Pilot interaction with automated airborne decision making systems semiannual progress reports, March 1986 - August 1986, September 1986 - February 1987 / 2
NAS 1.26:180259 Application of satellite data in variational analysis for global cyclonic systems status report / 2
NAS 1.26:180261 Determine precipitation rates from visible and infrared satellite images of clouds by pattern recognition techniques a progress report to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration / 2
NAS 1.26:180262 Feasibility analysis of reciprocating magnetic heat pumps semiannual status report for the period 7/3/85 to 1/2/86 / 2