Call Number (LC) Title Results
NAS 1.15:106239 Distributed simulation using a real-time shared memory network 1
NAS 1.15:106240 3-D viscous flow CFD analysis of the propeller effect on an advanced ducted propeller subsonic inlet 1
NAS 1.15:106241 Combinatorial pulse position modulation for power-efficient free-space laser communications 1
NAS 1.15:106243 Benefits of in situ propellant utilization for a Mars sample return mission 1
NAS 1.15:106244 Performance of a low-power subsonic-arc-attachment arcjet thruster 1
NAS 1.15:106245 Enhanced mixing of a rectangular supersonic jet by natural and induced screech 1
NAS 1.15:106246 Low temperature synthesis of monolithic transparent Ta2O5 gels from hydrolysis of metal alkoxide 1
NAS 1.15:106247 NASA Lewis 9-by 15-foot low-speed wind tunnel user manual 1
NAS 1.15:106248 Numerical simulations of three-dimensional laminar flow over a backward facing step; flow near side walls 1
NAS 1.15:106249 A rapid-distortion-theory turbulence model for developed unsteady wall-bounded flow 1
NAS 1.15:106250 A comparative study of full Navier-Stokes and reduced Navier-Stokes analyses for separating flows within a diffusing inlet s-duct 1
NAS 1.15:106251 Minimize system cost by choosing optimal subsystem reliability and redundancy 1
NAS 1.15:106252 Non-contact heat flux measurement using a transparent sensor 1
NAS 1.15:106253 Efficient fault diagnosis of helicopter gearboxes 1
NAS 1.15:106254 Lubrication of an 85-mm ball bearing with RP-1 1
NAS 1.15:106255 Lattice-mismatched In₀(point)₄₀Al₀(point)₆₀As window layers for indium phosphide solar cells 1
NAS 1.15:106256 Stress-rupture behavior of small diameter polycrystalline alumina fibers 1
NAS 1.15:106257 Tribological characteristics of perfluoropolyether liquid lubricants under sliding conditions in high vacuum 1
NAS 1.15:106258 Desktop chaotic systems intuition and visualization / 1
NAS 1.15:106259 Synthesis and thermal evolution of structure in alkoxide-derived niobium pentoxide gels 1