Call Number (LC) Title Results
NA 2.3:4/5 Certain problems in acoustics
Certain problems in acoustics.
NA 2.3:4/6 Electrodynamics of moving media; report of National Research Council Committee on Electrodynamics of Moving Media
Electrodynamics of moving media; report of National Research Council Committee on Electrodynamics of Moving Media.
NA 2.3:4/7 Celestial mechanics, survey of status of determination of general perturbations of minor planets; appendix to Report of Committee on Celestial Mechanics, National Research Council
Celestial mechanics, survey of status of determination of general perturbations of minor planets; appendix to Report of Committee on Celestial Mechanics, National Research Council.
NA2.3-4.D North American forest research; investigative projects in forestry and allied subjects conducted by National, State, and Provincial Governments, schools of forestry, scientific schools, and private interests in Canada, Newfoundland, and U.S. for 1919-1920 1
NA2.3-5 Quantum theory. 1
NA 2.3:5/1 Co-operation with Federal Government in scientific work
Co-operation with Federal Government in scientific work.
NA 2.3:5/2 Present status of visual science
Present status of visual science.
NA 2.3:5/3 Algebraic numbers
Algebraic numbers.
NA 2.3:5/4 Status of scientific research in Illinois by State agencies other than University of Illinois
Status of scientific research in Illinois by State agencies other than University of Illinois.
NA 2.3:5/5 Selected topics in field of luminescence; report of National Research Council Committee on Luminescence
Selected topics in field of luminescence; report of National Research Council Committee on Luminescence.
NA 2.3:5/6 Organization and activities of Committee on Scientific Research of State Council of Defense of California
Organization and activities of Committee on Scientific Research of State Council of Defense of California.
NA2.3-5.D Quantum theory 1
NA2.3-6 Data relating to x-ray spectra, with brief statement of their bearing on theories of structure of atoms and mechanism of radiation. 1
NA 2.3:6/1 Proceedings of 2nd annual meeting of Advisory Board on Highway Research, Division of Engineering, National Research Council
Proceedings of 2nd annual meeting of Advisory Board on Highway Research, Division of Engineering, National Research Council.
NA 2.3:6/2 On formulation of methods of experimentation in animal production; report of Subcommittee on Animal Nutrition
On formulation of methods of experimentation in animal production; report of Subcommittee on Animal Nutrition.
NA 2.3:6/3 Causes of geographical variations in influenza epidemic of 1918 in cities of U.S.; report of Committee on Atmosphere and Man, of National Research Council
Causes of geographical variations in influenza epidemic of 1918 in cities of U.S.; report of Committee on Atmosphere and Man, of National Research Council.
NA 2.3:6/4 Apparatus used in highway research products in U.S.; results of census by Advisory Board on Highway Research, Division of Engineering, National Research Council, in cooperation with Bureau of Public Roads, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Apparatus used in highway research products in U.S.; results of census by Advisory Board on Highway Research, Division of Engineering, National Research Council, in cooperation with Bureau of Public Roads, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
NA 2.3:6/5 Catalogue of published bibliographies in geology, 1896-1920
Catalogue of published bibliographies in geology, 1896-1920.
NA2.3-6.D Data relating to x-ray spectra, with brief statement of their bearing on theories of structure of atoms and mechanism of radiation 1
NA2.3-7 Intensity of emission of x-rays and their reflection from crystals. 1