Call Number (LC) Title Results
N2 .R45 no. 45 Ce que l'art fait à la philosophie : le cas Deleuze / 1
N2 .R48 La Révolution surréaliste. 1
N2 .R49 Revue de l'art. 1
N2 .S6 Congrès archéologique de France : [proceedings] 1
N2 .S96 Le Surréalisme au service de la révolution. 1
N2 .V53 Vie des arts. 1
N 2.10:1 Instructions for training of great-gun crews and small-arms marksmen
Instructions for training of great-gun crews and small-arms marksmen.
N 2.10:2 How to stand watch; manual for officer of deck
How to stand watch; manual for officer of deck.
N 2.10:3 Method of conducting target practice
Method of conducting target practice.
N 2.10:4 Tactical signal book for use by naval militia
Tactical signal book for use by naval militia.
N 2.10:5 Uniform regulations
Uniform regulations.
N 2.10:6 Naval militia distinguishing flag and pennant
Naval militia distinguishing flag and pennant.
N 2.10:7 Naval militia accounting instructions, with special reference to ships, equipments, and stores, to take effect Jan. 1, 1911
Naval militia accounting instructions, with special reference to ships, equipments, and stores, to take effect Jan. 1, 1911.
N 2.2:[As 4] Instructions and routine for U.S. vessels-of-war, on Asiatic station 2
N 2.2:D 62/1 Naval militia directory 2
N 2.2:D 62/2 Naval militia directory 1
N 2.2:[Eu 7] Squadron regulations and routine for U.S. vessels-of-war on European station 2
N 2.2:G 93/1 Customs tariff and regulations for island of Guam 2
N 2.2:G 93/2 Errata 1
N 2.2:G 93/3 Guam: Memoranda furnished by Navy Department during 2nd session of 57th Congress for use of Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico, U.S. Senate
Guam Memoranda furnished by Navy Department during 2nd session of 57th Congress for use of Committee on Pacific Islands and Porto Rico, U.S. Senate.