Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfilm 192 [Franco-German literary relations 1
Microfilm 193 Des rapports intellectuels et littéraires de la France avec l'Allemagne avant 1789 discours prononcé ̀à la rentrée des facultés de l'Académie d'Aix le 10 Décembre 1883 / 1
Microfilm 194 British and continental rhetoric and elocution 1
Microfilm 196 The silver and gold. 1
Microfilm 197 Colorado daily 1
Microfilm 198 Revue historique du sud-est européen 1
Microfilm 199 The Boulder tribune. 1
Microfilm 200 The daily courant 1
Microfilm 201 Boston evening post 1
Microfilm 223 A reconsideration of the personal selling function in retail establishments 1
Microfilm 226 Checklist of microfilm reproductions of selected archives of the Japanese Army, Navy, and other government agencies 1868-1945 / 1
Microfilm 227 El cuento y la novela corta en México en algunos escritores del siglo XIX 1
Microfilm 229 A study of role and authority patterns and expectations in a group of urban middle-class two-income families 1
Microfilm 234 Symbolae sinicae Botanische Ergebnisse der Expedition der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wein nach Südwest-China 1914/1918 / 1
Microfilm 235 Elastic stimulants, institutional depressants and economic balance : a new approach to the problem of economic instability and depressions. 1
Microfilm 236 A summary and interpretation of some recent viewpoints on industrial organization and market behavior. 1
Microfilm 237 Distribution cost accounting 1
Microfilm 238 The Impact of Marketing Research Upon Manufacturers' Consumer Goods Advertising; A Survey of Selected Manufacturers, Marketing Research Agencies, Advertising Agencies and Media Firms, by J. Richard Stevens 1
Microfilm 239 Investment decisions in an industry of rapid growth a study of capital expenditures in the electric utilities. 1
Microfilm 240 The estimation of monthly labor force, employment, and unemployment data for states 1