Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 44513, Box 158 Bickerstaff's New-England almanack, for the year of our Lord 1785 ... Calculated for the horizon and meridian of Hartford, lat. 41 deg. 56 min. north: long. 72 deg. 54 min. west: and will serve for any of the adjacent states without any essential variation. 1
Microfiche 1227 44514, Box 158 Notification. The freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Boston ... are hereby notified to meet at Faneuil-Hall, on Wednesday 26th of Octob. inst ... to consider ... whether this town shall be incorporated with city privileges ... By order of the selectmen, William Cooper, town-clerk. Boston, Octob. 22, 1785. 1
Microfiche 1227 44516, Box 158 The profession and practice of Christians held up to view by way of contrast to each other appearing in the neglect of executing the laws of Christ in his house; and that this neglect is pregnant with every evil that threatens ruin to the churches. / 1
Microfiche 1227 44517, Box 158 Armine and Elvira A legendary tale. 1
Microfiche 1227 44518, Box 158 The minister preaching his own funeral sermon Being a warning from heaven to all vile sinners on earth: with a particular relation of many wonderful things seen by the Rev. Thomas Chamberlain, in a vision, just before his decease, the precise time of which was shewn unto him. : To which is added, the death-bed discourse, of Phinehas Burnham, of East-Hartford, (in Connecticut,) who died December 27th, 1776. In the 24th year of his age. 1
Microfiche 1227 44520, Box 158 At a General Assembly of the state of Connecticut, holden at New-Haven, on the second Thursday of October, A.D. 1784 The gentlemen nominated by the votes of the freemen of this state, to stand for election in May next, delegates in the Congress of the United States of America, as sent in to the present assembly, are as follow, viz. Hon. Stephen Mix Mitchel. 1
Microfiche 1227 44521, Box 158 At a General Assembly of the governor and company of the state of Connecticut, holden at New-Haven, (by adjournment) on the eighth day of January, Anno Dom. 1784 The gentlemen nominated by the votes of the freemen of this state, (assistants) to stand for election in May next, as sent in to this present assembly, are as follow, viz. Hon. Jabez Hamlin, Esq. 1
Microfiche 1227 44522, Box 158 Duties in the port of Philadelphia 1
Microfiche 1227 44523, Box 158 Charleston, South-Carolina, January 1, 1784 We take the liberty to advise you and our friends in general of our establishment in this city in the mercantile line. Our house is formed by a connection of the houses of William Shattuck, of Boston, and William Crafts, of this place, firm of which you have at foot. 1
Microfiche 1227 44524, Box 158 Fragment of an original letter on the slavery of the Negroes, written in the year 1776 1
Microfiche 1227 44525, Box 158 Effusions of female fancy 1
Microfiche 1227 44526, Box 158 The life of faith, exemplified and recommended in a letter found in the study of the Rev. Mr. Joseph Belcher, late of Dedham in New England, since his decease. : Being an answer to this question, How to live in this world, so as to live in heaven? : To which are added, a few verses by the Rev. Mr. Killinghall upon reading of it. : Together with an answer to the question, What is a Christian? 1
Microfiche 1227 44527, Box 158 An astronomical diary or almanack, for the year of our Lord, Christ, 1785 ... Calculated for the meridian of Bennington, latitude 43 degrees 4 minutes, north. And from the Royal Observatory, west longitude, 72 degrees 48 minutes. / 1
Microfiche 1227 44528, Box 158 Facts and observations, justifying the claims of the Prince of Luxembourg, against the state of South Carolina, and against Alexander Gillon, Esq. late commodore of the navy of the said state 1
Microfiche 1227 44529, Box 158 The universal spelling-book; or, A new and easy guide to the English language Containing, I. Tables of words in one, two, three, and four syllables; with natural and easy lessons in each, adapted to the capacity of children, from three years old and upwards, ... II. A very easy and approved guide to English grammar, by way of question and answer ... III. A collection of near 5000 of the most useful words of two, three, and four syllables, viz. noun substantives, adjectives and verbs (placed alphabetically under their respective heads) which are accented and explained ... IV. Many useful things necessary to help the young beginner, and inform the more grown-up youth, with a variety of alphabetical copies, and writing-pieces, both in prose and verse. V. The most remarkable occurrences in sacred and prophane history; with some short remarks upon the seven stages of life, which are not only improving to the mind and morals, but may be of great service, to prevent youth from falling a sacrifice to the common temptations of life, and their own unguarded passions. / 1
Microfiche 1227 44530, Box 158 Sandwich, Sir, My son and I have lately settled in the business of printing, with Messieurs Norman & White they propose to carry on this useful branch of business largely, with accuracy, care, and dispatch, on the most reasonable terms. Among other businesses, they will continue the publication of the Boston magazine, already begun. 1
Microfiche 1227 44531, Box 158 The epistle from the Yearly-Meeting held in London by adjournments, from the 31st day of the fifth month 1784, to the 5th day of the sixth month inclusive. To the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. 1
Microfiche 1227 44532, Box 158 The following petition was presented to the Parliament of Great-Britain, by a deputation from the Yearly-Meeting of our brethren in that nation, held in London in the 6th month, 1783; and the representation hereto subjoined, has since been delivered to the King and his ministers, the members of Parliament, and others in authority there 1
Microfiche 1227 44533, Box 158 On the 3d of the second month, 1784, a number of the people called Quakers, resident in Philadelphia, attended the General Assembly and presented the following, signed by many members of that society To the General Assembly of Pennsylvania. The representation of a number of the citizens of Philadelphia, members of the religious society of the people called Quakers. 1
Microfiche 1227 44534, Box 158 The life, last words, and dying speech of Cassumo Garcelli who was this day (Thursday, January 15, 1784,) executed, for the willful, cruel and inhuman murder of Mr. John Johnson on the evening of the sixth November, 1783 ... Boston, January 15, 1784. 1