Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 44199, Box 158 Addresses to young men 1
Microfiche 1227 44200, Box 158 The Friendly instructor: or, A companion for young ladies and young gentlemen In which their duty to God, and their parents, their carriage to superiors and inferiors, and several other very useful and instructive lessons are recommended, in plain and familiar dialogues. : With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. Dr. Doddridge. 1
Microfiche 1227 44201, Box 158 To the General Assembly of Pennsylvania. An address and memorial on behalf of the people called Quakers 1
Microfiche 1227 44202, Box 158 Eine Acte, zur Incorporirung der zur Unterstützung nothleidender Deutschen beysteurenden Deutschen Gesellschaft in Pennsylvanien 1
Microfiche 1227 44203, Box 158 By Samuel Birch, Esq; brigadier general and commandant of New-York, &c Whereas the safety of the city and the general security of the inhabitants, is highly interested in maintaining a strict and regular city watch, the following rules, for its better rgulation, are hereby ordered to be strictly observed. 1
Microfiche 1227 44204, Box 158 New-York, August 6, 1782 Copy of a letter from Sir Guy Carleton, and Rear Admiral Digby, to Gen. Washington, written in consequence of directions from England, and published at the request of the inhabitants of New-York. 1
Microfiche 1227 44206, Box 158 The Heidelbergh catechism, or method of instruction in the Christian religion as the same is taught in the Reformed Churches and schools in Holland. / 1
Microfiche 1227 44208, Box 158 A poem, on the unsuccessful measures, taken ay [sic] the British Army; in order to enslave and destroy the United States in North-America from the beginning of the war, 1775, to the taking of General Burgoyne, and the the [sic] army under his command, at Syratoga, 1777. 1
Microfiche 1227 44209, Box 158 From a regard to the honor and glory of God, and good of the souls of my fellow-creatures; and an abhorrence of the hateful sin of pride, so much prevailing in our land: together with the desire of a number of Christian friends; I have seen fit to publish the following poem, on the absurdity and sinfulness of wearing high rolls 1
Microfiche 1227 44211, Box 158 Der kleine Catechismus des sel. D. Martin Luthers nebst den gewöhnlichen Morgen- Tisch und Abend-Gëbtern. Wobey die Ordnung des Heils, in einem Liede, in kurzen Sätzen, in Frage und Antwort, und in einer Tabelle, wie auch der Inhalt der heiligen Schrift in Versen, hizugefüget. : Zum Gebrauch der Jugend. : Nebst einem Anhang der sieben Buss-Psalmen einem geistlichen Lied und das Einmal Eins. 1
Microfiche 1227 44212, Box 158 House of Delegates. Friday, January 11, 1781 General Cadwalader having made the following motion. 1
Microfiche 1227 44213, Box 158 An act for founding a college at Chester, (in Maryland.) 1
Microfiche 1227 44214, Box 158 Office for Confiscated Estates, Annapolis, January 26, 1782 Pursuant to an act of the last General Assembly, will be sold at public auction, the following property, on the days, at the places, and upon the terms, hereafter mentioned, viz. 1
Microfiche 1227 44215, Box 158 (Circular letter.) Friends and fellow citizens Being appointed by the legislature of this commonwealth, to make application to you for relief under the present most pressing exigencies of government. 1
Microfiche 1227 44216, Box 158 By His Excellency John Hancock, Esq; ... A brief Whereas the hostile forces of Great-Britain ... early in this contest ... exerted their powers in the destruction of the town of Charlestown ... Given at the Council-chamber in Boston, the twelfth day of November ... one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two. 1
Microfiche 1227 44217, Box 158 Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two An act for apportioning and assessing a tax of two hundred thousand pounds. 1
Microfiche 1227 44218, Box 158 In the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two An act to repeal a certain clause in an act ... entitled, An act for apportioning an assessing a tax of two hundred thousand pounds, and for certain purposes hereafter mentioned. 1
Microfiche 1227 44219, Box 158 Commonwealth of Massachusetts In the House of Representatives, March 1, 1782. : Whereas it appears that the number of four thousand two hundred and forty men apportioned on the several towns and plantations within this Commonwealth in December, 1780, was not sufficient to compleat the quota of the Massachusetts line ... therefore resolved, that there be immediately raised within this Commonwealth, fifteen hundred men to serve three years, or during the present war, and the several towns and plantations within this Commonwealth, are hereby directed to raise the number of men respectively affixed to them in the following schedule. 1
Microfiche 1227 44220, Box 158 Boston, October 3, 1782. The alarm & train-band muster Sir, You are hereby legally notified to appear at the parade (appointed at the Rev. Mr. Eliot's meeting) on Monday the 7th instant, at 9 o'clock A.M. ... compleat in arms and accoutrements according to law--whereof fail not. 1
Microfiche 1227 44221, Box 158 Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Honorable Henry Gardner, Esq; treasurer and receiver-general of said commonwealth To the sheriff of the county of [blank] his under-sheriff or deputy, Greeting &c. By a resolve ... These are in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to will and require you, to levy by distress and sale of the estate, real and personal ... Given under my hand and seal, at Boston, this [illegible] day of January, 1782. 1