Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 41995, Box 155 Printing-office, in Hanover-Square, January 1, 1769 The printer's lads who carry about the New-York gazette, or The weekly Mercury, to the kind and generous customers thereof, (after giving them the compliments of the season,) beg leave to present the following verses. 1
Microfiche 1227 41996, Box 155 The Prodigal daughter: or A strange and wonderful relation shewing how a gentleman of a vast estate in Bristol had a proud and disobedient daughter, who because her parents would not support her in all her extravagance, bargained with the Devil to poison them.--How an angel informed her parents of their daughter's design.--How she lay in a trance four days, and when she was put into the grave, she came to life again, and related the wonderful things she saw in the other world. Likewise the substance of a sermon preached on this occasion by the Rev. Mr. Williams, from Luke XV. 24. 1
Microfiche 1227 41997, Box 155 Scheme of a lottery, consisting of three classes 1
Microfiche 1227 41998, Box 155 American liberty Honourable Joseph Wanton, Esq; governor. Honourable Darius Sessions, Esq; dep. governor. 1
Microfiche 1227 42002, Box 155 Salem, Wednesday, January 18, 1769 Boston, January 17. Capt. Scott ... arrived here last evening in 40 days from the Land's-End; having the addresses to his majesty, which are as follow. 1
Microfiche 1227 42003, Box 155 Sechs neue politische Lieder das erste: Trau, schau, wem du thust vertrauen &c. Das zweyte: Ach wo soll ich mich hin wenden, das dritte: Es war ein jünger Knab, das vierte: Ach Gott, wem soll ichs klagen, das fünfte; So gehts jetzt in der Welt, das sechste: Es sterben zwey Brüder in einem Tag. 1
Microfiche 1227 42004, Box 155 Charles-Town, March 18, 1769. To be sold, on Wednesday the 29th instant a cargo of two hundred and ninety-six slaves ... Just arrived in the ship Sally, Capt. George Evans, from Cape Mount. 1
Microfiche 1227 42005, Box 155 South-Carolina. By His Excellency the Right Honourable Lord Charles-Greville Montagu ... A proclamation Whereas the present General Assembly of this province, stood prorogued to Thursday the fifteenth day of June ... the same is hereby accordingly prorogued to Monday the said 26th day of June ... Given under my hand ... at Charlestown, this 16th day of June, Anno Dom. 1769. 1
Microfiche 1227 42006, Box 155 Acts of the General Assembly of South-Carolina, passed in the year 1769 1
Microfiche 1227 42007, Box 155 The Spelling-book, and child's plaything Calculated for the instruction and amusement of children. 1
Microfiche 1227 42008, Box 155 Mr. Lawrence Sweeny, Esq; vehicle general of news, and grand spouter of politics to his humble petitioners, this New-Year's morning, one o'clock, P.M. 1769. Sheweth. 1
Microfiche 1227 42009, Box 155 Verbum sempiternum 1
Microfiche 1227 42010, Box 155 To all his kind customers, the boy who carries the Evening-post, wishes a happy New-Year. 1769 1
Microfiche 1227 42012, Box 155 To the Honourable the commissioners "appointed by His Most Gracious Majesty, for ascertaining, settling, adjusting, and determining, the boundary, or partition line, between the colonies of New York, and Nova Caesarea or New Jersey." 1
Microfiche 1227 42013, Box 155 The Tom-cod catcher On the departure of an infamous b-r---t [i.e., baronet] 1
Microfiche 1227 42014, Box 155 To the impartial publick Although private disputes afford but little entertainment ... being under the necessity to vindicate myself, I shall ... set forth here the claim, on which I was so unjustly and publickly affronted with a single writ, in Boston, on the 24th ultimo, by ... executors of the last will and testament of Samuel Hughes, deceased. 1
Microfiche 1227 42015, Box The Unfortunate lovers a short, beautiful poem: being an epistle from Harriot to Caroline; well worth the persual of all parents and young ladies of every degree and station. 1
Microfiche 1227 42017, Box 155 A Verse, occasioned by seeing the North-spinning, in Boton [sic] 1
Microfiche 1227 42018, Box 155 To His Excellency the Right Honourable Norborne Baron de Botetourt, His Majesty's lieutenant and governor general of the colony and dominion of Virginia, and vice admiral of the some, the humble address of the House of Burgesses 1
Microfiche 1227 42019, Box 155 Virginia sc. By His Excellency the Right Honourable Norborne Baron de Botetourt, His Majesty's lieutenant and governor general of the said colony and dominion, and vice admiral of the same. A proclamation Whereas I have received information upon oath, that several Indians of the Six Nations, have been murdered within the limits of this government ... Given under my hand at Williamsburg, this 19th day of October, 1769, and in the ninth year of His Majesty's reign. Botetourt. 1