Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 30385, Box 111 Several methods by which meridional lines may be found with ease and accuracy recommended to the attention of the surveyors in the United States. / 1
Microfiche 1227 30386, Box 111 A sermon, occasioned by the death of Mr. Sylvanus Graves, 2d son of Col Sylvanus Graves, of Killingworth, who died suddenly at Suffield, October, 22, 1796, in the 25th year of his age. / 1
Microfiche 1227 30388, Box 111 A discourse, delivered August 10, 1795 At the funeral of the Reverend Elisha Fish, A.M. Pastor of the church in Upton, who departed this life, August 6, 1795. In the LXXVIth year of his age, and the XLIVth of his ministry. / 1
Microfiche 1227 30389, Box 111 A Masonic address, delivered in the lodge-room at Ballston, on the twenty-seventh of December, 1795 in the presence of the brethren of Franklin Lodge, No. 37. / 1
Microfiche 1227 30391, Box 111 The Entertaining adventures of Lord Horn, and Sir Henry Way, in Italy With a description of the carnival in Venice. : Also, the duels they fought; the dangers they escaped; and their safe arrival in England. : Likewise, the curious manner two Italian ladies contrive to follow them. 1
Microfiche 1227 30392, Box 111 Epistles domestic, confidential, and official, from General Washington written about the commencement of the American contest, when he entered on the command of the Army of the United States. : With an interesting series of his letters, particularly to the British admirals, Arbuthnot and Digby, to Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, Lord Cornwallis, Sir Guy Carleton, Marquis de la Fayette, &c. &c. To Benjamin Harrison, Esq. Speaker of the House of Delegates in Virginia, to Admiral the Count de Grasse, General Sullivan, respecting an attack of New-York; including many applications and addresses presented to him with his answers: orders and instructions, on important occasions, to his aids de camp, &c. &c. &c. : None of which have been printed in the two volumes published a few months ago. 1
Microfiche 1227 30393, Box 111 The book of knowledge treating of the wisdom of the ancients. : In four parts. I. Shewing the various and wonderful operation of the signs and planets, and other celestial constellations, on the bodies of men, &c. II. Prognostications for ever necessary to keep the body in health; with several choice receipts in physic and surgery. III. An abstract of the art of physiognomy and palmistry, together with the signification of moles and the interpretation of dreams, &c. IV. The farmer's calendar, containing, 1st. Perpetual prognostications for weather. 2d. The whole mystery of husbandry. 3d. The complete and experienced farrier and cowleech., &c. / 1
Microfiche 1227 30396, Box 111 Evening amusement containing fifty air's, song's, duett's, dances, hornpipe's, reel's, marches, minuett's, &c, &c, for 1, and 2 German flutes or violins. : Price 75 cents. 1
Microfiche 1227 30397, Box 111 Evening amusements for the ladies; or, Original anecdotes, intended to promote a love of virtue in young minds A series of letters. : [Three lines of quotation] 1
Microfiche 1227 30399, Box 111 The shipwreck a poem. / 1
Microfiche 1227 30400, Box 111 Farmers' almanack, for the year of our Lord 1797 ... Adapted to the District of Maine. Calculated for the meridian of Portland, lat. 43 deg. 43 min. north. But will answer for any of the northern states. ; [Five lines from Thompson] 1
Microfiche 1227 30409, Box 111 The carrier of the Federal orrery. Prsnts [sic] his kind custom-ers the following custom-ary ode, on custom 1
Microfiche 1227 30411, Box 111 Fellow citizens! The first concern of freemen, calls you forth into action.--Pennsylvania was never yet found wanting when liberty was at stake. 1
Microfiche 1227 30412, Box 111 Fellows's circulating-library, New-York, Wall-Street, no. 60. Terms 1
Microfiche 1227 30413, Box 111 The Female character vindicated: or, An answer to the scurrilous invectives of fashionable gentlemen [Four lines of verse] 1
Microfiche 1227 30419, Box 111 History of the insurrection in the four western counties of Pennsylvania: in the year M.DCC.XCIV With a recital of the circumstances specially connected therewith: and an historical review of the previous situation of the country. / 1
Microfiche 1227 30421, Box 111 An inquiry relative to the extent of Christ's purchase in which it is proven that he died and intercedes for the elect only. : With answers to the principal objections brought against the doctrine. / 1
Microfiche 1227 30422, Box 111 An humble address, to every Christian of every nation and denomination of people under heaven Shewing an effectual means to prevent wars among all nations of the earth, and to maintain an everlasting union, in families, societies, churches, towns, states, and in all the kingdoms of this lower world. : [Two lines from Matthew] 1
Microfiche 1227 30423, Box 111 A reply to the false reasoning in the "Age of reason." To which are added, some thoughts on idolatry; on the devil; and the origin of moral evil; on educating young men for the Gospel ministry; and on what is "the word of God." All which refer, more or less, to opinions advanced in Thomas Paine's "Investigation of true and fabulous theology." / 1
Microfiche 1227 30424, Box 111 A sermon: delivered at Salem, January 14, 1796 occasioned by the execution of Henry Blackburn, on that day, for the murder of George Wilkinson. / 1