Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 11599, Box 36 Trust in God, the duty of a people in a day of trouble A sermon preached, May 30th. 1770. At the request of a great number of gentlemen, friends to the liberties of North-America, who were desirous, notwithstanding the removal of the Massachusetts General-Court (unconstitutionally as they judged) to Cambridge, that God might be acknowledged in that house of worship at Boston, in which our tribes, from the days of our fathers, have annually sought to him for direction, previous to the choice of His Majesty's Council. / 1
Microfiche 1227 11600, Box 36 An elegy to the memory of that pious and eminent servant of Jesus Christ, the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield who departed this life the 30th of Septemper [sic], 1770. Aetatis suae 56. : [Two lines from Pliny] 1
Microfiche 1227 11601, Box 37 The use and excellency of vocal music, in public worship A sermon preached at an occasional lecture, in Lexington. Appointed to promote and encourage the divine use of vocal music, more especially in public worship, on Wednesday April 25. 1770. / 1
Microfiche 1227 11602, Box 37 The last speech and dying words of John Clarkewight who was executed at Poughkeepsie, on Friday the 20th of July instant, for horse stealing. 1
Microfiche 1227 11603, Box 37 The American traveller containing observations on the present state, culture and commerce of the British colonies in America, and the further improvements of which they are capable; with an account of the exports, imports and returns of each colony respectively,--and of the numbers of British ships and seamen, merchants, traders and manufacturers employed by all collectively: together with the amount of the revenue arising to Great-Britain therefrom. : In a series of letters, written originally to the Right Honourable the Earl of ******** / 1
Microfiche 1227 11604, Box 37 Acts and laws, passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's English colony of Connecticut, in New-England, in America holden at Hartford, in said colony, on the second Thursday of May, in the tenth year of the reign of His Majesty George the Third, King of Great-Britain, &c. Annoq. Dom. 1770. 1
Microfiche 1227 11605, Box 37 Acts and laws, made and passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's English colony of Connecticut, in New-England, in America holden at New-Haven, in said colony, on the second Thursday of October, in the tenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, King of Great-Brtiain, &c. Annoque Domini, 1770. 1
Microfiche 1227 11606, Box 37 By the Honorable Jonathan Trumbull, Esq; governor ... of Connecticut ... A proclamation ... Wednesday the eighteenth day of April next, to be observed ... as a day of solemn fasting and prayer ... Given under my hand, in Norwich, the twenty-eighth day of March ... 1770. 1
Microfiche 1227 11607, Box 37 By the Honorable Jonathan Trumbull, Esq; governor ... of Connecticut ... A proclamation ... Thursday, the fifteenth day of November next, to be observed as a day of public thanksgiving ... Given under my hand in the Council chamber at New-Haven, the 12th day of October ... 1770. 1
Microfiche 1227 11610, Box 37 Consideration for sinners' [sic] an epigram. 1
Microfiche 1227 11612, Box 37 The complete English farmer: or, Husbandry made perfectly easy, in all its useful branches Containing what every farmer ought to know and practice. ... / 1
Microfiche 1227 11613, Box 37 A sermon preached at Cambridge, in the audience of His Honor Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; lieutenant-governor and commander in chief; the Honorable His Majesty's Council, and the Honorable House of Representatives, of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, May 30th, 1770 Being the anniversary for the election of His Majesty's Council for the said province. / 1
Microfiche 1227 11614, Box 37 A Copy of a relation, or Substance of the pleas made use of by two parties claiming a right in half a share of land on the island of Nantucket, viz. ... And also the determination of a committee chose by the parties to decide the controversy, viz. Stephen Hopkins, Moses Brown, William Redwood, Thomas Steere, Benjamin Arnold, and Edward Shove. 1
Microfiche 1227 11615, Box 37 Corderii Colloquiorum centuria selecta; or, A select century of Corderius's colloquies with an English translation as literal as possible, designed for the use of beginners in the Latin tongue. / 1
Microfiche 1227 11616, Box 37 A short history of a long travel from Babylon to Bethel 1
Microfiche 1227 11617, Box 37 Carmina Lugubria In memoriam dominæ Rebeccæ Croswell, domini Croswell uxoris, nuper denatæ: cum hymno laudis ad redemptorem. / 1
Microfiche 1227 11618, Box 37 A discourse concerning the evidences of our knowing Christ 1
Microfiche 1227 11620, Box 37 The plain road to heaven In a discourse from I. Kings XVIII.21. The former part of the verse, If the Lord be God, follow him. / 1
Microfiche 1227 11621, Box 37 The great and tender concern of faithful ministers for the souls of their people, should powerfully excite them also, to labour after their own salvation A sermon, preached at Danbury, September 19th, 1770, at the ordination of the Reverend Ebenezer Baldwin. / 1
Microfiche 1227 11622, Box 37 A century discourse, delivered at the anniversary meeting of the freemen of the town of Wallingford, April 9, 1770 1