Call Number (LC) Title Results
MUSICPOP 1950-SM By the sea /
The old piano roll blues /
MUSICPOP 1951 The puffin /
Slow poke /
Solitaire /
I sing of God : op.70 no.1 /
The valley /
The chicken song : I ain't gonna take it settin' down /
Barbara with the big blue eyes /
Beneath a weeping willow's shade /
Lonesome gal /
The magic night of Christmas /
Gently, little Jesus /
Turn back the hands of time /
The morningside of the mountain /
Be my love /
Dizzy fingers /
Jet /
I get ideas /
I'll never know why /
I whistle a happy tune /
Rose, Rose, I love you /
Sweet little words /
Something wonderful /
I talk to the trees /
Sound off : Duckworth chant /
Thirty-two feet and eight little tails : Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen /
Misto Cristofo Columbo /
Dance me loose /
Please, Mr. Sun /
Somebody bigger than you and I /
They call the wind Maria.
Only a rose : duet /
Hello, young lovers /
Cherry pink and apple blossom white /
Bermuda /
California : here I come /
On top of Old Smoky /
Ride on, king Jesus! : king of kings ; negro spiritual /
I wish I wuz /
And so to sleep again /
When the saints come marching in /
Sonny the bunny /
Stolen love /
Unforgettable /
A mother prays /
A death song : lullaby /
Marshmallow moon /
The loveliest night of the year /
Across the wide Missouri : a-roll a-roll a-ree /
Old Ohio moonlight /
Jack-in-the-box /
Arise, my love /
Tell me why /
The mountain /
Cold, cold heart /
Beautiful brown eyes /
Cry /
The doll with a sawdust heart /
Domino /
Red leaves on the Campus Green /
Volcano /
The Lord is my shepherd /
Misto Cristofo Columbo.
Hold me, hold me, hold me.
Sonny the bunny.
Ride the wild wind.
Please, Mr. Sun.
Sound off.
Sparrow in the tree top.
Strange little girl.
Same time, same place /
Dance me loose.
Whispering shadows.
I talk to the trees.
Loneliness of evening.
Somebody bigger than you and I.
Lion sleeps tonight.
Soft shoe song.
On top of Old Smoky : Kentucky mountain folk song /
Whispering winds /
Anywhere I wander /
Create in me a clean heart, o God /
Feed my sheep /
My resistance is low /
Half as much /
Hey, good lookin' /
Too late now /
Lute book lullabye : Christmas song for alto voice /
Thumbelina /
Turn back the hands of time.
Sweet violets /
To the farmer /
Slow poke.
An understanding heart /
To a wild rose : op. 51, no. 1 /
Ride the wild wind /
The strange little girl : waltz ballad /
When the saints come marching in.
Sparrow in the tree top /
Take my hand, precious Lord /
Whisp'ring shadows /
Getting to know you /
Oops /
Midnight /
Shanghai /
It's beginning to look like Christmas /
A kiss to build a dream on /
We kiss in a shadow /
Hold me-hold me-hold me /
Loneliness of evening /
Soft shoe song : the dance my darlin' used to do /
Free at last /
Shrimp boats : a comin'-there's dancin' tonight /
Wonderful Copenhagen /
It's beginning to look like Christmas.
Mister and Mississippi /
Sin /
Too young /
Del Rio /
They call the wind Marīa /
MUSICPOP 1951-CP Where the purple lilacs grow / 1
MUSICPOP 1951-D After all it's spring /
Dizzy fingers /
I get ideas /
Be my love /
Andiamo /
Hello, young lovers /
I have dreamed /
And so to sleep again /
MUSICPOP 1951-K Turn back the hands of time /
Because of rain.
Jet /
I'm waiting just for you.
Day dreaming.
Darling-I-do /
Bermuda /
In a tender moment /
Whispering winds /
While you danced, danced, danced : I walked in with a smile /
Too late now /
Sweet violets /
Shall we dance?
Dear old Tennessee.
Mixed emotions.
Welcome to Donald.
Be my life's companion.
Belle, Belle, my liberty Belle.
Kiss and a promise.
Market of hearts.
Morningside of the mountain.
Shrimp boats : a comin'-there's dancin' tonight /
Swing into spring /
MUSICPOP 1952 The place where I worship : is the wide open spaces /
Noodlin' rag /
One little candle /
The violets' grievance /
You will never grow old /
Dinga-donga (teardrops)
Awakening /
Heavenly-heavenly /
When I fall in love /
He's gone away /
Casually /
Walkin' to Missouri /
Count your blessings instead of sheep /
My baby's comin' home /
Because you're mine /
Mr. fly-by-night : the fastest man in Tennessee /
Somewhere along the way /
Why don't you believe me /
Meet Mister Callaghan /
Anywhere I wander /
Always /
I'm a happy, happy Christian /
Johnny get your hair cut : an American folk song /
Open thy merciful arms /
I'll buy that dream /
My love and devotion /
Black is the color of my true love's hair /
The nightingale /
I went to your wedding /
For the very first time.
Hold me, thrill me, kiss me /
Keep it a secret /
Because you're mine : sung by Mario Lanza in the M-G-M picture "Because you're mine" /
Delicado /
I'm yours /
Play me a hurtin' tune.
Stop, sit down, relax, think.
Mr. Fly-by-night.
Make believe dreams.
Someone to kiss your tears away.
Somewhere along the way.
Your cheating heart.
You belong to me /
A full time job /
Comes a-long a-love /
Two shillelagh O'Sullivan.
Why don't you believe me.
I heard a piper piping.
Hi-lili, hi-lo.
Little boy and the old man.
My baby's coming home.
The ruby and the pearl /
Till I waltz again with you /
Two shillelagh O'Sullivan /
Girls, girls, girls! /
Be anything : but be mine /
The facts of life /
Let's go back to Loveland /
My favorite song /
I'm gonna walk and talk with my Lord /
A quiet time : to wait upon the Lord /
High noon /
One heart to love me /
Song for the valiant.
Wheel of fortune /
Happy Christmas, little friend /
Trying /
Have you heard /
Here in my heart /
Wish you were here /
Someone to kiss your tears away /
Until = anema e core /
Play me a hurtin' tune /
'Zat you, Santa Claus?
Stop! Sit down! Relax! Think! /
The blacksmith blues /
Hi-lili, hi-lo /
Jambalaya : on the Bayou /
Joey /
Kiss of fire /
Your cheatin' heart /
Make believe dreams /
A fool such as I /
The whole world is jealous of you /
Don't let the stars get in your eyes /
Oh, happy day /
Along the Navajo trail /
So in love : duet /
I'll walk alone /
June night /
O Christ, who once hast deigned /
Blues in advance /
I heard a piper piping /
Outside of heaven /
Now Christmas is here /
Pretend /
Trust in me /
Must I cry again /
When Jesus lived : soprano and alto duet /
MUSICPOP 1952-D Count your blessings instead of sheep /
I like Ike /
Eternamente : (Arlecchinata) : valzer lento /
I'll buy that dream /
MUSICPOP 1952-K Baby, what you've done to me /
Dream darling /
When you were born, my son /
Broadway waltz /
You brought me love.
Night train.
By a cozy fire.
My baby's comin' home /
Delicado /
Stouthearted men /
Pénjamo : canción ranchera /
April showers /
Skokiaan : South African song /
You belong to me /
Till I waltz again with you /
Meet Mister Callaghan /
Have you heard /
Here in my heart /
What's the use?
Wish you were here /
You belong to me.
You intrigue me.
Christmas story.
Come what may.
Kiss of fire /
A fool such as I /
After all.
Don't let the stars get in your eyes /
If you want to be loved.
My philosophy.
Oh, happy day /
Say it with you heart.
The vagabond : ballad-waltz /
MUSICPOP 1952-SM Song for the valiant / 1
MUSICPOP 1953 My love, my love /
Rags to riches /
Colorado skies /
Will-o'-the-wisp romance /
I really don't want to know /
I believe /
Let me go lover!
Eternally /
I guess I'll have to change my plan /
Answer me, my love /
Gee, I wish I was back in the army.
Non dimenticar.
Oh, my pa-pa = (o mein papa) /
Oncet in a museum : (two ways) /
Stranger in paradise : from the M-G-M picture "Kismet" /
Ebb tide /
You all come : (y'all come) /
You you you /
Johnny is the boy for me /
Bimbo /
Many times /
No other love /
Satisfied /
Love not me for comely grace : op. 5, no. 5 /
And this is my beloved /
Come all you fair and tender ladies /
April in Portugal /
Every night when the sun goes in /
Begone, dull care /
I love Paris /
Don't tell me the same things : (over again) /
My dear, ador'd one = mia piccirella ; arietta /
The prince of peace /
Serenade of the mandolins /
Make love to me! /
I see the moon /
When in my heart /
Welcome Death : from the opera "Teraminta" ; British museum ms. r.c.m. 1020 /
Crying in the chapel /
Simonetta /
Don' cha' hear them bells.
Second fling.
Vaya con dios.
Why must I love you? /
I'll try /
'Zat you, Santa Claus? /
Till we two are one.
Oh, my papa.
Idle gossip /
A fool in the ways of love /
Half a photograph /
In the mission of St. Augustine /
Sorta on the border.
Song from Moulin Rouge.
Johnny is the boy for me.
Say you're mine again /
Let me go, lover.
Dancin' with someone : longin' for you /
Ruby /
Second hand rose.
Secret love.
Open up your heart : (and let the sunshine in) /
Woman : (uh-huh) /
Return to Paradise /
Wild horses /
Changing partners /
Billy boy /
Just walking in the rain /
Praise we the Lord /
Sad and lonely : (torch song) /
Sadie Thompson's song : (the blue Pacific blues) /
Secret love /
O come, soft rest of cares! : op. 5, no. 1 /
That doggie in the window /
Thirty-five years ago /
Baubles, bangles and beads /
Where is your heart.
Stranger in paradise : from the Broadway production "Kismet" /
Butterflies /
The little boy and the old man /
I found a friend /
Vaya con dios = may God be with you /
A quiet girl /
Don' cha' hear them bells /
Sorta on the border /
The song from Moulin Rouge : (where is your heart) /
From here to eternity /
Ricochet : (rick-o-shay) /
Hail Colorado! /
Now's the time to fall in love /
Teach me, my Lord /
Till we two are one /
Fain would I change that note : op. 5, no. 3 /
O : (oh!) /
Allez-vous-en, go away /
Congratulations to someone /
I need you now /
Seven lonely days /
You can never give me back my heart /
Wherever you are /
Second fling /
Brown eyes why are you blue /
MUSICPOP 1953-D I believe /
I guess I'll have to change my plan /
He takes me off his income tax /
Choreography : from Irving Berlin's "White Christmas" /
Amo Parigi = I love Paris /
Ebb tide /
And this is my beloved /
The hostess with the mostes' on the ball /
I love Paris /
April in Portugal /
MUSICPOP 1953-K My love, my love /
Melba waltz : Dream time /
Wedding polka /
Lilly mine /
My one and only heart.
Off shore.
Pa-Paya mama.
Save a little sunshine for tomorrow.
Eternally /
You you you /
Five foot two, eyes of blue : has anybody seen my girl? /
Valse moderne /
In the mission of St. Augustine /
Woman : (uh-huh) /
Return to Paradise /
Butterflies /
There's music in you.
You all come.
Your too many loves.
Hot toddy.
Laugh is on me.
Vaya con dios = may God be with you /
From here to eternity /
Am I the guy?
It's confusing to be in love.
Kiss me again, stranger.
Oh mis'rable love.
Ricochet : (rick-o-shay) /
MUSICPOP 1954 Sayonara : (let's say goodbye) /
Lisbon Antigua : (in old Lisbon) ; (Lisboa Antigua) ; fox trot /
The little ducks go skating /
Mister Sandman /
The no-zo-bum /
Young at heart.
Haunted : quando embalada /
Boats sail on the rivers /
Farewell = vou-me embora /
There's no place like home for the holidays /
Folksong : medium voice /
Hearts of stone /
Spring never came around this year /
Release me /
Here /
Alabama jubilee /
I want you all to myself : just you /
I wonder /
There once was a man /
I'll walk with God /
Hernando's hideaway /
Oop shoop : as sung by Shirley Gunter and the Queens.
Papa loves mambo /
The sky is extra blue : (just for me-just for you) /
I'm a fool to care /
Oh baby mine : I get so lonely /
Whither thou goest /
Hey there /
Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight /
Come and trip it : dance song /
Mobile /
Mi chiamano Mimi = I'm always called Mimi : from the opera la Bohème /
The naughty lady of Shady Lane /
The little shoemaker : (le petit cordonnier) /
Sincerely /
Cross over the bridge /
Fascination /
The happy wanderer : (val-de ri, val-de ra) /
Crying polka /
Young and foolish /
Philosophy /
Skokiaan : South African song /
There once was a man.
He /
I left my heart in San Francisco /
If I give my heart to you /
Make yourself comfortable.
Beany the bunny : (with the funny long ears) /
That's what I like /
Beany the bunny with the funny long ears.
No man is an island /
Tweedlee Dee.
Release me.
You're from another world /
When you're in love /
The twenty-third psalm : for medium voice and piano /
You will wear velvet /
Young at heart /
A-b-c boogie /
Cinq chansons de femme, op.3. a girl whose love shines fair ; for soprano and harp (or piano) /
Fanny /
I thank thee, Lord /
Green years /
Man of the forest.
The man that got away /
The high and the mighty /
Three coins in the fountain /
Teach me tonight /
The man upstairs /
Little things mean a lot /
Melody of love : (vocal edition) /
That's all I want from you /
This ole house /
The wedding of the knife and fork /
Sky is extra blue.
Let me go, lover! /
Wanted /
Anema e core.
No man is an island.
Tweedlee Dee /
Sh-boom : (life could be a dream) /
Cara mia /
Honey-babe : (marching song based on a traditional air) /
The vamp : (vamp a little lady) /
Charmaine /
The gang that sang "heart of my heart" /
Alabamy bound /
If you knew Susie : (like I know Susie) /
Make yourself comfortable /
Non dimenticar : (don't forget) ; (t'ho voluto bene) /
The hem of his garment /
My cutey's due at two-to-two to-day /
Love : op. 32 no. 4 /
Singing the blues /
A girl! a girl! : (zoom ba di alli nella) /
Rendezvous /
Ballad of Davy Crockett /
Smile : theme from "modern times" /
MUSICPOP 1954-CP My Colorado home / 1
MUSICPOP 1954-D If you believe /
Hernando's hideaway /
Gee, I wish I was back in the army /
Hey there /
I'll walk with God /
Canzone da due soldi : fox trot /
La ballade de Davy Crockett = Ballad of Davy Crockett /
MUSICPOP 1954-K Restless heart /
S'il vous plait = If you please /
Panama Canal waltz /
Hearts of stone /
Money burns a hole in my pocket.
Starry Banner.
Papa loves mambo /
Almost /
Valse petite : piano solo /
The little shoemaker : (le petit cordonnier) /
Journey on /
Fanny /
We love old St. Mary's.
It could happen to you.
Unbelievable /
MUSICPOP 1955 Seventeen /
April fool /
The Japanese farewell song /
The longest walk /
Memories are made of this /
I asked the Lord /
Whatever will be, will be = que será, será /
Hard hearted Hannah : (the vamp of Savannah) /
Babette waltz /
Gentlemen marry brunettes /
Santa's laughing song /
Humming bird /
Love is a many-splendored thing /
Moments to remember /
Marianne /
Thus spake Jesus /
Whatever Lola wants : (Lola gets) /
The wallflower : (dance with me Henry) /
How great thou art /
Croce di oro = (cross of gold) /
The rock and roll waltz /
Not as a stranger /
Les cigognes = Cranes, opus 21 /
Goodbye to Rome = arrivederci, Roma /
I'm walking, but not alone /
How important can it be? /
Gunsmoke /
Band of gold /
The berry tree /
Croce di oro = Cross of gold /
The great pretender /
Where is that someone for me /
If you can dream /
Whatever Lola wants.
Trouble with Harry.
To be sung on the way to Assisi.
Blue star.
If I had a dollar bill tree /
Learnin' the blues.
The yellow rose of Texas /
Behold what manner of love.
The Bible tells me so /
Engine love call /
I never harmed an onion : (so why should they make me cry?) /
Man in a raincoat /
Love is of God.
Mack the knife : from "the threepenny opera" /
Misty /
Suddenly there's a valley /
Sincerely yours : as presented by Warner Bros. from the international artists ltd. production "sincerely yours" /
Whatever will be will be.
Unchained melody : from the Warner Bros. release "unchained" /
This is the victory, even our.
This we declare unto you.
I long to be back home in Colorado /
Malaguena /
Pour chanter á la route d'Assise = (to be sung on the way to Assisi) /
Wake the town and tell the people /
A woman in love /
The trouble with Harry /
Stranger /
Careless love /
Learnin' the blues /
A satisfied mind /
The lights /
Those "weary western blue's" /
Santa, the happy wanderer /
Moonlight on the Colorado /
Blue star : the "medic" theme /
You don't know me /
I'll cry tomorrow /
Star of the East : (melody, "star of the sea") /
The crazy Otto rag /
Hard to get /
Westward ho the wagons /
MUSICPOP 1955-D El Cha-cha-cha : mambo lento / 1
MUSICPOP 1955-K Italian theme.
It's almost tomorrow /
Buongiorno tristezza : canzone beguine /
Too young to go steady.
A satisfied mind /
Ain't that a shame!
MUSICPOP 1956 Resourceful Mary /
Song for a summer night /
Sleep, child /
Cinco robles : (five oaks) /
A letter to teacher : (Johnnie's first day at school) /
Love story : medium voice /
To love again : (theme from "the Eddy Duchin story") /
Compliments of a friend.
Around the world /
Let there be peace on earth : (let it begin with me) /
I could have danced all night /
On the street where you live /
The proud ones /
How little it matters how little we know /
Here's to the good old days, or work is the curse of the drinking classes /
It's not for me to say /
Wonderful, wonderful /
Canadian sunset /
Wouldn't it be loverly /
Crazy arms /
Since that fair day = depuis le jour /
True love /
The touch of his hand /
Serenade /
Sa-nic-kriss /
Ivory tower /
Allegheny moon /
Don't be cruel : (to a heart that's true) /
The fool /
It only hurts for a little while /
Tear fell.
Wringle wrangle /
Shadow woman /
This land is your land.
Hayfoot, strawfoot.
Mary's little boy chile.
with a little bit of luck.
The weary yeare /
Friendly persuasion : (thee I love) /
The night is still /
Ivory tower.
Picnic : (theme from picnic) /
Parakeet's slumber song /
Jingle bells /
Mama from the train : (a kiss, a kiss) /
Love me tender /
No, not much! /
The wayward wind /
Sugartime /
The snow lay on the ground /
You don't owe me a thing /
A tear fell /
Miracle of love /
Mary's little boy chile : (calypso christmas) /
Lakewood Colorado : the gateway to the hills of gold /
Hayfoot, strawfoot /
With a little bit of luck /
The Lord's on my side /
You'll never walk alone /
I love my baby : (my baby loves me) /
Gonna get along without ya now /
Walk hand in hand /