Call Number (LC) Title Results
MUSICPOP 1917-H The redheaded Irishman : an Irish march rag /
Comedy Tom march /
Triangle jazz blues : [rag and fox-trot] /
The torpedo rag /
Smiles and chuckles : rag one step /
Octave rag /
On the rural route : foxtrot-rag-two step /
Alexander's back from Dixie with his rag-time band /
Buzzin' the bee /
The American rag /
The pianist rag : one step, two step, or trot /
When the Kaiser does the goose-step to a good old American rag /
High stepper rag /
Ragtime in colonial days /
A rag-time lullaby /
We'll rag ourway thru Germany : we'll fox trot over the Rhine /
The rag time sailor man /
The ragtime volunteers are off to war /
When the girl you love lives in California /
Arabian rag /
The baby rag /
The story book ball /
MUSICPOP 1917-H Online Alexander's back from Dixie with his rag-time band
The American rag
Arabian rag
The baby rag
Buzzin' the bee
Comedy Tom march
MUSICPOP 1917-K We don't know where we're goin.
When the Kaiser does the goose-step to a good old American rag /
It was a wild night /
Them doggon'd triflin' blues /
One happy day /
I'm a twelve o'clock fellow in a nine o'clock town /
When I grow up I'm going to be a soldier /
Jefferson Brown /
May God bless you and the red white and blue /
Meet me in the moonlight, Mandy Lane /
Lovely Hawaiian moon /
Oh! Henry come and rag with me /
Prohibition blues /
Romance /
Bring back my soldier boy to me /
Neath the autumn moon /
My Cairo maid /
Do your stuff /
12th Street rag /
When that vampire rolled her vampy eyes at me /
Everything looks rosy and bright /
Have you made your mother's dream come true /
I feel lonesome sometimes : whenever I'm away from you /
A tear a kiss a smile /
The pianist rag : one step, two step, or trot /
My baby, oh! my baby.
Sweet Peggy O'Neil.
All the world will be jealous of me : ballad /
Give me the right to love you all the while /
Hello America, hello /
Giddy giddap! go on! go on! : we're on our way to war /
Good-bye my dear : fox trot /
For the flag and Uncle Sam /
I've got the sweetest girl in Maryland /
The wild, wild women : are making a wild man of me /
I did not know.
Greenwich Village /
I have nothing else to do but fight for you : song /
Good-bye my soldier boy /
France, to you! /
Columbia's call /
The corporal's call /
Soldiers of glorious America /
A soldier's vision /
Stand up and fight for Uncle Sammy and the dear old U.S.A. /
Our American flag /
When a boy says good bye to his mother and she gives him to Uncle Sam /
Those Navy blues /
Tony Spagoni's cabaret : novelty song /
When my Marie sings chilly billy bee /
I've got the nicest little home in D-I-X-I-E /
Isn't she the busy little bee /
Gim' me a kiss, Mirandy : 'cause I'm goin' over there /
I'm a real kind mama : lookin' for a lovin' man /
I'm hitting the trail to Normandy : so kiss me good-bye /
I'm goin' to peek in, in Pekin /
Listen to the knocking at the knitting club /
Somewhere in France /
Let the flag fly /
You're the only girl : waltz song and chorus /
Swat the bugaboo : a marching song /
My rose of Panama /
Peter : song and chorus /
That bone dry rag /
Danza de crótalos : Tambourine dance /
What is love? /
What will become of your little doll girl /
When the right little boy rolls around /
When it's cherry time in Tokio /
Along the way to Waikiki : song /
I'm going to follow the boys : novelty song /
If you look in her eyes /
All I need is a girl like you /
Just as your mother was.
My rose of Palestine.
They go wild, simply wild, over me.
The story book ball /
Mama's blues : (Papa's blues) /
My mind's made up to marry Carolina /
We'll knock the Heligo-into Heligo out of Heligoland.
Livery stable blues /
I love a Honolulu Wahine /
My Irish song of songs.
My love of the sunset sea.
Six times six is thirty-six.
Somewhere on Broadway.
Southern gals.
Till the clouds roll by.
Touch of a woman's hand.
When it's moonlight in Tokyo.
Who'll be your sweetheart.
Carmen of the cabaret.
Daisies among the clover.
Early in the morning.
Good-bye happy days.
Lily of the valley.
In dreams.
Blue bird.
Come back to loveland.
Murmuring in the pines.
Magic of your eyes.
Miracle of love.
Sweet Marjorie.
When the glories of Ireland are told.
I'll think of you : will you think of me? : duet /
My love is for thee.
Going up.
Colleen Machree.
My Hawaii.
My Italian Rose.
Kilties' march.
Way down in Macon, Georgia, I'll be makin' Georgia mine /
I know that my someone is you : song /
Somewhere in France : (is the Lily) /
Sweetheart, I'm calling you /
For your country and my country /
There's a service flag flying at our house /
When Yankee Doodle learns to "parlez vous français" /
MUSICPOP 1917-K Online 12th Street rag
I feel lonesome sometimes whenever I'm away from you /
MUSICPOP 1917-SM Nobody knows de trouble I've seen : Negro spiritual /
Deep river : song : old Negro melody /
Deep river : old negro melody /
I passed by your window /
Fairy bark : a song of youth /
Consolation : for voice and piano /
Candle light /
Auld daddy darkness : Op. 33, no. 2. /
Dreamy moon /
In Flanders fields /
I passed by your window : from the album of five songs "Song pictures" /
By the waters of Minnetonka : an Indian love song /
Do not go, my love /
Fairy bark : A song of youth /
Will you remember : (Sweetheart) duet /
Somewhere in France : (is the Lily) /
MUSICPOP 1917-SM Online Consolation for voice and piano /
Dreamy moon
I passed by your window
Nobody knows de trouble I've seen : Negro spiritual /
Auld daddy darkness Op. 33, no. 2. /
By the waters of Minnetonka an Indian love song /
Do not go, my love
Fairy bark a song of youth /
Fairy bark A song of youth /
Candle light
In Flanders fields
I passed by your window from the album of five songs "Song pictures" /
Deep river old negro melody /
Somewhere in France (is the Lily) /
Will you remember (Sweetheart) duet /
Deep river song : old Negro melody /
MUSICPOP 1917 Online Good-bye Broadway, hello France
Colorado gem state
The darktown strutters' ball
The darktown strutter's ball
When the girl you love lives in California
MUSICPOP 1918 Shepard, play a little air.
Rip Van Winkle slept with one eye open.
Robin, robin, sing me a song.
Say young feller.
Come on papa.
I'd build a world in the heart.
On the river Nile.
I'm waiting for you : Liza Jane.
Mollie's hero at the front.
Oh Helen!
On a battlefield in France.
Only a rose of yesterday.
Our yesterdays.
Dallas blues /
They were all out of step but Jim.
When I was twenty-one.
When the Yankees yank the Kaiser off his throne.
When you come back.
When I get back to my American blighty.
When you look in the heart of a rose.
That tumble-down shack in Athlone.
When the boys from Dixie eat melon on the Rhine.
You found me and I found you.
Don't you remember the day?
Dear little boy of mine.
For liberty and right.
He's well worth waiting for.
Dear old pal of mine.
Am I a butterfly?
Angel God sent from heaven.
I ain't got weary yet!
I'll be back there some day.
Jazzin the blues away.
I'm glad I can make you cry.
Kind of girl I mean.
Love must be : il faut aimer.
Feast of lanterns.
Give me a little cosy corner.
There's nobody home but me.
Uncle Sammy, take care of my girl.
We're all going calling on the Kaiser.
What are you going to do to help the boys.
I hate to lose you : I'm so used to you now /
Only a memory of you /
That Broadway rag /
I want to learn to dance / book & lyrics by Glen MacDonough ; music by Raymond Hubbell.
Democracy : march /
We're bound to win with boys like you.
I'm lonesome, dear, for you.
Mummy mine.
Send me my girl.
Little bit of sunshine.
St. Louis Blues.
Down where the jack o' lanterns grow /
Rock-a-bye your baby with a Dixie melody /
I'm always chasing rainbows.
Some time.
Say nuffin', its fo' de best.
After you've gone /
Hello, my darling mother /
In dear old sunny Spain : (A serenade) /
Forget me not my American rose /
Good-bye Alexander : good-bye honey-boy /
Your lips are no man's land but mine : a real romantic war ballad /
Sweet 'n pretty : Gee! I wish you were mine /
I'll say she does : song /
Hindustan /
If I'm not at the roll call : kiss Mother good-bye for me /
Just a baby's prayer at twilight : for her daddy over there /
When Aunt Dinah's daughter Hannah bangs on that piano : and Sambo sings those Southern blues /
My Belgian Rose /
Sunrise and you.
That wonderful mother of mine.
Good morning Mr. Zip-Zip-Zip /
It's never too late to be sorry /
Birthday of a king.
Over there /
Beautiful Ohio : song /
Daddy mine.
I'm sorry I made you cry /
Keep on smiling /
Under the lanterns.
We'll build a rainbow in the sky.
When we went to sunday school.
Have a smile for everyone you meet, and they will have a smile for you /
I'll love you more for losing you a while /
In the land where poppies bloom : song /
Keep your face to the sunshine : and behind you the shadows will fall : song /
The wild ride /
Soldier's dream.
Soldier's rosary.
Mammy's chocolate soldier /
Rose of no man's land.
When the ships come home.
Comin' Thro' the Rye : old Scottish melody /
Shine on harvest moon.
Smilin' through.
Till we meet again.
We don't want the bacon.
Wee, wee, Marie.
Will o' the wisp.
Will you always call me sweetheart.
You'll be welcome as flowers in the Maytime.
You'll find old Dixieland in France.
You're in style when you're.
You're still an old sweetheart of mine.
After the war is over.
Americans come.
Angels, roll the rock away.
As you were.
At the coffee cooler's tea.
Bring me a letter from my old home town.
Gate ajar.
Go get the huns.
Head over heels.
Goodbye mother Machree.
Daddy's prayer.
Ev'rybody shimmies now /
Everything is peaches down in Georgia.
I found the end of the rainbow.
I shall meet you (the homecoming)
I want a doll.
Mother's prayer.
I am longing for the sunshine of my Colorado home /
My little manicurist girl.
N everything.
Navy will bring them back.
Out of the east.
Rock-a-bye your baby with a Dixie melody.
I've got a new job.
If he can fight like he can love, good night Germany!
In dear old China town.
In the end of the sabbath.
In the land of beginning again.
Just like Washington crossed the Delaware, General Pershing will cross the Rhine.
Keep your head down Fritzie boy.
Mammy's lullaby.
Oh! how I wish I could sleep until my daddy comes home.
Oh! Frenchy.
Oh! how I hate to get up in the morning.
Please touch my daddy's star again and change it back to blue.
My honey's back.
Red rose.
Rose dreams.
Buy a bond.
By the waters of Babylon.
Can you tame wild wimmen.
Hats off to you baby.
He's just a common private soldier.
Hello central! Give me no man's land /
Henry's made a lady out of Lizzie.
It shall be done.
It won't be long : till the boys come marching home.
Lonesome blues.
On the level, you're a little devil : but I'll soon make an angel out of you.
On to Berlin.
One more day.
Some day I'll make you glad.
Somewhere in France.
Southern moon.
Spring song of the Robin Woman.
Sweet Hawaiian moonlight.
Three wonderful letters from home.
The pickaninnys paradise /
We'll be waiting when you come home.
When a blue service star turns to blue.
When Alexander takes his ragtime band to France /
While you're away.
Think love of me.
To a hill-top.
Tell me not of a lovely lass.
Tackin' 'em down.
The tickle toe.
True love never runs smooth.
We're coming from Cody.
When we meet in the sweet bye and bye.
My dream girl.
Dry your tears.
Since I met wonderful you!
I've got the Blue Ridge Blues.
Little good for nothing's good for something after all.
Hunting the Hun.
Think of the boys from home sweet home.
Oh, heroes from the battlefield.
Kitchen police.
There's a light shining bright in the window to-night.
You've got to quit calling me Hon'
Hats off to the red white and blue.
Our country's in it now!
Simple prayer.
I wonder whether.
If there were dreams to sell.
Star of the East.
Ol' ark's a-moverin'
Here we are La Fayette.
O death where is thy sting.
Till the stars and stripes are flying in Berlin.
Through the years.
Myrtles of Damascus.
In the shadow of the desert palm.
Sleep, my darling.
Where it's peach-jam makin' time.
I know what it means to be lonesome (I'm lonesome, so lonesome for you)
My task.
A little birch canoe and you : song /
My Belgian Rose.
Rose room : song /
Somebody stole my gal.
When you sang "hush-a-bye baby" to me /
Under a blazing star.
My sweet Virginia rose.
MUSICPOP 1918-CP After the war has ended, Mother dear / 1
MUSICPOP 1918-CP After the war has ended, Mother dear / 1
MUSICPOP 1918-CP Online After the war has ended, Mother dear 1
MUSICPOP 1918-D I'm so glad my mamma don't know where I'm at /
Bring back my soldier boy to me /
A coon band contest : jazz fox-trot /
I hate to lose you : I'm so used to you now /
The ragtime razor brigade /
Belinda : open up your window /
A good man is hard to find /
Look what my boy got in France /
There's a battlefield in every mother's heart /
There'll be a hot time for the old men : (while the young men are away) /
I hail from Cairo /
Down where the jack o' lanterns grow /
Rock-a-bye your baby with a Dixie melody /
The devil has bought up all the coal /
I want a daddy like you /
Dumpty deedle dee dum dee : novelty song /
All together : "we're out to beat the Hun" : song /
Cotton Hollow harmony : song /
After you've gone /
Hello, my darling mother /
If you look in her eyes /
Bring me a rose /
America is proud of you boys : marching song /
Cheer up, mother /
The cactus and the rose : a Western idyl /
The call to arms : patriotic song /
Buy a liberty bond /
When I send you a picture of Berlin : (you'll know it's over, "over there", I'm coming home) /
It might have been /
Good-bye Alexander : good-bye honey-boy /
Rintintin /
But--after the ball was over : (then he made up for lost time) : song /
Come along to toy town /
Come on Papa /
Ooh la, la : I'm having a wonderful time /
Ragtime Mose's oldtime bomboshay : song /
The circus is coming to town /
Your lips are no man's land but mine : a real romantic war ballad /
Sweet 'n pretty : Gee! I wish you were mine /
I'll say she does : song /
I ain't got weary yet! /
If he can fight like he can love, good night Germany! /
I have just one heart for just one boy : Johnnies and Julia /
Goodby mother, goodby sweetheart : song /
Ding dong /
Each stitch is a thought of you, dear /
Every day will be Sunday when the town goes dry /
Dress up your dollars in khaki : (and help win democracy's fight) /
For the two of us /
For your boy and my boy /
From the North, South, East and West /
Greenwich Village /
Hindustan /
Hark! hear the bugle calling /
If I'm not at the roll call : kiss Mother good-bye for me /
I'm gonna pin my medal on the girl I left behind /
Hurrah! for the liberty boys, hurrah! : America's patriotic march song /
I may stay away a little longer /
I love you, dear : duet /
I'm always chasing rainbows /
Good morning Mr. Zip-Zip-Zip /
Home coming week in France : song /
Ev'rybody shimmies now /
Hello central! Give me no man's land /
My Belgian rose /
When Alexander takes his ragtime band to France /
The flag goes by : duet /
Dear old pal of mine /
MUSICPOP 1918-D Online A good man is hard to find
Belinda : open up your window /
A coon band contest jazz fox-trot /
MUSICPOP 1918-H Fred Heltman's rag /
Snookums rag /
Mexicala : syncopated waltz /
Pastime rag. a slow drag /
Rag sentimental /
Sleepy hollow rag : a unique novelty /
Town talk : a classic in ragtime /
The Galli-Curci rag : song /
Good-bye ragtime /
The old Von Steuben rag : a seagoing jazz by two old salts of the U.S.S. Von Steuben /
Dixie dimples : novelty rag or fox trot /
The Georgia giggle rag /
Russian rag : interpolating the world famous "Prelude" by Rachmaninoff /
Watermelon whispers : a fox trot /
11th Street rag /
Down in Coronado by the sea /
The golden West and you /
The blue grass rag : one step /
The bounding buck : fox trot /
When Alexander takes his ragtime band to France /
Lucky dog : stop rag /
MUSICPOP 1918-H Online The Georgia giggle rag /
Good-bye ragtime
11th Street rag
Dixie dimples novelty rag or fox trot /
Fred Heltman's rag
The blue grass rag one step /
The bounding buck fox trot /
The golden West and you
Down in Coronado by the sea
The Galli-Curci rag song /
MUSICPOP 1918-K When the Yankees yank the Kaiser off his throne.
Jim, Jim : I always knew that you'd win /
Singapore /
She'll miss me most of all /
Where Irish skies are smiling /
Tears are the twilight of smiles : song /
Town talk : a classic in ragtime /
Snookums rag /
Mexicala : syncopated waltz /
Ring out ye bell of liberty /
Palm court : fox trot /
Leave the world a little better than you found it.
Mummy mine.
Because of you.
What have I done : to make you stop loving me /
I want a daddy like you /
In your eyes.
In dear old sunny Spain : a serenade /
Home! boys! home! : patriotic marching song /
My oriental rose-bud /
Get behind the girls behind the boys /
You're goin' to fall in love with California : Just like I fell in love with you /
At the coffee cooler's tea /
Norah McCall.
We're coming back to California : U.S. government official song of the 40th (Sunshine) Division /
I am waiting for the message of the rose.
Everything is hunky dory down in honky tonky town /
Hindustan /
Have you a little widow in your address book /
Since daddy's gone away /
Valse parisienne /
Liberty statue is looking right at you /
There's a great day coming! /
Ships that pass in the night /
I must cut your acquaintance awhile /
In the heart of the Berkshire Hills /
Ireland will go on forever /
Everyone I love lives down in Dixie /
Florida moon /
It's a mean old dog : that won't scratch his mama's fleas /
There seems to be something about you /
When I look in your eyes, Mavourneen /
Boy Scout's rooster march /
Daddy mine.
In the land where poppies bloom : song /
On to Berlin /
Bring me a letter from my old home town.
Chimes of Normandy.
I want a doll.
I've got a new job.
Oh! how I wish I could sleep until my daddy comes home.
Oh! Frenchy.
Rose dreams.
He's just a common private soldier.
Sweet Hawaiian moonlight : tell her of my love ; solo or duet /
That wonderful mother of mine.
Some day I'll make you glad /
The tickle toe.
When I send you a picture of Berlin : (you'll know it's over, "over there", I'm coming home) /
The fighting 62nd infantry : march song /
An old grand army man : march song /
Mother dear, they are calling me.
My dream girl.
I've got the Blue Ridge Blues.
Some lonesome night /
That soothing serenade.
There's something about you.
What have I done.
When you look in the heart of a rose.
Before you came.
Beautiful girl of somewhere.
Like o' him.
There's a voice in the night calling me.
Thine own lovely eyes.
When you are lonely.
Where the milestones end.
Ye moanin' mountains.
At half past nine.
Echo of her smile.
Roses of Lorraine.
Ireland, my land of dreams.
There's no end to my love for you : ballad /
In the golden summertime : novelty song /
Rose room : song /
The Sister of Rosie O'Grady /
Oui oui, Marie : (wee wee Marie) /
Walking the chalk : a flirtation song /
MUSICPOP 1918-K Online You're goin' to fall in love with California Just like I fell in love with you / 1
MUSICPOP 1918-SM De Ol' ark's a-moverin' /
Roses of Lorraine : song /
Standin in de need o'prayer : Negro spirtual [i.e. spiritual] /
Greatest miracle of all /
Can't you love me : like you do in my dreams /
Nightingale Lane /
Legend of a twilight bell /
The Americans come! : a victory song /
Our yesterdays /
A flirt /
Ocean lullaby /
Your lad and my lad : song /
Supplication /
Just a baby's prayer at twilight : for her daddy over there /
We're bound to win with boys like you /
A little birch canoe and you : song /
Dear old pal of mine /
MUSICPOP 1918-SM Online Nightingale Lane
The Americans come! a victory song /
Can't you love me like you do in my dreams /
Roses of Lorraine song /
Standin in de need o'prayer Negro spirtual [i.e. spiritual] /
Greatest miracle of all
Dear old pal of mine
Our yesterdays
A flirt
Legend of a twilight bell
We're bound to win with boys like you
Ocean lullaby
Your lad and my lad song /
A little birch canoe and you song /
Just a baby's prayer at twilight for her daddy over there /
De Ol' ark's a-moverin'
MUSICPOP 1918 Online Ev'rybody shimmies now
Good morning Mr. Zip-Zip-Zip
Hello central! Give me no man's land
That Broadway rag
When Alexander takes his ragtime band to France
I am longing for the sunshine of my Colorado home
Good-bye Alexander good-bye honey-boy /
I want to learn to dance
Dallas blues