Call Number (LC) Title Results
MUSICPOP 1909-CP In a Dorris motor car /
Jealous moon /
MUSICPOP 1909-CP Online In a Dorris motor car
Jealous moon
MUSICPOP 1909-D Carrie, or, Carrie marry Harry /
Temptation rag /
My pony boy /
Ciribiribin /
Mop rag : a slow drag /
Chink chink chinaman /
Chow-chow rag /
Country club : rag time two-step /
African hunter : a characteristic jungle symphonie /
Coo-ee /
Meet me in rosetime Rosie /
Yiddle, on your fiddle, play some ragtime /
You'll come back /
That teasin' rag /
Baboon bungalow /
Heaven will protect the working girl : a burlesque ballad /
The yiddisha rag /
Oh, you devil : rag /
Daisy rag : a novelty two-step /
Good-bye Mister Caruso /
I apologize /
Some little something about you /
My cousin Caruso /
Abraham Lincoln Jones, or, The christening /
I just came back to say good bye /
If I only had a leming pie /
If the wind had only blown the other way /
Dorando /
Do your duty Doctor! : (oh, oh, oh, oh, Doctor) /
I want a home, that's all /
Come down and pick your husband out : (the rest of us want to go home) /
Come on play ball with me dearie /
Candy you're a dandy /
Ann /
I'll go the route for you /
I'm going to do what I please /
Lady love : song /
Pass dat possum : a characteristic two step march /
Casey Jones : the brave engineer /
Come after breakfast : bring 'long your lunch and leave 'fore supper time /
Come back to Erin /
Come right in, sit right down, make yourself at home /
My wife's gone to the country : (Hurrah! Hurrah!) /
Jemima : a sneezing Coon song /
There's a big cry-baby in the moon /
Wild cherries : that coony, spoony rag /
Stop that rag : keep on playing, honey /
Sweet Marie : make-a rag-a-time dance wid me /
Christmas time seems years and years away /
Be jolly Molly /
The garden of roses : song /
In dear old Tennessee /
Bandy legs /
Base ball game of love /
He's a fan, fan, fan /
Good-by girlie and remember me /
I am longing for to-morrow when I think of yesterday /
Everybody's happy when the moon shines /
Ciribiribin : celebrated song /
Rag-bag : rag (a rag-time galop) /
Rubber plant rag : a stretcherette /
Heinze /
Amo : song /
I didn't go home at all : (I heard the clock strike one a.m., one a.m., one a.m.!) /
Golden arrow : song /
Dinah from Carolina /
I'll be there with bells on : (and I'll ding-a-ling for you) : flirting song /
I'm a bringing up the family /
Flora Dora : a stirring march song /
Drei Künstler.
Oh, you candy kid /
I've got rings on my fingers, or, Mumbo jumbo jijiboo J. O'Shea /
That mesmerizing Mendelssohn tune = Mendelssohn rag /
Shaky eyes /
Dancing sunshine /
If I thought you wouldn't tell /
Euphonic sounds : a syncopated novelty /
Mandy, how do you do? /
Four American Indian songs : founded upon tribal melodies, op. 45 /
MUSICPOP 1909-D Online Good-bye Mister Caruso
African hunter a characteristic jungle symphonie /
Country club rag time two-step /
That teasin' rag
Chow-chow rag
Mop rag a slow drag /
Euphonic sounds a syncopated novelty /
MUSICPOP 1909-H Honey rag : two-step /
The Purdue spirit : a rag time two step /
The bolo rag /
Temptation rag /
The pinywoods rag /
Mop rag : a slow drag /
Chow-chow rag /
Country club : rag time two-step /
Cabbage-leaf rag : a superb ragged melody : a rich two-step /
Cherry leaf rag /
Chocolate creams : a rag with a flavor /
Clover leaf rag /
Cincinnati rag /
The classic rag /
Five little brown jugs rag /
Frozen Bill rag /
Cotton babes : rag two step /
Dandelion : characteristic rag and two step /
Diablo rag : a rag fantasie, two step /
I'm Alabama bound : rag time two step : also known as the Alabama blues /
Ink splotch rag : a ragtime splash /
Virginia creeper : characteristic rag /
Queen of rags : characteristic two step /
Rag time Betty /
Pansy blossoms rag /
Porcupine rag : (two step) /
Vanity : rag two-step /
The microbe : a contagious rag /
Minstrel band : rag /
More noise rag : march two-step /
That teasin' rag /
One more rag /
Onions : an intermezzo two-step /
Rag baby : rag /
Ragged Jack : the new rag /
Rastus rag /
Razzle dazzle : a rag twostep /
Safety pin catch /
The Saratoga glide : (a rag) /
Scizzor Bill : rag /
Silver king rag : for the piano /
That poker rag /
Splinters : two-step /
Streamers : the fashionable rag /
Sunburst rag /
Sunflower babe : march two step /
Sparkles : high class ragtime two step /
The thriller : rag /
Tobasco rag time waltz /
Trouble : rag /
Twinkles : march two-step /
Snipes /
Solace : a Mexican serenade /
Texas steer rag /
The octopus rag /
Old crow rag /
Pickled beets rag /
Pigeon wing : rag /
Pin cushion /
Pork & beans : ragtime two step /
Poverty rag /
Velma chocolates : black rag two step /
The American rag /
Apple jack : (some rag) /
Blind Boone's southern rag medley, no. two : strains from the Flat branch.
Play that fandango rag /
The yiddisha rag /
That hypnotizing rag /
The bumble bee : characteristic rag /
Broadway rag /
Bud rag /
Buzzer rag /
Ethiopia : a rag /
Everybody's rag : (it gets you going) /
Oh, you devil : rag /
That dreamy rag /
The dish rag /
Dixie kisses : rag intermezzo /
Dope : a rag novelette two step /
Funny bones /
Fuss and feathers : a genuine rag /
Hot ashes /
Kansas appleknocker rag /
King of them all rag /
Kissing bug : rag /
Lemons and limes : a sour rag /
The Frisco rag /
Daisy rag : a novelty two-step /
Hard wood rag /
Virginia rag : two step /
When your heart beats rag time : barn dance /
The wish bone : a ragtime twostep /
Ragtime land /
That cuddlin' rag : E. Ray Goetz /
Grace and beauty : a classy rag /
Westward, ho! : march and two-step /
Meet me in dear old Seattle /
Casey Jones : the brave engineer /
Rag-bag : rag (a rag-time galop) /
Rubber plant rag : a stretcherette /
G whiz : ragtime two step /
Drake's cake walk /
Fly paper rag /
Bachelor's button : rag time intermezzo /
Blue grass : rag /
MUSICPOP 1909-H Online Funny bones
Cabbage-leaf rag a superb ragged melody : a rich two-step /
Pansy blossoms rag
Porcupine rag (two step) /
Queen of rags characteristic two step /
Rag time Betty
The American rag
Apple jack (some rag) /
Bachelor's button rag time intermezzo /
Vanity rag two-step /
Virginia creeper characteristic rag /
Temptation rag
Broadway rag
Diablo rag a rag fantasie, two step /
Dixie kisses rag intermezzo /
Dandelion characteristic rag and two step /
Blind Boone's southern rag medley, no. two strains from the Flat branch.
Five little brown jugs rag
Fly paper rag
Cincinnati rag
Dope a rag novelette two step /
Everybody's rag (it gets you going) /
Buzzer rag
Blue grass rag /
Bud rag
The bumble bee characteristic rag /
Honey rag two-step /
King of them all rag
Kissing bug rag /
The microbe a contagious rag /
Frozen Bill rag
Fuss and feathers a genuine rag /
G whiz ragtime two step /
Grace and beauty a classy rag /
Hard wood rag
The dish rag
Cherry leaf rag
Clover leaf rag
Cotton babes rag two step /
The classic rag
Chocolate creams a rag with a flavor /
Meet me in dear old Seattle
Westward, ho! march and two-step /
Ethiopia a rag /
MUSICPOP 1909-I The rage quadrille /
Yesterday /
A mountain breeze : idyl for the piano /
Down the old Potomac : song /
Scotch rye : characteristic rag /
Girl o' dreams /
Back among the southern pines /
O, light divine : sacred song /
MUSICPOP 1909-I Online Girl o' dreams
O, light divine sacred song /
Down the old Potomac song /
A lover's matin song morning song / words by Frank Dempster Sherman ; music by J. Frances Ferlén.
Back among the southern pines
The rage quadrille
A mountain breeze idyl for the piano /
MUSICPOP 1909-K Seasick /
Carrie, or, Carrie marry Harry /
The bolo rag /
Moving day in Jungle Town /
La spagnola = Spanish dancer : bolero /
Without you, the world don't seem the same /
Temptation rag /
I didn't mean to make you cry /
Let the roses tell my story /
My Southern rose /
Margarita /
Monkey Doodle Dandy /
Meet me on the boardwalk, dearie /
Skinny /
There's something fascinating 'bout the moon /
Bamboo lane
The bolo rag
Burglar buck /
Tobasco rag time waltz /
Play that fandango rag /
That hypnotizing rag /
Oh, you devil : rag /
That dreamy rag /
The Frisco rag /
Shaky eyes /
He's a college boy : march song /
My little kangaroo.
For months and months.
Eily Riley.
I used to sing, "I wish I had a girl," now it's "Don't take me home" /
Come on play ball with me dearie /
Song of the soul.
If I thought you wouldn't tell /
I am longing for tomorrow when I think of yesterday /
I trust my husband [wife most] anywhere, but I like to stick around /
I wish I had my old girl back again /
I wish that you was my gal, Molly /
My Portola maid : song /
My Kerry colleen /
Isn't that enough for you? /
I love my husband, but--oh, you Henry! /
Hint of violets.
Father brings home something every day /
Gee! But it's tough to be broke : a song classic /
My hero /
Amo : song /
Pretty little laughing eyes /
The song of the dove /
I want a girl from a yankee doodle town /
La Portola : waltz /
Nora Malone : call me by 'phone /
I'm a bringing up the family /
Leoline /
The long green club /
He's just plain ordinary man but Lord how he can love /
My big moon /
My husband's in the city /
Lena Schmitt /
The Parisian glide /
Vertige : valse lente /
Comical eyes /
Stageland /
By the light of the silvery moon /
The Cubanola glide /
Down at the huskin' bee : S.R. Henry's barn dance /
I've got rings on my fingers, or, Mumbo jumbo jijiboo J. O'Shea /
My Honolulu hula girl /
To-night will never come again.
Next to your mother, who do you love?
That mesmerizing Mendelssohn tune = Mendelssohn rag /
Abie, take an example from your fader : novelty Hebrew song /
I've lost my gal /
Bamboo lane /
Where do we go from here, Bill? /
An Irish girl is good enough for me /
That's the doctor, Bill! /
My own United States.
My soldier boy.
Little shirt my mother made for me.
If I had the world to give you.
If I should plant a tiny seed of love.
Soft ways.
Who knows?
Without you.
Spanish Serenade.
Nobody knows, nobody cares /
Sadie Salome : (go home) /
Miss lady moon /
Cannibal love /
Blue-beads /
Charme d'amour = Love's spell /
Two little girls loved one little boy /
In good old Georgia land /
Cordova : Spanish dance /
Pansy the moon am shining /
Only love dreams /
My Angelett cheree /
My treasure = Tesoro mio /
My little kangaroo /
My Caroline /
Mary, you're a big girl now /
Dublin daisies /
Booby : a juvenile jibe /
I wonder how the old folks are at home /
McElwee /
MUSICPOP 1909-K Online The Frisco rag
Bamboo lane
The bolo rag
Burglar buck
He's a college boy march song /
Oh, you devil rag /
Comical eyes
MUSICPOP 1909-SM Uncle Rome : the old boatman /
From the land of the sky-blue water : one of "Four American Indian songs" : opus 45, no. 1 /
Go find a sweetheart : from The emerald isle /
My pony boy /
Compensation /
The cubanola glide /
Temptation rag /
That mesmerizing Mendelssohn tune = Mendelssohn rag /
Nobody knows, nobody cares /
Mandy, how do you do? /
MUSICPOP 1909-SM Online The cubanola glide
Temptation rag
My pony boy
Mandy, how do you do?
Go find a sweetheart from The emerald isle /
From the land of the sky-blue water one of "Four American Indian songs" : opus 45, no. 1 /
Uncle Rome the old boatman /
That mesmerizing Mendelssohn tune Mendelssohn rag /
Nobody knows, nobody cares
MUSICPOP 1909 Online Over the loop to Mt. McClellan
The Cubanola glide
Shaky eyes
That mesmerizing Mendelssohn tune Mendelssohn rag /
Casey Jones the brave engineer /
MUSICPOP 1910 Ringers.
Salutation of the dawn.
School bells.
Stop, stop, stop : come over and love me some more.
By the Saskatchewan.
How beautiful upon the mountains /
I never knew 'till now.
Salve Regina = O holy father : song with Latin and English text /
Little admiral.
Myself when young /
My ever-gone school-days.
My heart is thine : o sole mio.
Teach me to pray.
What's the matter with father.
Valley of laughter.
Waiting for the Spring.
Who are you with to-night.
Ah love but a day.
Drink to me only with thine eyes.
Gee but it's great to meet a friend from your home town.
Chanson du Toreador.
Chimes of the long ago.
Back at the dear old home sweet home.
If I were you.
Hymn to the night.
Sylvan song.
Grand Canyon of Arizona : waltzes /
If love were all.
Cupids I.O.U.
Passing by.
Moon behind the cottonwood.
All that I ask of you is love : ballad /
Ah! Sweet mystery of life (the dream melody) : for it is love alone that rules for aye! /
Ah! Sweet mystery of life : (the dream melody) : for it is love alone that rules for aye! /
Let me live and stay in Dixieland /
I'm looking for a dear old lady /
Sweet Italian love /
Sugar moon /
Oh! That funny rag /
Honey I will long for you /
Girl of my dreams /
When my Marie sings chilly billy bee /
Don't wake me up I am dreaming /
That dreamy Italian waltz /
Mother Machree.
Perfect day.
Put your arms around me honey.
Let me call you sweetheart /
Banjo song /
Down by the old mill stream /
The angle worm wiggle /
I'd love to live in Loveland with a girl like you.
Cradle song.
Day dreams, visions of bliss : duet: Bozena and Aladar /
The Dublin rag /
Silver bell.
I'm falling in love with some one /
In all my dreams I dream of you : ballad /
You are the ideal of my dreams : ballad /
Fifty years ago.
On Wisconsin.
Sing me to sleep.
Venetian moon.
When you and I were young, Maggie.
When song is sweet.
Under the yum yum tree.
All that I ask of you is love.
Any little girl, that's a nice little girl, is the right little girl for me /
Chinatown my Chinatown.
Gliding o'er the snow.
College medley.
Come Josephine in my flying machine.
Coster rag /
Dream of heaven.
Dreaming of home and mother.
Dill pickles /
Don't you see, dear?
First June rose.
Last night I heard the nightingale.
Little gray dove.
My dear old southern home.
My yankee doodle girl.
Pearl and song.
In thy hands.
Mammy's song.
Oh! Marie.
King Chanticleer.
Bohemian cradle-song.
Dearest /
Dreamy Italian waltz.
Her old fashioned homestead on the hill.
What's the use of trying to forget the one you love.
Mister Moon-Man turn off the light.
Some of these days.
Every little movement /
Dreams, just dreams /
By the light of the silvery moon /
When a boy from Old New Hampshire loves a girl from Tennessee.
Washington and Lee swing.
When Earth's last picture is painted.
Bright lights gay, or, the new mown hay.
My Moon.
Renouveau d'amour.
Just for a girl.
Sapphic ode.
I won't be back till August.
Maybe you're not the only one who loves me.
Bedtime at the zoo.
Shadow March.
Just a dream of you dear.
Golden Hours.
Neath the southern moon.
Down in the forest.
My soul.
Let me call you sweetheart.
Soft-footed snow.
Grizzly bear /
Alamo rag /
I'll change the thorns to roses /
Little maid of old Chicago.
MUSICPOP 1910-D Lovie Joe /
Try it on your piano /
I've got your number /
I've got the time, I've got the place but it's hard to find the girl /
The Chinatown rag /
Columbia rag /
The red mouse rag /
Tangle-foot rag /
The black man /
If I was a millionaire /
Flippitty flop : and away she goes /
You're gwine to get somethin' what you don't expect /
A certain party rag /
That Italian rag : a slow drag /
Dat draggy rag /
All aboard for monkey town /
Play that barber shop chord /
That beautiful rag /
That Italian rag /
How'd you like to be my beau? /
Dandy Dan : two-step, cake-walk /
Jack rabbit rag /
Ketchup rag /
Jim Crow rag : march intermezzo /
I feel religion comin' on : (a coon whine) /
Meet me to-night at nine /
Dear Mayme, I love you /
Pliney come out in the moonlight /
Alexander and his clarinet /
If the managers only thought the same as mother /
Cole 30 flyer /
Down where the sea breezes blow /
All that I ask of you is love : ballad /
Alma /
Ah! Sweet mystery of life (the dream melody) : for it is love alone that rules for aye! /
Cutey who tied your tie? /
Herman let's dance that beautiful waltz /
At the front of the battles you found us, we won with the red white and blue /
Bye bye sweetheart : march song /
The butterfly /
Innocent Bessie Brown /
Santa Fé /
Texas /
Come along my Mandy! /
Come back to me : from French waltz song "Reviens" /
Come back to Bohemia /
Chinatown, my Chinatown /
Molasses candy /
Mister Johnson, good night /
Oh, that moonlight glide /
Valley flower : intermezzo two step /
Come to the ball : song /
Listen to that jungle band /
That Kazzatsky dance /
Piano man /
Reuben rag /
That opera rag /
Colored Romeo /
Gee! but the moon makes me lonesome /
Sweet Italian love /
As deep as the deep blue sea : song for low voice /
Ask her while she's smiling /
Back to the bleachers for mine /
Follow the car tracks /
I can't miss that ball game /
Don't forget your Northern lad when you go back to Dixie /
Don't give me diamonds, all I want is you /
Chicken reel, or, Performer's buck /
Chili-sauce rag /
Bring back my Lena to me /
Anywhere /
Band band band /
I'd give my life for you /
I'd rather say hello than say goodbye /
I'll make a ring around Rosie /
Fireflies = Geburtstag-Stäudchen : song /
I'm going on a long vacation /
Honey I will long for you /
I love my steady, but I'm crazy for my once-in-a-while /
I love the girls from A to Z /
I love you more each day /
I'm a happy married man /
I'm a lucky boy to have a girl like you /
I love it : fantastic rag two-step /
Irresistible rag /
Down by the old mill stream /
The Dublin rag /
Call me up some rainy afternoon /
Any little girl, that's a nice little girl, is the right little girl for me /
When I hear you play that piano, Bill /
Every little movement /
By the light of the silvery moon /
The Waiman rag : a slow drag /
Alamo rag /
MUSICPOP 1910-D Online Tangle-foot rag
Dandy Dan two-step, cake-walk /
Dat draggy rag
Irresistible rag
I love it fantastic rag two-step /
That Italian rag a slow drag /
The Waiman rag a slow drag /
Flippitty flop and away she goes /
Chili-sauce rag
A certain party rag
Columbia rag
Chicken reel, or, Performer's buck
Jim Crow rag march intermezzo /
Ketchup rag
Jack rabbit rag
Santa Fé
MUSICPOP 1910-H The college rag /
Pitter-patter rag /
Carbarlick acid rag /
The Chinatown rag /
Columbia rag /
The red mouse rag /
Dat possum rag /
Candle-stick rag /
Captivatin' rag : I love my classic music but "oh! you ragtime" /
Chanticleer (cock a doodle doo) rag : march two-step /
Chanticleer (cock-a-doodle-doo) : rag, march, waltz /
Champagne rag /
Chilly-billy-bee rag : instrumental /
Chimes : a novelty rag /
Claudia rag /
Felix-rag /
Fiddle sticks : a new rag /
Frosty : characteristic two step /
Cotton states rag /
Cotton time : ragtime two-step /
Cucumber rag /
Hearts longing : waltzes /
High jinks : characteristic "rag" two-step /
Imp rag /
Nervous rag /
That fussy rag : piano solo /
Spaghetti rag /
Red pepper : a spicy rag /
Redhead rag /
Homespun rag /
Zeppelin rag /
Medic rag : ragtime two-step /
The melody man : a "raggy" two step /
Moose rag /
A certain party rag /
That Italian rag : a slow drag /
Ophelia rag /
Poison rag /
Polar bear rag /
Ra! ra! ra! : a rag, a syncopated novelet /
Rabbit foot rag /
Rag-a-tag rag : rag time march and two-step /
The red devil /
Rigamarole rag /
Scrub rag : the classy rag /
Sea weeds : rag /
Silver buckle : a new rag /
Sleepy Sidney : rag time two step /
Star & garter : rag-time waltz /
Stewed prunes : slow drag /
Sure fire rag /
A southern symphony : rag, op. 7-11 /
That pleasing rag /
A totally different rag /
Trouble maker : rag /
That beautiful rag : instrumental /
That Chinese rag /
Nigger-toe : rag /
Oh, you bear cat rag : instrumental /
Peach blossoms : two step /
Pepper-sauce : a hot rag /
Percy : rag time two-step /
Porto Rico : rag intermezzo /
Powder rag /
Grizzly bear rag /
Bingo rag /
Anoma : characteristic rag /
Cavalier rustican' rag /
Aviation rag : march & two step /
Give us a ragtime tune /
Alfalfa rag : for piano /
Oh that kissing rag /
Oh you bear cat rag : vocal /
Parisian rag /
Play that barber shop chord : rag two step /
That peculiar rag /
Boston jag : two-step /
Clover blossom rag /
Colonial glide /
Dolly Connolly's Egyptian rag /
Dimples : rag time intermezzo /
Dogzigity rag /
Geo. Cohan's rag /
The Georgia rag /
Hilarity rag /
Knockout drops rag /
Lady slippers : two step /
Live wires rag /
That beautiful rag /
That lovin' lazy rag /
That Italian rag /
That Indian rag : the tom-tom song /
Jack rabbit rag /
Ketchup rag /
Aero rag /
Affinity rag /
Aggravation rag /
Alabama shuffle : a rag cakewalk-glide-two-step /
The Honolulu rag /
Halifax rag /
Halley's comet rag /
Harem scarem rag /
Rag de Paree /
Russian pony rag : a syncopated prance /
The oyster rag /
Sand-paper : rag /
Vivacity rag /
Walhalla rag : a two-step craze /
Wedding bells : rag /
Wild flower : rag /
Wild grapes rag /
Rusty-can-o rag /
The rag-time table d'hote /
Rag-time table d'hote /
That Spanish-American rag /
That rag-time mel-o-dy : with apologies to Rubinstein's Melody in F /
Goin' some : a syncopated reminiscence /
The glide away rag /
Golden spider : march two-step /
Gunpowder rag /
Across the continent : march & two-step /
Sunset Limited march /
Sunset Limited : march two-step /
Pioneer limited : march two-step /
Chicken reel, or, Performer's buck /
Chili-sauce rag /
Oh! That funny rag /
The aviator rag : two step /
Oh! oh! oh! : a hypochondriac rag /
Who let the cows out : a bully rag /
Haytian rag /
That fascinating ragtime glide /
Comet rag /
I love it : fantastic rag two-step /
Irresistible rag /
Lemon drops : rag-two step /
The Dublin rag /
That fussy rag : (oh you-rag) /
The Waiman rag : a slow drag /
Alamo rag /
Chatterbox rag /
That ticklin' rag /
Black beauty : rag /
MUSICPOP 1910-H Online Spaghetti rag
Redhead rag
The college rag
Give us a ragtime tune
Alabama shuffle a rag cakewalk-glide-two-step /
Alfalfa rag for piano /
Anoma characteristic rag /
Aero rag
Affinity rag
Aggravation rag
Aviation rag march & two step /
Dat possum rag
Zeppelin rag
Play that barber shop chord rag two step /
The Honolulu rag
Cavalier rustican' rag
A certain party rag
Candle-stick rag
Chanticleer (cock-a-doodle-doo) ; rag, march, waltz /
Frosty characteristic two step /
Goin' some a syncopated reminiscence /
Dogzigity rag
Dolly Connolly's Egyptian rag
Fiddle sticks a new rag /
Boston jag two-step /
Bingo rag
Black beauty rag /
Lemon drops rag-two step /
Nervous rag
The Georgia rag
Geo. Cohan's rag
Cucumber rag
The glide away rag
Golden spider march two-step /
Gunpowder rag
Harem scarem rag
Halley's comet rag
Halifax rag
Across the continent march & two-step /
Comet rag
Champagne rag
Cotton states rag
Cotton time ragtime two-step /
Dimples rag time intermezzo /
Chimes a novelty rag /
Chilly-billy-bee rag instrumental /
Claudia rag
Clover blossom rag
Pioneer limited march two-step /
Sunset Limited march
Sunset Limited march two-step /
That Indian rag the tom-tom song /
Captivatin' rag I love my classic music but "oh! you ragtime" /
Colonial glide
Red pepper a spicy rag /
MUSICPOP 1910-I My sunny Colorado home /
You're my little doll baby /
Pick up the sunshine /
MUSICPOP 1910-I Online My sunny Colorado home
Pick up the sunshine
You're my little doll baby