Call Number (LC) Title Results
MUSICPOP 1905-H Policy king : a popular two step /
Chicken chowder : characteristic two-step /
Plantation dreams : ideal two-step /
Calico rag /
Cannon ball : characteristic two-step /
A catchy thing : characteristic march & two-step /
Chicken on the fence : two-step intermezzo rag-time /
Chuckles : two step /
Cinders : a novelty two step /
Florida rag /
Freckles : march and two step /
Old folks at home. My old Kentucky home : (rag-time arrangement) /
Maud : two-step /
The mascot : march two-step /
Musical zigzags rag /
No-ze : march-two-step : as played nightly on Steamer Island Queen /
A ragtime joke : march-two step /
Sassafras rag /
Splivin's Corners : a barnyard medley march /
The trifler : two step /
Sympathetic Jasper : a rag /
Peek-a-boo rag /
Opera rags : characteristic march-two step /
The Vienna rag : cake walk a la Strauss /
Jungle time : a genuine rag /
Baltimore buck : ragtime two step /
Aunt Jane : intermezzo two-step /
Blue ribbon rag /
Peaches and cream /
Dimples : characteristic march : (two step) /
Gallery gods delight : a rag time two-step /
Hoosier rag : two step /
A black bawl : a slow drag /
The black cat rag : march & two step /
Back to life : rag time march & two step /
Virginia : march & two step /
The wise gazabo : two step /
The giggler : march-two-step /
On the Portland Trail : the immediate waltz song hit /
Dear old 'Frisco /
In my home among the Rockies far away /
Lewis and Clark Exposition waltzes : (Papinta waltzes) /
The girl I loved out in the golden West /
The Portland exposish /
Lazy Luke /
MUSICPOP 1905-H Online Blue ribbon rag
Baltimore buck ragtime two step /
Cannon ball characteristic two-step /
Chuckles two step /
Freckles march and two step /
The black cat rag march & two step /
Calico rag
Gallery gods delight a rag time two-step /
Lewis and Clark Exposition waltzes (Papinta waltzes) /
The Portland exposish
The giggler march-two-step /
Chicken on the fence two-step intermezzo rag-time /
A catchy thing characteristic march & two-step /
Dimples characteristic march : (two step) /
Cinders a novelty two step /
In my home among the Rockies far away
Dear old 'Frisco
On the Portland Trail the immediate waltz song hit /
Aunt Jane intermezzo two-step /
Florida rag /
The trifler two step /
Back to life rag time march & two step /
MUSICPOP 1905-I Alone : song for medium voice /
Ba low : slumber song for medium voice /
Where the silv'ry Colorado wends its way /
Kabeyun = West wind : march-two step /
Maude Fealy : two-step /
Canebrake harvest dance /
The Abyssinian patrol : march /
In the cottonfield /
Parson Johnson's rag-time mule : a characteristic two-step, march or cake walk /
The girl you love : song /
When my sweetheart Mary whispered "yes" /
Western girl : two-step and march /
Lorador : a reverie /
Back among the clover and the bees /
Lullaby at the cabin door /
Here's to Colorado /
In Colorado where the wild flowers grow /
Flowers of the past : song for medium voice /
The girl I loved out in the golden West /
My own sweetheart /
U of C /
Colorado memories.
Rough rider, or where the Larmie River flow.
Just a little spray of columbine /
MUSICPOP-1905-I Dainty Flo from Idaho / 1
MUSICPOP 1905-I Online The girl you love song /
In Colorado where the wild flowers grow
In the cottonfield
Just a little spray of columbine
Kabeyun = West wind march-two step /
Lullaby at the cabin door
Maude Fealy two-step /
My own sweetheart
Parson Johnson's rag-time mule a characteristic two-step, march or cake walk /
Outside the walls of Vassar song /
On the banks of Lac Qui Parle song /
When my sweetheart Mary whispered "yes"
The Abyssinian patrol march /
Alone song for medium voice /
Ba low slumber song for medium voice /
Back among the clover and the bees
The beautiful city sacred solo /
Canebrake harvest dance
U of C
Western girl two-step and march /
Where the silv'ry Colorado wends its way
Lorador a reverie /
Little coon lullaby
The girl I loved out in the golden West
Flowers of the past song for medium voice /
Here's to Colorado
MUSICPOP-1905-I Online Dainty Flo from Idaho 1
MUSICPOP 1905-K Feather queen : an Indian song /
I'm on my way to Dublin bay.
Happy Heinie : a characteristic march-two step /
I'm a' looking for my ten, or I don't want to see Caesar /
Jungle time : a genuine rag /
Yankee grit : march & two step /
The dear old farm /
Bobby /
When the evening breeze is sighing.
Time, the place, and the girl.
Everyone is in slumberland but you and me.
A flower from home sweet home /
I want somebody to love /
In the cold gray dawn /
Mandy, you and me! /
The leader of the German band /
Lulu : Lulu Lulu Loo /
It's the beer : it makes you feel queer /
I long to see you once again /
In the shade of the old apple tree /
Julie, my jewel /
It's only me /
I don't want to be a sailor /
Lulu and Leander /
In a hammock that just holds two /
Mazie /
On the banks of the Rhine with a stein /
Paddle your own canoe : a darkey ditty /
Boni : (Bonnie) /
Ada /
Angel face /
Jealous /
You look awful good to father /
My gal Sal, or, They called her frivolous Sal /
In Timbuctoo : a monkey ditty /
Fly away birdie to heaven /
Good bye, sweetheart, good bye /
Farewell! so long! good-bye! /
Dear old hills of California /
Friends that are good and true /
If the man in the moon were a coon /
Then you'll remember me : from The Bohemian girl /
Moonlight : song : a serenade /
My mama's waiting there /
Pal of mine /
Only a message from home sweet home /
Myra /
Priscilla : colonial intermezzo /
Dear starry eyes, good-night /
Dolly O'Mally /
Chloroform /
Brother masons /
Cupid is the captain of the army /
A soldier's dream /
Somebody's sweetheart I want to be /
Bis früh um fünfe : Marschduett aus gleichnamigen Schwank /
Nimm mich mit! : polka /
In dear old Georgia : song /
For Uncle Sam and the old red white and blue /
I wonder if you know my heart is breaking /
So long Mary.
Don't argify /
Sleep and forget.
I'll be waiting in the gloaming, sweet Genevieve.
In that ivy covered cottage down the lane.
Plain little soldier man /
MUSICPOP 1905-K Online Jungle time a genuine rag /
Dear old hills of California
MUSICPOP 1905-SM I'll be home on Christmas eve /
I don't know where I'm goin', but I'm on my way : a coon oddity /
Why don't you try, or, The rolling chair song /
Happy Heinie : a characteristic march-two step /
The beautiful land of Bon Bon /
The belles of Dixie : characteristic march /
Daddy's little girl /
The matador : intermezzo-two step march /
Cherry : intermezzo gentile /
A picnic for two /
Would you care? /
In the golden autumn time : my sweet Elaine /
MUSICPOP 1905-SM Online The belles of Dixie characteristic march /
I'll be home on Christmas eve
I don't know where I'm goin', but I'm on my way a coon oddity /
In the golden autumn time my sweet Elaine /
Why don't you try, or, The rolling chair song
Daddy's little girl
Happy Heinie a characteristic march-two step /
The beautiful land of Bon Bon
Cherry intermezzo gentile /
The matador intermezzo-two step march /
A picnic for two
Would you care?
MUSICPOP 1905 Online Our company march
Darktown barbacue [sic]
If the man in the moon were a coon
MUSICPOP 1906 Retreat.
Streets of New York.
Sleep little Ikey sleep.
My southern queen.
Noon and night.
Sweethearts of boyhood days.
When love turns December to May.
When the snowbirds cross the valley.
Where blossoms grow.
You're a grand old flag.
Down in the forest.
Goblin man.
Hail joyous morn.
Blossom land.
Benvenuto : op'era en quatre actes, six tableaux /
Farewell my little sunbeam.
Floods of spring.
Geisha girl from old Japan.
Love me and the world is mine.
'Mid the fields of snowy cotton : 'round my dear old southern home.
Major Marjory.
Sweet Miss Mary.
If I only had a home sweet home /
Home sweet home sounds good to me /
The starlight of my Colorado home /
Bric-a-brac rag /
Is it warm enough for you.
The pipe of peace : American intermezzo-two step /
Story that you told me in the dell.
Cycle of life.
Stricken City.
Carry me back to Old Virginny : song and chorus /
Au revoir, my little hyacinth.
My Mariuccia take a steamboat : she's gone away /
I love a lassie, or, Ma Scotch bluebell /
I love you truly : from Seven songs as unpretentious as the wild rose /
I am content to wait /
Without a wedding ring /
At dawning /
Going, going, gone /
Lamb that strayed from the fold.
Old Pike's Peak /
Anchors aweigh : song of the Navy.
Cheer up mary.
Clover blossoms /
Arrah Wanna : an Irish Indian matrimonial venture /
The bull-frog and the coon /
The good old U.S.A. /
Memories of the Yellowstone.
Song that mother sung.
Stars, the stripes and you.
What's the use of dreaming.
When the flowers bloom in springtime.
He's a cousin of mine /
Where the pine trees grow.
And a little child shall lead them /
When the violets whisper "Marie"
Don't you mind it, honey.
When the mocking birds are singing in the wildwood.
Waiting, waiting for the day that ne'er will come.
Won't you come over to my house.
The Uncle Sammy girls.
Where the sweet Kentucky flows.
While the old mill wheel is turning.
Young antelope.
At parting.
At the parting of the way.
From you I'll never part.
Heaven born banner.
Good-bye pal.
Holly and mistletoe.
Cradle song.
Dinner bells.
Don't you want a paper, dearie.
I never thought I'd miss you as I do.
My chilly baby.
My faithful rose.
My farewell don't mean goodbye.
My laddie.
My Mexicana queen.
My sweetheart little Nell.
Never raise a razor 'less you want to raise a row.
Risen indeed.
I'm the candy.
If the folks at home could see me now.
In dear old Arizona.
In my heart of hearts I love you.
In the orchard where the children used to play.
Just like you.
O loving father.
On the blue hills of New England, far away.
Joy of the morning.
Look for me when the lilacs bloom.
Man we will always love.
Queen of spades.
Rae! rae! rae!
Say you'll be my lady, Dinah do!
Hee! haw!
I am swept across the desert.
What's the use of living without love.
Love's pleading.
Mine for life.
Not because your hair is curly.
Thursday is my Jonah day.
Since your eyes looked into mine.
Ain't you coming back to old New Hampshire, Molly? /
Colleen Bawn /
Every day is ladies day w.
Strolling with your summer girl.
Such is my love for you.
When the columbine's in blossom Bessie dear /
If I but knew.
Like the rose, you're the fairest flower.
How's my boy?
When you know you're not forgotten, by the girl you can't forget.
Those homemade pumpkin pies.
Lost children of the sand hills.
Hymn to the evergreen state.
Lightfoot Luke.
Bird on Nellie's hat.
Somewhere /
That's what the rose said to me.
Mother's appeal.
It happens ev'ry night.
As in a rose jar.
Where the river Shannon flows.
School days.
I love you truly.
Floating along : romanza, two-step /
I love you truly /
Old New England homestead on the hill.
Can you keep a secret? /
MUSICPOP 1906-D Sweet potatoes : a ragtime march /
The goblin man /
If you can't say something good : (don't say nothing at all) /
Pickles and peppers : a rag oddity : march and two-step /
Snow ball : ragtime march /
If I only had a home sweet home /
I've got a white man running my automobile /
The watermelon trust : a slow drag /
Bake dat chicken pie /
Dis aint no time for an argument /
Cuttin' up : slow drag /
Razzazza mazzazza : an extravaganza : piano solo /
Popularity : march and two step /
Frog legs rag /
I could love a million girls /
Kinklets : a ragtime two step /
If anybody wants to meet a Jonah, shake hands with me /
I ain't going back to Baltimo' no mo' : coon song /
The sun am shining why don't you go /
The sun shines on no sweeter girl than mine /
The algebra of love /
All aboard for Broadway /
I like you too : song /
If I only had the nerve : song /
Alice where art thou going /
Down Mobile /
After they gather the hay : rustic ballad /
All in down and out : (sorry I ain't got it, you could get it, if I had it) /
I just can't make my eyes behave /
The bullfrog and the coon /
Camp meeting time : [coon song] /
Carry me back to Old Virginny : song and chorus /
I've said my last farewell : toot-toot-good-bye /
I'm in love with the slide trombone : the great novelty song /
Ida-ho! /
Here it comes again /
I'll be back in a minute but I got to go now /
What's the use of loving if you can't love all the time /
The parson and the turkey /
College life : march and two-step /
Run, brudder rabbit, run! /
My Mariuccia take a steamboat : she's gone away /
The girl my heart beats for /
I'd rather be outside a-lookin' in than on the inside a-lookin' out /
I'd like to see a little more of you /
He walked right in, turned around and walked right out again /
Ev'ry ship will find a harbor /
Good night /
Holding hands and you don't say nothing at all /
I'll keep a warm spot in my heart for you /
Fordham ram : march & two step /
How can I bear to leave thee! : soldier's farewell /
Girls who have loved /
Dan /
I'll do anything in the world for you /
I love a lassie, or, Ma Scotch bluebell /
I love you truly : from Seven songs as unpretentious as the wild rose /
I love only you little girl /
Arrah Wanna : an Irish Indian matrimonial venture /
He's a cousin of mine /
And a little child shall lead them /
A friend of mine told a friend of mine /
Ain't you coming back to old New Hampshire, Molly? /
Colleen Bawn /
Grizzly bear /
At the grasshopper's hop : dance characteristic /
Georgianna /
MUSICPOP 1906-D Online Snow ball ragtime march /
Sweet potatoes a ragtime march /
At the grasshopper's hop dance characteristic /
Cuttin' up slow drag /
Dis aint no time for an argument
The watermelon trust a slow drag /
Bake dat chicken pie
Kinklets a ragtime two step /
Pickles and peppers a rag oddity : march and two-step /
Frog legs rag
MUSICPOP 1906-H Tangle foot rag /
Sweet potatoes : a ragtime march /
Snow ball : ragtime march /
Cazador : a rag time two step /
The darkies Mardi Gras : a ragtime march and two step /
May Irwin's rag time dance : (two-step oddity) /
Made in Germany : popular German melodies /
Micky Finn : characteristic two-step /
The watermelon trust : a slow drag /
Southern sneeze : rag-time two-step /
Sly Sal : a slow drag /
Soapsuds : march two-step characteristic /
Tatters : characteristic march two step /
Sleepy Lou : a raggy two step /
Home, sweet home and Annie Laurie : rag arrangement /
Antoinette : march and two-step /
Bouncing Betty : novelty two-step /
Bric-a-brac rag /
Cole smoak /
Doll rags /
Lauterbach : ragtime twostep /
Frog legs rag /
Kinklets : a ragtime two step /
Noodles : (German rag) /
Songs of the rag time boy /
The burning of Frisco town /
The Pacific Electric Trolley waltz /
Does this railroad lead to heaven /
Chuckles : two step /
Ida-ho! /
Manhattan rag /
Dixie queen : a southern rag time /
Jack Frost : rag-time two step /
Klinkers : characteristic march & two-step /
Dixie blossoms : two-step /
Chestnuts /
Holy Moses /
Pretzel Pete /
Dill pickles : a new rag /
MUSICPOP 1906-H Online The darkies Mardi Gras a ragtime march and two step /
Home, sweet home and Annie Laurie rag arrangement /
Antoinette march and two-step /
Chuckles two step /
Dixie blossoms two-step /
Dixie queen a southern rag time /
Doll rags
Bouncing Betty novelty two-step /
Bric-a-brac rag
May Irwin's rag time dance (two-step oddity) /
Lauterbach ragtime twostep /
Dill pickles a new rag /
Cole smoak
Cazador a rag time two step /
The Pacific Electric Trolley waltz
The burning of Frisco town
Does this railroad lead to heaven
MUSICPOP 1906-I To a lonely floweret /
Back among the clover and the bees /
The homeland of the soul : sacred song /
Blue bells of Scotland : transcription /
Dreaming on the silv'ry Rio Grande /
The hurdler : march and two step /
Annie Laurie : transcription /
Morning prayer /
Preludietto /
Seeing Denver /
The girl you love : song /
California, that's the place for you, old man, for you /
The mermaid's song : an idyl for the piano /
Sasarida : intermezzo mexicana /
Coasting : waltz song /
Invocation : veni Creator Spiritus /
Old Rockies cradle song /
Cradle song of Bethlehem /
Easter song /
When the blue bells bloom again.
Rosemary : a flower song /
The sultana intermezzo : an oriental dream /
MUSICPOP 1906-I Online Coasting waltz song /
Cradle song of Bethlehem
Dreaming on the silv'ry Rio Grande
Easter song
The girl you love song /
The homeland of the soul sacred song /
The hurdler march and two step /
Invocation veni Creator Spiritus /
The mermaid's song an idyl for the piano /
Morning prayer
Old Rockies cradle song
What 49 could do song /
Sasarida intermezzo mexicana /
Annie Laurie transcription /
Back among the clover and the bees
California, that's the place for you, old man, for you
Rosemary a flower song /
Seeing Denver
The sultana intermezzo an oriental dream /
To a lonely floweret
Blue bells of Scotland transcription /
MUSICPOP 1906-K Norma darling /
You're a grand old flag.
The town at the end of the line /
Ida-Ho! /
Farewell Killarney /
If I only had a home sweet home /
Sam's laugh : characteristic march and two-step /
Home sweet home sounds good to me /
I don't like a search-light /
Popularity : march and two step /
The San Francisco earthquake : descriptive ballad /
My Irish Rosie.
Love's happiness.
Poor John!
When you're away.
Love me, and the world is mine.
Alice where art thou going /
I could learn to love a soldier /
In the meadow : near the Susquehanna shore /
The early bird catches the worm /
Fare thee well my old Kentucky /
Float me Charlie /
Good night beloved good night : a serenade /
How'd you like to like a girl like me? /
In the springtime when the roses bloom again /
If I had you /
In a chimney corner : on a winter's night /
It was persuasion /
I guess that's going some /
Georgianna /
I'm getting ready for my mother-in-law /
Keep on loving me! /
In a little house that's built for two /
Lucinda lonely /
I have waited for a long, long while /
Acushla /
Alamo /
All in down and out : sorry I ain't got it, you could get it, if I had it /
I'm going right back to Chicago /
I'll let you chew my chewing gum /
Land of golden dreams /
Red roses : waltz : op. 156, no. 4 /
Ida-ho! /
Bird on Nellie's hat.
Georgiana Dunn /
The old New England homestead on the hill /
Pawnee : song /
Napanee : a song founded on actual facts /
Let me be your honey bee! /
Lonesome little maid /
Lucinda Lee /
Lyla! /
By the light of the honeymoon, or kiss me and say you'll miss me /
My lass from the land of the shamrock /
Mammy's little curly head /
My little Dutch colleen /
One of the boys /
Nora, my Irish rose /
Nothing like that in our family /
My own beloved /
My U.S.A. girl /
The rose and the violet /
Down in the caverns /
Matrimony /
Canoeing in the park /
Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do /
May I call on you? /
Maryland my Maryland /
Crocodile isle /
Would you leave your happy home for me /
When your money's all gone /
You've got to be American to feel that way /
When Tommy Atkins marries Dolly Gray /
The songs of the rag time boy /
Milo : march and two step /
Minerva : a South American romance /
The same old game : song /
Without a wedding ring /
Manhattan rag /
Anchors aweigh : song of the Navy.
My Mariuccia : take a steamboat.
He's a cousin of mine /
Don't you mind it, honey.
How many girls have you told that to? /
Won't you come over to my house.
Not because your hair is curly.
A friend of mine told a friend of mine /
Ain't you coming back to old New Hampshire, Molly? /
Colleen Bawn /
My Irish Rosie /
Tesoro mio : valzer, op. 228 /
Lonely /
The great beyond /
Somebody loves somebody.
As we parted at the gate.
Clover blossoms.
When you know you're not forgotten, by the girl you can't forget.
Somewhere /
It's lonesome tonight.
In southern California far, far, away.
Kiver up yo' head, my little lady.
Where the weeping willow shades the mossy land /
The bird on Nellie's hat /
Sweet Mary of Tralee /
MUSICPOP 1906-K Online He's a cousin of mine
A friend of mine told a friend of mine