Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZ238.I7 S65 1983 The Iran-United States claims tribunal, 1981-1983 / 1
KZ238.I7 S65 1983i The Iran-United States claims tribunal, 1981-1983 1
KZ238.I7 W47 1991 International transactions and claims involving government parties : case law of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal / 1
KZ238 .I73 1997 Gulf War claims reporter / 1
KZ238.M37 J64 2008 Consequential damages of nuclear war : the Rongelap report / 2
KZ238.M37 J64 2008eb Consequential damages of nuclear war : the Rongelap report / 1
KZ238 .M4 1929i Treaties joint rules governing the Commission personnel. 1
KZ238.M4 N54 1933 International law applied to reclamations : mainly in cases between the United States and Mexico / 1
KZ238.M49 G66 1940 The Bucareli agreements and international law, 1
KZ238.M5 A44 1948i American Mexican Claims Commission under the Act of Congress approved December 18, 1942 : report to the Secretary of State. 1
KZ238 .M67 1935 The Mexican claims commissions, 1923-1934; a study in the law and procedure of international tribunals, 1
KZ238 .N6 1917r North Atlantic coast fisheries arbitration at the Hague : argument on behalf of the United States / 1
KZ238.N6 P37 1910 North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Tribunal of Arbitration : constituted under a special agreement signed at Washington, January 27th, 1909, between the United States of America and Great Britain / 1
KZ238.N6 P37 1912 North Atlantic coast fisheries. : Proceedings in the North Atlantic coast fisheries arbitration before the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague. Under the provisions of the general treaty of arbitration of April 4, 1908, and the special agreement of January 27, 1909, between the United States of America and Great Britain. (In twelve volumes) .. 1
KZ238 .N69 1982i North Atlantic coast fisheries arbitration at the Hague argument on behalf of the United States / 1
KZ238.P2 U55 1934i American and Panamanian general claims arbitration under the conventions between the United States and Panama of July 28, 1926, and December 17, 1932 1
KZ238.P5 A43 1902 Transcript of record of proceedings before the Mexican and American mixed claims commission with relation to "The Pious Fund of the Californias," being claim no. 493, American Docket, and entitled Thaddeus Amat, Bishop of Monterey, Joseph S. Alemany, Archbishop of San Francisco, vs. Mexico. 1
KZ238.P5 J64 1963 The Pious Fund. 1
KZ238.P5 P47 1902 Recueil des actes et protocoles concernant le litige du "Fonds pieux des Californies", soumis au tribunal d'arbitrage constitué en vertu du traité conclu à Washington le 22 mai 1902 entre les États-Unis d'Amérique et les États-Unis mexicains. 1
KZ238.P5 P47 1902i Recueil des actes et protocoles concernant le litige du "Fonds pieux des Californies", soumis au tribunal d'arbitrage constitué en vertu du traité conclu à Washington le 22 mai 1902 entre les États-Unis d'Amérique et les États-Unis mexicains 1