Call Number (LC) Title Results
KU1750 .Q83 1919i The legislative powers of the commonwealth and the states of Australia with proposed amendments / 1
KU1750 .R38 2002 Australian constitutional law : foundations and theory / 1
KU1750 .R38 2007 Australian constitutional law : foundations and theory / 1
KU1750 .R44 2003 Reflections on the Australian Constitution / 1
KU1750 .S28 2011 The constitution of Australia : a contextual analysis / 1
KU1750 .T76 2001 Federal constitutions and international relations / 1
KU1750 .W38 1996 The rules : an introduction to the Australian constitutions / 1
KU1750 .W96 1956 Legislative, executive and judicial powers in Australia : being a treatise on the distribution of legislative, executive and judicial powers of Commonwealth and States under the Commonwealth of Australia constitution act / 1
KU1750 .W96 1962 Legislative, executive, and judicial powers in Australia ; being a treatise on the distribution of legislative, executive, and judicial powers of Commonwealth and States under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution act. 1
KU1753 .C37 2006 The constitutional systems of the Australian states and territories / 1
KU1753 .C37 2006eb The constitutional systems of the Australian states and territories / 2
KU1760 .C27 1971 An introduction to Australian legal history / 1
KU1760 .C53 1901i Studies in Australian constitutional law 1
KU1760 .C62 2019 The constitution and government of Australia, 1788 to 1919 / 1
KU1760 .C63 1901i Australian federation 1
KU1760 .C73 1913i The state and federal constitutions of Australia 1
KU1760 .D648 1903i Verfassungsgeschichte der australischen kolonien und des "Commonwealth of Australia" 1
KU1760 .H86 1930i American precedents in Australian federation 1
KU1760 .J69 1961i Holman versus Hughes extension of Australian Commonwealth powers / 1
KU1760 .L35 1997 Lane's commentary on the Australian Constitution / 1