Call Number (LC) Title Results
KKK207 .A28 2009i Constitution et droits de l'homme 1
KKK207 .A28 2023i Constitution du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg version consolidée au 01 juillet 2023. 1
KKK207.A31841 A6 2013i Constitution of Estates for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 12 October 1841 1
KKK207.A31848 A6 2013i Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 9 July 1848 1
KKK207.A31856 A6 2013i Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 27 November 1856 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 1919i Constitution of 17 October 1868 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 1929i Constitution du 17 octobre 1868 (modifée le 15 mai 1919) 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 1956i The Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg October 17 1868. 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 1968i Constitution of Luxembourg October 17 1868, as amended May 15, 1919, April 28, May 6 and 21, 1948, July 27 and October 25, 1956. 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 1994i La Constitution du 17 octobre 1868 modifiée en 1919, 1948, 1956, 1972, 1979, 1983, 1988, 1989 et 1994. 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 1995i The Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg of October 17th, 1868 (memorial 1868, p. 220) 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 1997i Constitution et droits de l'homme 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 1998i La Constitution du Grande-Duche de Luxembourg 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 2010i Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg of 17 October 1868 (as amended to 12 March 2009) 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 2016i Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 17 October 1868 as amended to 18 October 2016 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 2017i Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 17 October 1868 as amended to 13 October 2017 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 2019i Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 17 October 1868 as amended to 6 December 2019 1
KKK207.A31868 A6 2020i Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 17 October 1868 as amended to 15 May 2020 1
KKK207.A321858 L89 1858i Loi du 13 janvier 1858, portant fixation de la liste civile Gesetz vom 13. Janner 1858, durch welches die Civilliste festgesetz wied. 1
KKK207.A321918 L89 1918i Revision de la constitution Revision der Verfassung. 1