Call Number (LC) Title Results
KFM2401 .M35 Massachusetts lawyers weekly 1
KFM2401 .M38 1986i Massachusetts 1
KFM2401 .W45 1890i A bibliographical sketch of the laws of the Massachusetts colony from 1630 to 1686 in which are included the Body of liberties of 1641, and the records of the Court of assistants, 1641-1644 : arranged to accompany the reprints of the laws of 1660 and of 1672 / 1
KFM2415 .M33i MA state voting records 1
KFM2425 .A25 Acts and resolves passed by the General Court of Massachusetts. 1
KFM2425 .A25i Acts and resolves passed by the General Court of Massachusetts 1
KFM2425 .A26 General laws and resolves passed by the Legislature of Massachusetts during the session of. 1
KFM2425.2 1673 .A2i Orders, made at a General Court held at Boston, January the 6th, 1673 and printed by their order /
Boston, March 22, 1672,3. the deputy-governor and magistrates adjacent being assembled in Council, to consider of the late awfull hand of God, consuming our castle by fire the one and twentieth of this instant, thereby taking away that part of our Defence against the Incurfons of forreign enemies.
KFM2425.2 1674 .A2i At a General Court held at Boston, March the eleventh, 1673,4 Whereas it pleaseth God still to exercise his people here & else-where, with many and various difficulties and trialls ... These and other considerations hath moved this court, who do hereby order & appoint that the twenty sixt[h] day of this instant March, be set apart & kept as a day of humiliation and prayer.
Several laws and orders made at the second sessions of the General Court held at Boston in New England the seventh of October 1674 and printed by their order, Edward Rawson secr.
KFM2425.2 1674 .A25i Several laws and orders made at the General Court holden at Boston, the twenty seventh of May 1674 and printed by their order, Edward Rawson, Secret. 1
KFM2425.2 1675 .A2i At a meeting of the Council in Boston in the Massachusets in New-England March the fourth, 1674,5 Upon consideration of the condition of the people of God in other parts of the world ... The Council, have thought it expedient, to appoint the twenty fifth day of this instant, to be kept as a day of humiliation, in fasting, and prayer.
Several laws & orders made at the General Court holden at Boston the twelfth of May 1675 And printed by their order, Edward Rawson. secrt.
At a Council held in Boston August the thirtieth 1675 the Council judging it of absolute necessity for the security of the English and the Indians that are in amity with us that they be restrayned their usual commerce with the English, and hunting in the woods, during the time of hostility with those that are our enemies.
At a Council held at Boston, September the seventeenth 1675 It having pleased the Holy God ... The governour and Council of this jurisdiction therefore ... do appoint and order the seventh day of the next moneth ; to be a day of public humiliation, with fasting and prayer.
At a Council held at Boston the 25th. of June, 1675 the governour and magistrates being assembled in Council to consider of the publick affairs of this common-weal ... doe nominate and appoint the 29th. day of this instant June to be kept as a day of humiliation and prayer.
KFM2425.2 1692 The acts and resolves, public and private, of the province of the Massachusetts Bay : to which are prefixed the charters of the province. With historical and explanatory notes, and an appendix. Published under chapter 87 of the Resolves of the General court of the commonwealth for the year 1867. 1
KFM2425.2 1692i The acts and resolves, public and private, of the province of the Massachusetts Bay to which are prefixed the charters of the province : with historical and explanatory notes, and an appendix / 1
KFM2425.2 1699 .A23 Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England begun and held at Boston, the thirty-first of May, 1699, and continued by several prorogations unto Wednesday the thirteenth of March following, and then Sat. 2
KFM2425.2 1780 The perpetual laws of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, from the establishment of its constitution, in the year 1780, to [February, 1807] ... : with the constitutions of the United States of America, and of the commonwealth, prefixed. To which is added, an appendix, containing acts and clauses of acts, from the laws of the late colony, province and state of Massachusetts, which either are unrevised or respect the title of real estate. 1
KFM2427.C65 A35 1858 Report of the Commissioners on the Revision of the Statutes : in five numbers, 1858. 1
KFM2427.C65 A35 1881 Report of the Commissioners on the Revision of the Statutes. 1
KFM2427.J65 A35 1920 Report to the General Court of the Joint Special Committee on Consolidating and Arranging the General Laws. 1
KFM2427.J657 A8 1881 The journal of the Joint Special Committee of the General Court on the Revision of the Statutes, 1881. 1
KFM2430 1648 .A223 The book of the general lawes and libertyes concerning the inhabitants of the Massachusetts : reproduced in facsimile from the unique 1648 edition in the Huntington Library / 1