Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF2905.3 .B35 1941i Medico-legal law brief in relation to malpractice suits with citations / 1
KF2905.3 .B35 2005 The medical malpractice myth / 1
KF2905.3 B35 2005eb The medical malpractice myth / 1
KF2905.3 .B53 2021 Medical malpractice litigation : how it works, why tort reform hasn't helped / 1
KF2905.3 .B68 2011i Medical liability in a nutshell 1
KF2905.3 .B68 2017i Medical liability in a nutshell 1
KF2905.3 .B68 2024i Medical liability in a nutshell 1
KF2905.3 .B76 1975 The relationship between medical malpractice and quality of care / 1
KF2905.3 .C46 2008 Avoiding medical malpractice : a physician's guide to the law / 1
KF2905.3 .C5 Legal implications of emergency care / 1
KF2905.3 .C528 2008eb Avoiding medical malpractice : a physician's guide to the law /
Avoiding medical malpractice a physician's guide to the law /
KF2905.3 .C65 2001 Medical malpractice trials and verdicts in large counties : 2001 / 1
KF2905.3 .C66 1987 The Continuing need for legislative reform of the medical liability system : a response by the medical profession to opponents of tort reform. 1
KF2905.3 .C87 1963i Malpractice law dissected for quick grasping 1
KF2905.3 .D345 1980 The disposition of medical malpractice claims / 1
KF2905.3 .D346 1986 The effects of tort reforms on the frequency and severity of medical malpractice claims : a summary of research results / 1
KF2905.3 .D348 1982 The frequency and severity of medical malpractice claims /
The frequency and severity of medical malpractice claims
KF2905.3 .D349 1986 New evidence on the frequency and severity of medical malpractice claims /
New evidence on the frequency and severity of medical malpractice claims
KF2905.3 D349 1986 New evidence on the frequency and severity of medical malpractice claims / 1
KF2905.3 .D355 1982 The resolution of medical malpractice claims, modeling the bargaining process / 1