Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF220 .C68 no. 514 Petition to the governor of New Jersey for the pardon of Lewis Waldenberger 1
KF220 .C68 no. 515 State of Louisiana versus J. Madison Wells, Thomas C. Anderson, Gadane Casanave, Louis M. Kenner full proceedings of the trial of Thomas C. Anderson / 1
KF220 .C68 no. 516 The assassination of J. Clarke Swayze, and trial of John W. Wilson containing full proceedings in the trial and acquittal of Wilson, together with press comments, sketches, articles from the Blade and Times and matter not before published. 1
KF220 .C68 no. 517 Closing argument of the Hon. A.G. Riddle for the prosecution at the trial of Hiram C. Whitley, Richard Harrington, and Arthur B. Williams, for conspiracy, in the Criminal Court of the District of Columbia, November 23, 24, and 25, 1874.
Closing argument of the Hon. A.G. Riddle for the prosecution, at the trial of Hiram C. Whitley, Richard Harrington and Arthur B. Williams, for conspiracy, in the Criminal Court of the District of Columbia, November 23, 24, and 25, 1874.
KF220 .C68 no. 518 The trial of Peter Robinson for the murder of Abraham Suydam, Esq., President of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of New Brunswick containing a very full and accurate account of all the testimony adduced on the trial, the whole having been carefully taken down as it was delivered : also, the very eloquent and impressive charge of Chief Justice Hornblower to the jury, and his final most affecting address to the wretched criminal on pronouncing upon him the sentence of death : together with a full account of all the strange and horrid confessions of Robinson as made to different persons before his trial, and to his counsel and others since his conviction : sentenced to be hung on the 16th day of April next /
The trial of Peter Robinson, for the murder of Abraham Suydam, Esq., president of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, of New Brunswick containing a very full and accurate account of all the testimony adduced on the trial the whole having been carefully taken down as it was delivered : also, the very eloquent and impressive charge of Chief Justice Hornblower, to the jury and his final most affecting address to the wretched criminal on pronouncing upon him the sentence of death : together with a full account of all the strange and horrid confessions of Robinson as made to different persons before his trial and to his counsel and others since his conviction : sentenced to be hung on the 16th day of April next /
KF220 .C68 no. 519 Memoirs of the Rev. Ammi Rogers, A. M. a clergyman of the Episcopal church, educated at Yale College in Connecticut, ordained in Trinity Church in the city of New-York,-- persecuted in the state of Connecticut, on account of religion and politics, for almost twenty years : and finally, falsely accused and imprisoned in Norwich jail, for two years, on the charge of crimes said to have been committed in the town of Griswold, in the county of New-London, when he was not within about one hundred miles of that place, and of which he was absolutely as innocent as the judge who pronounced the sentence, or as any other person in the world /
Memoirs of the Rev. Ammi Rogers, A.M. a clergyman of the Episcopal Church, educated at Yale College in Connecticut, ordained in Trinity Church in the city of New-York, persecuted in the state of Connecticut, on account of religion and politics for almost twenty years and finally, falsely accused and imprisoned in Norwich jail for two years, on the charge of crimes said to have been committed in the town of Griswold, in the county of New London, when he was not within about one hundred miles of the place and of which he was absolutely as innocent as the judge who pronounced the sentence, or as any other person in the world /
KF220 .C68 no. 519a Memoirs of the Rev. Ammi Rogers, A.M. a clergyman of the Episcopal Church ... persecuted in the state of Connecticut, on account of religion and politics ... and finally, falsely accused and imprisoned in Norwich jail, for two years, on the charge of crimes said to have been committed in the town of Griswold, in the county of New London ... was ... innocent ... Also a concise view of the authority, doctrine, and worship, in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and a very valuable index to the Holy Bible / 1
KF220 .C68 no. 520 The father's story of Charley Ross, the kidnapped child containing a full and complete account of the abduction of Charles Brewster Ross from the home of his parents ... /
The father's story of Charley Ross, the kidnapped child containing a full and complete account of the abduction of Charles Brewster Ross from the home of his parents in Germantown, with the pursuit of the abductors and their tragic death : the various incidents connected with the search for the lost boy : the discovery of other lost children etc. etc. /
KF220 .C68 no. 521 The recollections of a policeman 2
KF220 .C68 no. 522 The arrest and trial of Frederick F. Streeter, for the murder of the Coy family with an account of his escape from prison, his subsequent recapture, and some incidents of his life. 1
KF220 .C68 no. 523 A chronological history of the Boston watch and police, from 1631 to 1865 together with the recollections of a Boston police officer, or, Boston by daylight and gaslight : from the diary of an officer fifteen years in the service / 1
KF220 .C68 no. 524 Freedom of the press and "obscene" literature three essays / 1
KF220 .C68 no. 525 A sketch of the life of Miss Ellen Jewett who was murdered in the city of New York on Saturday evening, April 9, 1836 : with a portrait copied from her miniature. 1
KF220 .C68 no. 525a The truly remarkable life of the beautiful Helen Jewett, who was so mysteriously murdered the strangest and most exciting case known in the police annals of crimes and mysteries in the great city of New York. 1
KF220 .C68 no. 526 San Francisco Vigilance Committee of '56 with some interesting sketches of events succeeding 1846 / 3
KF220 .C68 no. 527 The trial of Henry Joseph and Amos Otis, for the murder of James Crosby, captain of the brig Juniper, on the high seas in the Circuit Court of the United States, District of Massachusetts, holden at Boston, October term 1834. 1
KF220 .C68 no. 528 Argument before the Tewksbury Investigation Committee 2
KF220 .C68 no. 529 The spider and the fly, or, Tricks, traps, and pitfalls of city life 1
KF220 .C68 no. 530 A sermon addressed to the Second Presbyterian congregation in Albany, March 4, 1838, the Sabbath after intelligence was received that the Hon. Jonathan Cilley, member of Congress from Maine, had been shot in a duel with the Hon. William J. Graves, member from Kentucky 1
KF220 .C68 no. 531 Wicked men ensnared by themselves a sermon preached, December 16, 1825, in the Second Parish of West Springfield, at the interment of Samuel Leonard, and Mrs. Harriet Leonard, his wife, the former of whom murdered the latter, and then committed suicide : with an appendix containing an account of the horrid transaction /
Wicked men ensnared by themselves a sermon preached, December 16, 1825, in the second parish of West Springfield, at the interment of Samuel Leonard, and Mrs. Harriet Leonard, his wife : the former of whom murdered the latter, and then commited suicide : with an appendix containing an account of the horrid transaction /