Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF1849 .H44 2004i Hemingway oil and gas law and taxation 1
KF1849 .H44 2017 Oil and gas law and taxation : a revision of Hemingway / 1
KF1849 .H85 1960i Cases and materials on oil and gas 1
KF1849 .H93 2012 Hydraulic fracturing. 1
KF1849 .H93 2013 Hydraulic fracturing. 1
KF1849 .H93 2014 Hydraulic fracturing. 1
KF1849 .H93i Hydraulic fracturing law and practice 1
KF1849 .J84 2008 The tyranny of oil : the world's most powerful industry--and what we must do to stop it / 1
KF1849 .K75 Oil and gas rights / 1
KF1849 .K8 A treatise on the law of oil and gas : including forms, statutes, regulations / 1
KF1849 .K8i A treatise on the law of oil and gas including forms, statutes, regulations / 1
KF1849 .K95i Kuntz, law of oil and gas 1
KF1849 .L28 Land support personnel / 1
KF1849 .L68 2014i Oil and gas law in a nutshell 1
KF1849 .L68 2019i Oil and gas law in a nutshell 1
KF1849 .L68 2024i Oil and gas law in a nutshell 1
KF1849 .M5 1926 The law of oil and gas a treatise upon the law of oil and gas, together with the Federal Leasing Act, and the rules and regulations of the Secretary of the Interior, governing the leasing of public lands, and of restricted Indian and tribal lands, and forms of leases and other instruments in common use in connection with the exploration for, and production of, oil and gas / 1
KF1849 .M55 1926i The law of oil and gas a treatise upon the law of oil and gas, together with the Federal Leasing Act, and the rules and regulations of the Secretary of the Interior, governing the leasing of public lands, and of restricted Indian and tribal lands, and forms of leases and other instruments in common use in connection with the exploration for, and production of, oil and gas / 1
KF1849 .M67 1920 Oil and gas rights on the public domain and on private lands : discovery and location of oil placer claims : the withdrawal acts, leases and other contracts between the owner and the operator, including forfeiture and protection against drainage : the sinking, pumping and shooting of wells, statutes, decisions and forms : the Oil Leasing Act of 1920 : the regulations of the Interior Department and procedure to procure permits and leases and protect titles under that act : for the legal profession and oil prospectors and companies / 1
KF1849 .M67 1920i Oil and gas rights on the public domain and on private lands, discovery and location of oil placer claims : the withdrawal acts, leases and other contracts between the owner and the operator, including forfeiture and protection against drainage : the sinking, pumping and shooting of wells, statutes, decisions and forms : the Oil Leasing Act of 1920 : the regulations of the Interior Department and procedure to procure permits and leases and protect titles under that act : for the legal profession and oil prospectors and companies / 1