Call Number (LC) Title Results
KDK41 1585 Statuta, ordinationes, acta, et prouisiones edit. in prima sessione Parliamenti illustrissimæ principis Dominæ nostræ Elizabethae, Dei gratia Angliæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ reginæ, fidei defensoris &c. virtute commissionis, & mandati dictæ Dominæ reginæ sub magno sigillo suo Angliæ, tent. apud Dublin, die Lunæ proximo post festum Sancti Marci Euangelistæ, videlicet vicesimo sexto die Aprilis, anno regni prædictæ Dominæ reginæ xxvij. eoram prædilecto & fideli consiliario suo Iohanne Perrot ... : statuta, ordinationes, acta & prouisiones edit. in secunda sessione Parliamenti illustrissimæ principis Dominæ nostræ Elizabethæ ... xxvi. die April. anno regni dict[æ?] Domin[æ?] reginæ xxviii. & ibidem continuati vsque ad xiiii. diem Maii tunc proximum sequentem, & eodem xiiii. die Maii dissoluti, finiti & terminati. 1
KDK41 1678 A collection of all the statutes now in use in the kingdom of Ireland with notes in the margin, and a continuation of the statutes made in the reign of the late King Charles the First, of ever blessed memory : and likewise the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, with the rest of the acts made in the reign of His Majesty that now is, Charles the Second ... to the dissolution of the Parliament, the seventh of August, 1666 : as also a necessary table or kalendar to the whole work.
A collection of all the statutes now in use in the kingdom of Ireland with notes in the margin, and a continuation of the statutes made in the reign of the late King Charles the First, of ever blessed memory : and likewise the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, with the rest of the acts made in the reign of His Majesty that now is, Charles the Second ... to the dissolution of the Parliament, the seventh of August, 1666 : as also a necessary table or kalendar to the whole work ..
KDK41 1695 Acts and statutes made in a Parliament, begun at Dublin the twenty seventh day of August, anno Dom. 1695 in the seventh year of the reign of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lord King William : before His Excellency, Henry Lord Capell, lord deputy general and general governour of His Majesties kingdom of Ireland.
Two acts I. An act for reviving two statutes lately expired, and making them perpetual; and for avoiding unnecessary suits and delays. II. An act for redress of inconveniences for want of proof of the deceases of persons beyond the seas, or absenting themselves, upon whose lives estates do depend.
Two acts I. An act to take away damage clear. II. An act to take away the benefit of clergy from him that doth stabb another not having a weapon drawn.
KDK41 1697 An act for banishing all papists exercising any ecclesiastical jurisdiction, and all regulars of the popish clergy out of this kingdom. 1
KDK41 1697 .I73 Acts and statutes made in a Parliament begun at Dublin the twenty seaventh day of August, anno Dom. 1695 in the seaventh year of the reign of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lord King William : before His Excellency, Henry Lord Capell, Lord deputy general, and general governour of His Majesty's kingdom of Ireland : and continued by several adjournments before Their Excellencies Charles Lord Marquess of Winchester and Henry Earl of Gallway, Lords justice general and general governours of His Majesty's kingdom of Ireland.
Acts and statutes made in a Parliament begun at Dublin the twenty seventh day of August, anno Dom. 1695 in the seventh year of the reign of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lord King William : before His Excellency Henry Lord Capell, Lord deputy general, and general governour of His Majesty's kingdom of Ireland : and continued by several adjournments and prorogations before Their Excellencies Charles Lord Marquess of Winchester, and Henry Earl of Gallway, Lords justice general and general governours of His Majesty's kingdom of Ireland.
Acts and statutes made in a Parliament begun at Dublin the twenty seventh day of August, anno Dom. 1695 in the seventh year of the reign of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lord King William : before His Excellency Henry Lord Capell, Lord deputy general, and general governour of His Majesty's kingdom of Ireland : and continued by several adjournments and prorogations before Their Excellencies Charles Lord Marquess of Winchester, and Henry Earl of Gallway, Lords justice general and general governours of His Majesty's kingdom of Ireland.
Acts and statutes made in a Parliament begun at Dublin the twenty seaventh day of August, anno Dom. 1695 in the seaventh year of the reign of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lord King William : before His Excellency, Henry Lord Capell, Lord deputy general, and general governour of His Majesty's kingdom of Ireland : and continued by several adjournments before Their Excellencies Charles Lord Marquess of Winchester and Henry Earl of Gallway, Lords justice general and general governours of His Majesty's kingdom of Ireland.
KDK41 1783i An abridgment of the publick statutes of Ireland passed from the seventh year of the reign of his present Majesty, our most gracious sovereign Lord George the Third, to the twentieth year inclusive / 1
KDK41 1786 An abridgment of the publick statutes of Ireland, now in force and of general use: and also of such English and British statutes as relate to and bind Ireland, from Magna Charta to the 21st and 22nd years of the reign of His present majesty King George the third inclusive. 1
KDK41 1786 Append An appendix to the abridgment of the statutes of Ireland : containing an abridgment of the several acts passed in this kingdom, in the 23rd and 24th years of ... King George III ; with a table of the titles of the statutes, shewing under what heads they are abridged / 1
KDK41 .S73 1929i The statute law of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Éireann), 1922 to 1928 1
KDK44 .O94 1310-1838 Index to the statutes, at present in force or affecting Ireland, from the year 1310 to 1838, inclusive : continued by annual supplements / 1
KDK45 1617 A compendious collection and breefe abstract of all the auncient English-statutes (from the beginning of Magna Charta) which now are in force within this kingdome of Ireland: by vertue of an Acte of Parliament made at Drogheda in the tenth yeare of the raigne of Henry the Seuenth. : Meete to be knowen and obserued amongest all good subiectes of this kingdome of Ireland. : Set forth vnder sundry apt titles (for the readers redier help) in order of an alphabet. / 1
KDK45 1625 A briefe abstract of all the English statutes which are in force with in the realme of Ireland. And is verie usefull for sheriffes, iustices of the peace, escheators, coroners, and other officers in particular, as all other His Maiesties subiectes in generall. / 1
KDK50.1 .J4 Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of Queen's Bench and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland with tables of the names of the cases and the principal matters / 1
KDK63 The legal reporter 1
KDK63.P75 (INTERNET) Le primer report des cases & matters en ley resolues & adiudges en les courts del Roy en Ireland 1
KDK63.1 .C7 1839 Abridged notes of cases argued and determined in the several courts of law and equity in Ireland : during the years 1837 and 1838 ; with some decisions at Nisi Prius and on the circuits, a table of cases, and index to the principal matters / 1
KDK63.1 .D38 1674i Les reports des cases & matters en ley resolves & adjudges en les courts del roy en Ireland / 1
KDK63.1 .D382 1677i Une exact table al report de Sir John Davys, chivaler, atturney general del roy en Ireland 1
KDK66 1802 .S36 1808 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland during the time of Lord Redesdale / 1
KDK66 1807 .B3 1823 Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland during the time of Lord Chancellor Manners ... / 1