Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD7290 .F57 1558 In this booke is conteyned the offyce of shyryffes, baylyffes of lybertyes, escheatours, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of them maye do by vertue of these offices drawen oute of bookes of the commen lawe and of the statutes. 1
KD7290 .F57 1560 In this booke is conteined the office of shiriffes baylyffes of lybertyes, eschetours, constables and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of them may do by vertue of these offices drawen out of bokes of the comen law and of the statutes. 1
KD7290 .F57 1562 In this booke is contayned the office of shiriffes, bayliffes of libertyes, escheatours, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of them may do by vertue of theyr offices drawe[n] out of bookes of the common lawe and of the statutes. 1
KD7290 .F57 1565 In this booke is contained the office of shiriffes, bayliffes of liberties, escheatours, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery[o]ne of the[m] may do by vertue of theyr offices drawen out of bookes of the common lawe and of the statutes. 1
KD7290 .F57 1570 In this book is contayned the offices of shiriffes, bayllifes of liberties, escheators, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of them may do by vertue of their offices drawen out of books of the common law and of the statutes.
In this booke is contained the office of shiriffes, bayliffes of liberties, escheatours, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of theym maye doe by vertue of theyr offyces drawen oute of bookes of the common lawe, and of the statutes.
KD7290 .F57 1573 In this book is contained the offices of shiriffes, bayliffes of liberties, escheatours, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of the[m] may doo by vertue of their offices drawen out of books of the common law and of the statutes.
In this book is contayned the offices of shiriffes, bayliffes of liberties, escheatours, constables, and coroners, and sheweth what euery one of the[m] may doo by vertue of their offices /
KD7290 .F57 1579 In this booke is contayned the offices of shyriffes, bayliffes of lybertyes, escheatours, constables, and coroners and shewed what euerye one of them may doe by vertue of their offices, drawen out of bookes of the common lawe and of the statutes. 1
KD7290 (INTERNET) In this booke is contayned the offices of shyriffes, bayliffes of lybertyes, escheatours, constables, and coroners and shewed what euerye one of them may doe by vertue of their offices, drawen out of bookes of the common lawe and of the statutes. 1
KD7290 .L36 1602i The dueties of constables, borsholders, tythingmen, and such other lowe and lay ministers of the peace whereunto be adioyned the seuerall offices of church ministers and churchwardens, and ouerseers for the poore, surueighours of the highwaies, and distributors of the prouision against noysome fowle and vermine / 1
KD7290 .L39 The office and dutie of constables, churchwardens and other the overseers of the poore together with the office and dutie of the surveyours of the high-wayes / 2
KD7290 .S53 The offices and duties of constables, borsholders, tything-men, treasurers of the county-stock, overseers for the poore, and other lay-ministers where unto are adjoyned the severall offices of church-ministers and church-wardens / 2
KD7293 .W47 1689 The case of Robert Weston, nominated by the committee, as register and clerk of the Court of Conscience, for the division of the burrough of Southwark, and parishes adjacent. 1
KD7294 .A3 1842i Parish Constables' Act (5 & 6 Vict. cap. 109) with notes, forms, and index / 1
KD7294.A9 S43 The offices of constables, church wardens, overseers of the poor, supravisors of the high-wayes, treasurers of the county-stock and some other lesser country officers plainly and lively set forth 2
KD7294.A9 S53 1652 The offices of constables, church-wardens, overseers of the poor, supravisors of the high-wayes, treasurers of the county-stock, and some other lesser country officers, plainly and lively set forth in two books, the first book being of the office of the high-constable, petit-constable, bursholder, tything-man, &c / 2
KD7294.A9 S53 1657 The offices of constables, church-wardens, overseers of the poor, supravisors of the high-wayes, treasurers of the county-stock, and some other lesser country officers, plainly and lively set forth 2
KD7294 .L35 1582 The duties of constables, borsholders, tythingmen, and such other lowe ministers of the peace wherevnto be also adioined the seuerall offices of church-wardens, of surueiors for amending the high waies, of distributors of the prouision for noisome foule and uermine, of the collectors, ouerseers, and gouernors of the poore, and of the wardens and collectors for the houses of correction / 1
KD7294 .L35 1599 The dueties of constables, borsholders, tythingmen, and such other lowe and lay ministers of the peace whereunto be adioyned, the seuerall offices of church ministers and churchwardens, and ouerseers for the poore, surueighours of the highwaies, and distributors of the prouision against noysome fowle and vermine / 1
KD7294 .L35 1640 The duties of constables, borsholders, tythingmen, and such other low and lay ministers of the peace whereunto bee adjoyned the severall offices of church-ministers, and church-wardens, and overseers for the poore, surveyors of the high-wayes, and distributers of the provision against noysome fowle and vermine / 1
KD7294 .W56 The exact constable with his original and power in the offices of church-wardens, overseers of the poor, surveyors of the highwayes, treasurers of the county stock, and other inferiour officers as they are established both by the common laws and statutes of this realm / 2