Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD7294 .L35 1640 The duties of constables, borsholders, tythingmen, and such other low and lay ministers of the peace whereunto bee adjoyned the severall offices of church-ministers, and church-wardens, and overseers for the poore, surveyors of the high-wayes, and distributers of the provision against noysome fowle and vermine / 1
KD7294 .W56 The exact constable with his original and power in the offices of church-wardens, overseers of the poor, surveyors of the highwayes, treasurers of the county stock, and other inferiour officers as they are established both by the common laws and statutes of this realm / 2
KD7296 The Coroners of Northern Britain, c.1300-1700 / 1
KD7296 .F67 Crowner's quest / 1
KD7296 .J47 1880i Sir John Jervis on the office and duties of coroners with forms and precedents. 1
KD7296 .J47 1888i The Coroners Act, 1887 with forms and precedents / 1
KD7296 .K57 2022 Death, family and the law : the contemporary inquest in context / 1
KD7296 .L63 2017 The conquest of death : violence and the birth of the modern English state / 1
KD7296 .L63 2018 The conquest of death : violence and the birth of the modern English state / 1
KD7296 .M45 1888 The Coroners act, 1887, with forms and precedents. 1
KD7296 .O88 1927i The law and practice relating to coroners 1
KD7296 .P43 2018 In-depth qualitative interviewing : lessons learned from interviewing vulnerable and hard-to-access groups as part of a study into the inquest process / 1
KD7296 .R93 2004 Lobbying from below INQUEST in defence of civil liberties / 1
KD7296 .W45 1905i The King's coroner being a complete collection of the statutes relating to the office together with a short history of the same / 1
KD7296.Z9 W55 1628 A treatise collected out of the statutes of this kingdom, and according to common experience of the lawes, concerning the office and authoritie of coroners and sherifes: together with an easie and plain method for the keeping of a court leet, court baron, and hundred court, &c. / 1
KD7296.Z9 W55 1675 The office and authority of coroners and sheriffs. With directions how and in what manner to execute the said offices in all things that are now in use. Together with an easie and plain method for the keeping of [brace] court leets, court barons, and hundred courts, &c. / 1
KD7303.4 .F58 1540 The newe boke of justices of peas 1
KD7303.99 .M36 1642 A Manuell, or, A Justice of peace his vade-mecum a table containing the substance of all statutes whereby one or more iustices are inabled and authorized to order matters out of the Sessions of the Peace. 2
KD7304 1644 E64 Statuta pacis, or, A perfect table of all the statutes (now in force) which any way concerne the office of a justice of peace cleerly also setting down the severall duties of sheriffes, head-officers of corporations, stewards in leets, constables, and other oficers, so far forth as the said statutes do in any sort concern them / 2
KD7304.6 .C64 1655 A briefe summary of the lavves and statutes of England so far forth as the same do concerne the office of justices of the peace, sheriffs, bayliffs, constables, churchwardens, and other officers and ministers of the commonwealth : together with divers other matters not onely acceptable for their rarity, but also very necessary for their great use and profit, for all persons, but especially for such as bear office in this common-wealth / 2