Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD566 .P45 1827i Englische Reichs- und Rechtsgeschichte seit der Ankunft der Normannen im Jahre 1066 nach Christi Geburt / 1
KD566 .S746 2020 English Justice Between the Norman Conquest and the Great Charter, 1066-1215. 1
KD570 .A54i The Anglo-American legal tradition 1
KD570 (INTERNET) Tractatus de legibus et consuetudinibus regni Anglie, tempore Regis Henrici secundi compositus, Iusticie gubernacula tenente illustri viro Ranulpho de Glanuilla iuris regni & antiquarum consuetudinu[m] eo tempore peritissimo. Et illas solu[m] leges continet et consuetudines secundum quas placitatur in Curia Regis ad scaccarium et coram Iusticiis vbicunque fuerint. Huic adiectæ sunt a quodam legum studioso adnotationes aliquot marginales non inutiles 1
KD570 .S2 1988 Law and records in medieval England : studies on the medieval papacy, monasteries and records / 2
KD570 .W66 1910 Four thirteenth century law tracts : a thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Yale University in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy / 1
KD570 .W66 1910i Four thirteenth century law tracts 1
KD571 1691 An abstract of those laws commanded by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, to be put in speedy execution by her Majesty's most gracious and pious letter (lately sent to the justices of the peace of the county of Middlesex) met at their general quarter-sessions by adjournment, Friday, the 10th of July, 1691. Published for the ease and direction of the several and respective officers in the performance of their duty. 1
KD571 .S43 1913 Select statutes and other constitutional documents : illustrative of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I / 1
KD572 .L54 Über die Leges Anglorum saeculo XIII. ineunte Londoniis collectae / 1
KD574 .C47 1980 Chancery files, Petty Bag series (C.202), index of persons. 1
KD574 .C48 1983 Chancery proceedings, supplement, Elizabeth I (C2/A1-C10) 1
KD574 .C53 1666 An ordinance made the eighteenth day of July ... 1666 1
KD574 .G7 1984 Chancery files, tower, and rolls chapel series (C 235-61, 266, 268, 270) 1
KD574 .G73 1978 Chancery miscellanea (c. 47) key to new references. 1
KD574 .R53 1999 The medieval chancery under Henry V / 1
KD576 La nouuelle natura breuiu[m] du iudge tresreuerende monsieur Anthonie Fitzherbert
Returna br[eviu]m.
Retourna breuium.
KD576 .B64 1732i The English lawyer shewing the nature and forms of original writs, processes and mandates, of the courts at Westminster : as also the forms of returns and directions of writs, processes, &c. : with many curious observations on the whole : written and composed in pursuance of the late Act 4, Geo. II. Cap. 26, that all proceedings in courts of justice shall be in the English language / 1
KD576 .F55 1793 The new Natura brevium of the most reverend judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-herbert / 1
KD576 .F57 1537 La nouel Natura breuium 1