Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC79.A8 P38 2015 Economic equality and direct democracy in ancient Athens / 1
JC79.A8 R4 Solon and his political theory : the contemporary significance of a basic contribution to political theory by one of the Seven Wise Men. 1
JC79.A8 R63 1994 Athens on trial : the antidemocratic tradition in Western thought / 2
JC79.A8 R63 1994eb Athens on trial : the antidemocratic tradition in Western thought / 2
JC79.A8 S24 1991 The honey and the hemlock : democracy and paranoia in ancient Athens and modern America / 2
JC79.A8 S3 Le eterie Nella vita politica ateniese del VI e V secolo A. C. 1
JC79.A8 S56 1988 Democracy and participation in Athens / 1
JC79.A8 S56 1988eb Democracy and Participation in Athens / 1
JC79.A8 S7 1990 The birth of Athenian democracy : the Assembly in the fifth century B.C. / 1
JC79.A8 S74 1990 The classical Athenian democracy / 1
JC79.A8 W27 1989 The Areopagos Council, to 307 B.C. / 1
JC79.A8 W66 1988 Peasant-citizen and slave : the foundations of Athenian democracy / 1
JC79.G67 W54 The law code of Gortyn / 1
JC79.K53 B34 The Athenian regulations for Chalkis : studies in Athenian imperial law / 1
JC79.M5 M8 Milesische Volksbeschlüsse : e. Unters. zur Verfassungsgeschichte d. Stadt Milet in hellenist. Zeit / 1
JC81 Cicero : the republic and the laws / 1
JC81 .B37 1977 Verrinae : die Bedeutung der Reden Ciceros gegen Verres für die Grundprobleme von Staat und Recht / 1
JC81 .C613 1998eb The republic : and, the laws / 1
JC81 .C613 1999 On the commonwealth : and On the laws / 1
JC81 .C613 1999eb On the commonwealth ; and, On the laws / 1