I 19.42/4:98-4003
Analytical methods, numerical modeling, and monitoring strategies for evaluating the effects of ground-water withdrawals on unconfined aquifers in the New Jersey Coastal Plain / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4004
Fish communities and their relation to physical and chemical characteristics of streams from selected environmental settings in the Lower Susquehanna River Basin, 1993-95 / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4004/CORR
Fish communities and their relation to physical and chemical characteristics of streams from selected environmental settings in the Lower Susquehanna River Basin, 1993-95 / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4005
Methods and guidelines for effective model calibration : with application to UCODE, a computer code for universal inverse modeling, and MODFLOWP, a computer code for inverse modeling with MODFLOW / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4006
Assessment of ground-water vulnerability to atrazine leaching in Kent County, Michigan : review, comparison of results of other studies and verification / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4007
Determining discharge-coefficient ratings for selected coastal control structures in Broward and Palm Beach Counties, Florida / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4007/CORR
Determining discharge-coefficient ratings for selected coastal control structures in Broward and Palm Beach Counties, Florida / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4008
Evaluation of archived water samples using chlorine isotopic data, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho, 1966-93 / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4009
Flood potential of South Prairie Creek, Pierce County, Washington / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4010
Geohydrology and distribution of volatile organic compounds in ground water in the Casey Village area, Bucks County, Pennsylvania / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4011
Wetland plants and algae in a Coastal Marsh, Orleans, Cape Cod, Massachusetts / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4012
Nutrient loading and selected water-quality and biological characteristics of Dickinson Bayou near Houston, Texas, 1995-97 / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4013
Stream habitat characteristics at selected sites in the Georgia-Florida coastal plain / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4014
Ground-water age, flow, and quality near a landfill, and changes in ground-water conditions from 1976 to 1996 in the Swinomish Indian Reservation, northwestern Washington / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4015
Peak-flow frequency for tributaries of the Colorado River downstream of Austin, Texas / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4016
Arsenic and metals in soils in the vicinity of the Imperial Oil Company superfund site, Marlboro Township, Monmouth County, New Jersey / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4017
Pesticides in storm runoff from agricultural and urban areas in the Tuolumne River Basin in the vicinity of Modesto, California / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4018
One-dimensional transport with inflow and storage (OTIS) : a solute transport model for streams and rivers / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4019
Water-table and potentiometric-surface altitudes of the upper glacial, Magothy, and Lloyd aquifers on Long Island, New York, in March-April 1997, with a summary of hydrogeologic conditions / |
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I 19.42/4:98-4021
Documentation and application of a method to compute maximum slope and aspect of hydraulic gradients / |
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