Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
I 19.42/4:97-4273 | Estimated ground-water recharge from streamflow in Fortymile Wash near Yucca Mountain, Nevada / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4274 | Numerical simulation of air- and water-flow experiments in a block of variably saturated, fractured tuff from Yucca Mountain, Nevada / | 3 |
I 19.42/4:97-4275 | Statistical analysis and mathematical modeling of a tracer test on the Santa Clara River, Ventura County, California / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4276 |
Geohydrology of the central Oahu, Hawaii, ground-water flow system and numerical simulation of the effects of additional pumping Geohydrology of the central Oahu, Hawaii, ground-water flow system and numerical simulation of the effects of additional pumping / |
2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4277 | Magnitude and frequency of floods in Washington / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4278 | Ground-water flow in the surficial aquifer system and potential movement of contaminants from selected waste-disposal sites at Cecil Field Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:97-4279 | Technique for simulating peak-flow hydrographs in Maryland / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:97-4280 | Pesticides in surface water of the Mid-Atlantic region / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:97-4281 | Characterization and evaluation of channel and hillslope erosion on the Zuni Indian Reservation, New Mexico, 1992-95 / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4282 | Potentiometric surface of the Sparta aquifer in eastern and south-central Arkansas and north-central Louisiana, and the Memphis aquifer in east-central Arkansas, October 1996-July 1997 / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4283 | Recharge rates to the upper Floridan Aquifer in the Suwannee River Water Management District, Florida / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4284 | Occurrence of nitrate and pesticides in ground water beneath three agricultural land-use settings in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California, 1993-1995 / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4285 | Pesticides and volatile organic compounds in surface and ground water of the Palouse subunit, Central Columbia Plateau, Washington and Idaho, 1993-95 / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4286 | Source, occurrence, and extent of arsenic in the Grass Mountain Area of the Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4287 | Estimated predevelopment discharge to streams from the High Plains Aquifer in northwestern Oklahoma, southwestern Kansas, and northwestern Texas / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4288 | Streamflow characteristics for the Black Hills of South Dakota, through water year 1993 / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4289 |
Simulation of canal and control-pond operation at the Quivira National Wildlife Refuge, South-Central Kansas / Simulation of canal and control-pond operation at the Quivira National Wildlife Refuge, south-central Kansas / |
3 |
I 19.42/4:97-4290 | Geologic framework and hydrogeologic characteristics of the outcrops of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers, Medina Lake area, Texas / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4291 | Hydrogeology and water quality of the Shell Valley aquifer, Rolette County, North Dakota / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:97-4292 | Spatial variation in hydraulic conductivity determined by slug tests in the Canadian River alluvium near the Norman Landfill, Norman, Oklahoma / | 2 |