Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ811 .C6 Famous divorces of all ages / 1
HQ811 .J6 Journal of divorce.
Journal of divorce & remarriage.
Journal of divorce & remarriage
HQ811 .K48 1995 Adultery and divorce in Calvin's Geneva / 1
HQ811 .K5 A history of divorce : by S. B. Kitchin. 1
HQ811 .L33 The tide of divorce / 1
HQ811 .P48 1988 Putting asunder : a history of divorce in Western society /
Putting asunder : a history of divorce in western society /
HQ811 .W9 Essay on divorce and divorce legislation, 1
HQ811 .W9 1882i Divorce and divorce legislation especially in the United States / 1
HQ811 .W9 1982 Essay on divorce and divorce legislation, with special reference to the United States / 1
HQ811 .W9 1982i Essay on divorce and divorce legislation, with special reference to the United States 1
HQ811 .W92 1882 Divorce and divorce legislation, especially in the United States. 1
HQ811 .W92 1882i Divorce and divorce legislation especially in the United States / 1
HQ811.5 .M67 2019 The naked truth : a memoir / 1
HQ811.5.S65 A3 2023 You could make this place beautiful : a memoir / 2
HQ813 B49 1569 Tractatio de repudiis et diuortiis: in qua pleraeque de causis matrimonialibus (quas vocant) incidentes controuersiae ex verbo Dei deciduntur. Additur iuris civilis Romanorum, & veterum his de rebus canonum examen, ad eiusdem verbi Dei, et aequitatis normam. / 1
HQ813.C37 1690 The case of my Lord Roos. the Lord Roos did in the Court of Arches cant. London, sue his lady in a cause of separation and divorce propter adulterium. The lady his wife appeared to that suit in the Arches. The Lord Roos libelled against her in that court. Witnesses were in that court examined. There was publication. The cause was afterwards in that court concluded and assigned for sentence. Information upon the whole matter was had. And the Dean of the Arches after such information had upon the merits of the cause, gave sentence of divorce against the lady propter adulterium. 1
HQ813.C83 1700 Cuckoldom alamode, or, A comical relation, of an eminent tallow-chandler, who sneak'd off last week with an ale-drapers wife, near Grays-Inn. With the tallow-chandlers wife's lamentation for the loss of her husband, and the ale-drapers sorrow for the absence of his wife. To which is added , the Leicestershire cobbler's misfortune, or, A hue and cry after a lost maiden head in Bell-Yard, near Sheare-Lane, with other pleasant particulars. 1
HQ813 .E87 1715 An Essay upon divorcement : writ for the good of both sexes, shewing the lawfulness and unlawfulness, the conveniences and inconveniences of divorces with a peremptory conclusion upon the fame : occasion'd by the debates in the House of Lords, the 3d of this instant, upon Sir Geo. Downing and Mrs. Forester, petitioning for a divorce, which will also be an answer to Mr. Shuttlewood's wedding sermon intitled, Marriages made in heaven. 1
HQ813 .E88 1788i An essay on marriage; or, The lawfulness of divorce, in certain cases, considered addressed to the feelings of mankind. 1
HQ813 (INTERNET) Of diuorcement a sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the 10. of May. 1601. /
An Answer to a book intituled, The doctrine and discipline of divorce, or, A plea for ladies and gentlewomen, and all other maried [sic] women against divorce wherein both sexes are vindicated from all bonadge [sic] of canon law, and other mistakes whatsoever.
The case of John Dunton, citizen of London with respect to his mother-in-law, Madam Jane Nicholas, of St. Albans, and her only child, Sarah Dunton : with the just reasons for her husband's leaving her : in a letter to his worthy friend, Mr. George Larkin, Senior : to which is added his letter to his wife.
A contrarye (to a certayne manis) consultacion that adulterers ought to be punyshed wyth deathe. Wyth the solucions of his argumentes for the contrarye. /
A woorke of the holy bishop S. Augustine concernyng adulterous mariages
A treatise concerning adultery and divorce
The doctrine and discipline of divorce restor'd to the good of both sexes from the bondage of canon law and other mistakes to Christian freedom, guided by the rule of charity : wherein also many places of Scripture have recover'd their long-lost meaning : seasonable to be now thought on in the reformation intended.
A dialogue of polygamy, written orginally in Italian
A defence of the iudgment of the Reformed churches that a man may lawfullie not onelie put awaie his wife for her adulterie, but also marrie another : wherin both Robert Bellarmin the Iesuites Latin treatise, and an English pamphlet of a namelesse author mainteyning the contrarie are co[n]futed /