Call Number (LC) Title Results
HP1.2/OG1/1982/sum Six-State High Plains Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Study. 1
HP81.5 .F387 2000 Sexing the body : gender politics and the construction of sexuality / 1
HP120.C3 Financing infrastructure : who should pay? / 1
HP It,D Habemus Papam. 1
HQ The transgender child : a handbook for families and professionals /
Different daughters : a history of the Daughters of Bilitis and the rise of the lesbian rights movement /
Gender, culture and human rights : reclaiming universalism /
Bisexuality in Europe
Aggression in Pornography
Mujeres quebradas : la Inquisición y su violencia hacia la heterodoxia en Nueva España /
Memorias fragmentadas : una mirada transatlántica a la resistencia femenina contra las dictaduras /
Same sex marriage : the personal and the political.
Women, property, and confucian reaction in sung and yuan china.
Voices of Reason : Adolescents Talk About Their Futures Over Time.
The Spinifex Quiz Book : a Book of Women's Answers.
Who Cares for America's Children?
Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 22 (2002) : Economic Outcomes in Later Life--Public Policy, Health and Cumulative Advantage.
Triumph of the Fatherland : German Unification and the Marginalization of Women.
La juventud en ̌poca de confinamiento : la verdadera sindemia en este sector poblacional /
Children in Crisis : Ethnographic Studies in International Contexts.
Le Piège de la violence et les jeunes.
Post-Tsunami Reconstruction in Indonesia : Negotiating Normativity through Gender Mainstreaming Initiatives in Aceh.
Enfranchisement of women
Understanding Y
Mentoria : Or, The Young Ladies Instructor in Familiar Conversations, On Moral and Entertaining Subjects : Calculated To Improve Young Minds in the Essential as Well as Ornamental Parts Of Female Education
The female poets of America
True womanhood
Woman free
Fulfilling the Promise: Public Policy and U.S. Family Planning Clinics
The Good Retirement Guide 2022: Everything You Need to Know about Health, Property, Investment, Leisure, Work, Pensions and Tax
Divorce After 50
National Institute on Aging Pamphlets
Perspectivas Internacionales en Planificación Familiar
Atlas of Gender and Development: How Social Norms Affect Gender Equality in non-OECD Countries
Role of Contraception in Reducing Abortion
Sex Education: Politicians, Parents, Teachers and Teens
Sharing Responsibility: Women, Society and Abortion Worldwide
Bringing Beijing Home
Re-shaping, Re-thinking, Re-defining-Feminist Disability Studies
Strong Proud Sisters-Girls and Young Women with Disabilities
Readings on Induced Abortion, Volume 2: A World Review 2000
Endangered: U.S. Aid for Family Planning Overseas
Family Characteristics of 6- to 12-year-olds
Family Income
Family support for learning
Fathers' Involvement in Their Children's Education
Female Field Concentration Ratio Index of Doctor's Degrees Conferred
Female Field Concentration Ratio of Master's Degrees Conferred
TV Viewing & Parental Guidance
2004 Family Law Update
Challenges Facing Family Planning Clinics and Title X
Babies and Bosses - Reconciling Work and Family Life (Volume 2): Austria, Ireland and Japan
Babies and Bosses - Reconciling Work and Family Life (Volume 3): New Zealand, Portugal and Switzerland
Don't Mess with the Princess!: How a Woman Makes It in a Man's World (Do Not Mess with the Princess!)
OECD Skills Outlook 2017: Skills and Global Value Chains
Contraception Counts: State-by-State Information Set
Contraceptive Services
Mukhtar Mai
Shirin Ebadi
Dakota Roundtable II: A Report on the Status of Native American Women in the Aberdeen Area
Dakota Roundtable III: A Report on the Status of Young Native American Women in the Aberdeen Area
Invisible Women: Data Bias In A World Designed For Men
NWHRC Health Center - Violence Against Women
Smart Girls Screw Up Too: The No-Nonsense Guide to Creating The Life You Want
Adolescent Care Standards and State CHIP Efforts
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Purposeful Retirement: How to Bring Happiness and Meaning to Your Retirement
Marriage Project
Betty Friedan
Feminism & the Women's Rights Movement
Gloria Steinem
Rapport annuel sur les Principes directeurs de l'OCDE à l'intention des entreprises multinationales 2005: La responsabilité des entreprises dans le monde en voie de développement
Best of Pact Press: A Collection of the Best Articles on Being Adopted
Best of Pact Press: A Collection of the Best Articles on Biracial Identity
Best of Pact Press: A Collection of the Best Articles on Birth Parents
Best of Pact Press: A Collection of the Best Articles on Open Adoption
Limitations of U.S. Statistics on Abortion
Medicaid Support for Family Planning in the Managed Care Era
Bill Suppressing Mormonism
Who Will Fight for the Worth of Women's Work?
Seneca Falls Declaration
Status of Woman, Past, Present, & Future
Gender Inequality Income and Growth-Are Good Times Good for Women?
Violence Against Women and Girls: Research and Data in Brief
National PTA Pamphlets
Boss of Busy: Combat Burn Out and Get Clear on What Matters
L'avenir des professions à prédominance féminine
The Future of Families to 2030
The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It
The Good Retirement Guide 2019: Everything You Need to Know About Health, Property, Investment, Leisure, Work, Pensions and Tax
Fils & pères /
OECD Skills Strategy Bulgaria: Assessment and Recommendations
Feeding, Bonding, and the Formation of Social Relationships: Ethnographic Challenges to Attachment Theory and Early Childhood Interventions
At - Home Dad
Sex and Gender Bias in Technology and Artificial Intelligence: Biomedicine and Healthcare Applications
Making Gender Salient: From Gender Quota Laws to Policy
Fourth Estate: A History of Women in the Middle Ages
The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement
Real queer America : LGBT stories from red states.
Las mujeres como impulsoras de transiciones ecofeministas hacia sociedades más justas y diversas : Castilla-La Mancha como laboratorio de experiencias /
Adiós, Chueca : memorias del gaypitalismo : la creación de la marca gay /
Adelante el divorcio /
Las mujeres y la construcción cultural /
Un feminismo del siglo XXI.
Cruzar la línea : mujeres gitanas, entre la identidad cultural y la identidad de género /
La urgencia de vivir : teoría feminista de las emociones /
La vivienda en la vejez : problemas y estrategias para envejecer en sociedad /
La mutilación genital femenina en España : contexto, protección e intervención para su eliminación /
Foucault and queer theory
Medical management of abortion
Counselling Young People
Dissolving Wedlock
Sexual Decoys: Gender, Race & War in Imperial Democracy
Young Men & Masculinities: Global Cultures & Intimate Lives
Family Planning in the Legacy of Islam
No Paradise Yet: The World's Women Face the New Century
When Teens Abuse Their Parents
Gender Justice, Citizenship, And Development
Covenant Marriage: The Movement to Reclaim Tradtion in America
Toward Success: The Experiences & Recommendations of Seven Previously Homeless Families in Mashpee Village
Democracy, Citizenship and Youth: Towards Social and Political Participation in Brazil
A Biographical Dictionary of Women's Movements and Feminisms: Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe, 19th and 20th Centuries
An Overview of Clandestine Abortion in Latin America
Glitch Feminism: A Manifesto
Exploration of Issues-Women's Bodies
Woman in Italy, from the introduction of the chivalrous service of love to the appearance of the professional actress
Lesbian Social Services: Research Issues
Social Work & Child Sexual Abuse
Information Plus : Abortion: An Eternal Social and Moral Issue - 2006 ed.
Child Welfare Revisited: An Africentric Perspective
Social Work Practice in Sexual Problems
Women's Health & Social Work
Adoptive Families in a Diverse Society
Trading Women's Health & Rights: Trade Liberalisation & Reproductive Health in Developing Economies
Building Feminist Movements: Global Perspectives
Against Empire: Feminisms, Racism & the West
Doing Women's Studies: Employment Opportunities, Personal Impacts & Social Consequences
'Honour': Crimes, Paradigms & Violence Against Women
Families, History, and Social Change: Life-course and Cross-cultural Perspectives
Young People And Social Change.
HQ1 Periódicus
Journal of family research
HQ1-2044 LGBT-Parent Families Innovations in Research and Implications for Practice /
Financial Counseling
Divorce in Transnational Families : Marriage, Migration and Family Law /
Parenting and Family Processes in Child Maltreatment and Intervention /
Lone Parenthood in the Life Course /
HQ1 .A47 Alternative lifestyles.
Journal of family and economic issues.
Journal of family and economic issues
HQ1 .A7 Archives of sexual behavior.
Archives of sexual behavior
HQ1 .A88 Journal of family studies. 1
HQ1 .C44 Child and family. 1
HQ1 .C68 Counselling across Australia : newsletter / 1
HQ1 .E64 Enfances, familles, générations 1
HQ1 .E7 Eros. 1
HQ1 .F19 Family life. 1
HQ1 .F252 Fathering 1
HQ1 .F3 Family process. 1
HQ1 .F36 Family relations.
The Family life coordinator
The coordinator
The coordinator bulletin of the Oregon Coordinating Council on Social Hygiene and Family Life.
The Family coordinator
Family relations
HQ1 .H86 Human sexuality. 1
HQ1 .I53 International journal of sociology of the family.
International journal of sociology of the family