Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HN17.5 .W45 2000 |
Welfare and Work in the Open Economy, Volume I. Welfare and work in the open economy / |
2 |
HN17.5 .W454 2008eb | Welfare state transformations comparative perspectives / | 1 |
HN17.5 .W47 2014 | Revolt against authority / | 1 |
HN17.5 .W53 1969 | Die Wiedertäufer der Wohlstandsgesellschaft : eine kritische Untersuchung der "Neuen Linken" und ihrer Dogmen / | 1 |
HN17.5 .W55 1975 | The welfare state and equality : structural and ideological roots of public expenditures / | 3 |
HN17.5 .W65 2005 | Rural geography processes, responses and experiences in rural restructuring / | 1 |
HN17.5 .W67 | Problems of modern society : a sociological perspective / | 1 |
HN17.5 .W67 1978 | Problems of modern society : a sociological perspective / | 1 |
HN17.5 .W67 1995 | World Summit for Social Development : the Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action. | 1 |
HN17.5 .Y55 | Countercultures : the promise and the peril of a world turned upside down / | 1 |
HN17.5 Y68 1999eb | The exclusive society social exclusion, crime and difference in late modernity / | 1 |
HN17.5 .Z48 2000 | The future factor : the five forces transforming our lives and shaping human destiny / | 1 |
HN17.5 .Z49 1994 | Seizing the future : how the coming revolution in science, technology, and industry will expand the frontiers of human potential and reshape the planet / | 2 |
HN17.5 .Z49 1998 | Seizing the future : the dawn of the macroindustrial era / | 1 |
HN17.5 .Z57 1997 | Social movements in politics : a comparative study / | 2 |
HN17.5 .Z57 2006eb | Social movements in politics : a comparative study / | 2 |
HN17.5 ebook |
El malestar social en la transmodernidad : estructura y acción social en la sociedad de la incertidumbre / Por la Quinta Internacional / Ciudades rebeldes : del derecho de la ciudad a la revolución urbana / Evaluación de programas sociales / Política social para la equidad en Colombia : historia y experiencias / |
5 |
HN18 |
Visible hands : taking responsibility for social development : a UNRISD report for Geneva 2000. Citizens, Families, and Reform. Soziale Probleme der modernen Industriegesellschaft : Verhandlungen auf der Tagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften in Augsburg 1976 / Freedom, equality and the market : arguments on social policy / Directions of change : modernization theory, research, and realities / Critical readings in planning theory Revolution or reform? : a confrontation / Social policy, service users and carers : lived experiences and perspectives / The ontology of well-being in social policy and welfare practice / Global social policy in the making : the foundations of the social protection floor / Social Work in the Changing Welfare State A Policy Analysis of Active Labour Market Policies for Disadvantaged Youth in Austria International Congress on Sustainable Social Development and INDESS Workshop / |
14 |
HN18 .A331 2014eb | Planificación, gestión y evaluación : manual básico para la acción social / | 1 |
HN18 .A629 1995 | Marketing social change : changing behavior to promote health, social development, and the environment / | 1 |