Call Number (LC) Title Results
HM846 .W45 2022 The Survival nexus : science, technology, and world affairs / 1
HM846 ebook Cultura científica y empresa : percepciones y actitudes del sector empresarial hacia la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación en España, en los albores del siglo XXI / 1
HM846.8 The possibility of politics : a study in the political economy of the welfare state / 1
HM849.49 .G76 2004 Survey errors and survey costs / 1
HM851 Digital intermediation : unseen infrastructure for cultural production /
Impact of scientific computing on science and society /
Digital citizenship in Africa : technologies of agency and repression /
Information, the hidden side of life /
Social media in northern Chile : posting the extraordinarily ordinary /
Information, security and society in the COVID-19 pandemic /
Cryptopolitics : exposure, concealment, and digital media /
The host in the machine examining the digital in the social /
Bringing a genre into being : Instant Messenger cooperative development /
Server : A Media History from the Present to the Baroque /
Digital information culture the individual and society in the digital age /
The Psychology of Digital Learning : Constructing, Exchanging, and Acquiring Knowledge with Digital Media /
Human Rights in an Information Age A Philosophical Analysis
China's digital presence in the Asia-Pacific culture, technology and platforms /
Haunting hands : mobile media practices and loss /
Capital, state, empire the new American way of digital warfare /
Disability, human rights, and information technology /
Cyberspace divide equality, agency, and policy in the information society /
On the end of privacy : dissolving boundaries in a screen-centric world /
The Oxford handbook of digital technology and society /
Digital community engagement : partnering communities with the academy /
The Oxford handbook of sociology and digital media /
Digital Publics : Cultural Political Economy, Financialisation and Creative Organisational Politics /
The ubiquitous internet : user and industry perspectives /
Retos de la investigacion y la innovacion en la sociedad del conocimiento
Reconceptualizing development in the global information age /
The digital divide : the Internet and social inequality in international perspective /
Transmedia Work : Privilege and Precariousness in Digital Modernity /
Cyber-nationalism in China challenging Western media portrayals of internet censorship in China /
Machines That Become Us : the Social Context of Personal Communication Technology.
The politics and technology of cyberspace /
Future active : media activism and the Internet /
Shifting dynamics of contention in the digital age : mobile communication and politics in China /
Digital objects, digital subjects : interdisciplinary perspectives on capitalism, labour and politics in the age of big data /
Relationships 5.0 : how AI, VR, and robots will reshape our emotional lives /
The Oxford handbook of networked communication /
Digitalization and social change : a guide in critical thinking /
The future internet : how the metaverse, web 3.0, and blockchain will transform business and society /
Code halos : how the digital lives of people, things, and organizations are changing the rules of business /
Thriving on overload : the 5 powers for success in a world of exponential information /
Deepening the understanding of social media's impact in Southeast Asia /
Diversity, divergence, dialogue 16th International Conference, iConference 2021, Beijing, China, March 17-31, 2021, Proceedings.
Africa-Europe cooperation and digital transformation /
Information in contemporary society : 14th International Conference, iConference 2019, Washington, DC, USA, March 31-April 3, 2019, Proceedings /
Battlefields of negotiation : control, agency and ownership in world of warcraft /
Convergencia mediática : nuevos escenarios, nuevas perspectivas /
SOCIEDAD DIGITAL, COMUNICACION Y CONOCIMIENTO retos para la ciudadania en un mundo global.
Der Wert der Digitalisierung : Gemeinwohl in der digitalen Welt /
Protest twittern : Eine medienlinguistische Untersuchung von Straßenprotesten /
Falsehoods fly why misinformation spreads and how to stop it
Digitizing Democracy /
Latin American technopoetics : scientific explorations in new media /
Surveillance, privacy and public space /
Young people's literacies in the digital age : continuities, conflicts and contradictions /
Future courses of human societies : critical reflections from the natural and social sciences /
The digital revolution and governance
African language digital media and communication /
Studying digital media audiences : perspectives from Australasia /
Internet and emotions
The future of work, technology, and basic income /
Opting out of digital media /
Digital participation through social living labs : valuing local knowledge, enhancing engagement /
Digital icons : memes, martyrs and avatars /
The post-mobile society : from the smart/mobile to second offline /
Communication and information technologies annual : politics, participation, and production /
Abundance : on the experience of living in a world of information plenty /
The social media MBA guide to ROI : how to measure and improve your return on investment /
Languages of the unheard : why militant protest is good for democracy /
Paradox of internet groups : alone in the presence of others /
Digital Diversities : Social Media and Intercultural Experience.
Information politics : liberation and exploitation in the digital society /
New media politics : rethinking activism and national security in cyberspace /
Becoming digital : towards a post-internet society /
Digital culture unplugged : probing the native cyborg's multiple locations /
The Internet : an ethnographic approach /
Information and communication technologies for development : 16th IFIP WG 9.4 International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, ICT4D 2020, Manchester, UK, June 10-11, 2020 : proceedings /
Pragmatic Markers in Oral Narrative. The case of English and Catalan.
Gender Identity and Discourse Analysis.
Mastering story, community and influence : how to use social media to become a socialeader /
Cyber security politics : socio-technological transformations and political fragmentation /
Sociedad del conocimiento, tecnología y educación /
Collaborative media : production, consumption, and design interventions /
Posthuman capitalism : dancing with data in the digital economy /
Trust and community on the Internet : opportunities and restrictions for online cooperation /
Papier, hier! ...?
Metafisica de la web.
Social informatics : 9th International Conference, SocInfo 2017, Oxford, UK, September 13-15, 2017, Proceedings.
Gouvernementalität der Wissensgesellschaft : Politik und Subjektivität unter dem Regime des Wissens /
Information /
Digital shutdowns and social media : spatiality, political economy and Internet shutdowns in india /
Strategic social media management : theory and practice /
Digital cultures, lived stories and virtual reality /
Meaningful technologies : how digital metaphors change the way we think and live /
The impact of smart technology on users and society /
Choosing the future : technology and opportunity in communities /
Sociolinguistics and Mobile Communication /
Informatics and communication technologies for societal development : proceedings of ICICTS 2014 /
Exploring screen culture via Apple's mobile devices : life through the looking glass /
Creating memes, Sweding movies, and other digital performances : adaptation online /
Next civilization : digital democracy and socio-ecological finance - how to avoid dystopia and upgrade society by digital means /
The digital coloniality of power : epistemic disobedience in the social sciences and the legitimacy of the digital age /
Social media and social movements : the transformation of communication patterns /
Digital cultures
Cyberpsychology and society : current perspectives /
Computing our way to paradise? : the role of internet and communication technologies in sustainable consumption and globalization /
Digital activism and cyberconflicts in Nigeria : Occupy Nigeria, Boko Haram and MEND /
Materiality and organizing social interaction in a technological world /
Information for a better world : 17th International Conference, IConference 2022, Virtual Event, February 28 - March 4, 2022, Proceedings.
Information for a better world : 17th International Conference, IConference 2022, Virtual event, February 28 - March 4, 2022, Proceedings.
Reputation management online : America's "right to be forgotten" /
The politics of the Internet : political claims-making in cyberspace and its effect on modern political activism /
Mobile screens the visual regime of navigation /
Social informatics : 10th International Conference, SocInfo 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 25-28, 2018, Proceedings.
Think like a startup get agile and unleash your inner entrepreneur /
Asian video cultures : in the penumbra of the global /
Irresistible : the rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked /
Digital China's informal circuits /
Socio-informatics /
The other digital China : nonconfrontational activism on the social web /
The Internet in everything : freedom and security in a world with no off switch /
Knowledge resistance in high-choice information environments /
DIY style : fashion, music and global digital cultures /
The Oxford handbook of Internet studies
Big data's threat to liberty : surveillance, nudging, and the curation of information /
Mobile communications in Asian society and culture : continuity and changes across private, organizational, and public spheres /
The politics of cybersecurity in the Middle East /
Digital resistance in the Middle East : new media activism in everyday life /
Information Communication Technology (ICT) Integration to Educational Curricula : a New Direction for Africa.
Global networking, communication and culture : conflict of convergence? : spread of ICT, Internet governance, superorganism humanity and global culture /
The Gentrification of the Internet : How to Reclaim Our Digital Freedom /
Cultura, economía y educación : nuevos desafíos en la sociedad digital /
Digital activism and the global middle class : generation hashtag /
Tit-for-tat media : the contentious bodies and sex imagery of political activism /
China's digital nationalism /
Information and communication technologies for development : freedom and social inclusion in a connected world : 17th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, ICT4D 2022, Lima, Peru, May 25-27, 2022, proceedings /
Identity and digital communication : concepts, theories, practices /
Handbook on 3D3C platforms : applications and tools for three dimensional systems for community, creation and commerce /
The economic policy of online media : manufacture of dissent /
Sustainable digital transformation : paving the way towards smart organizations and societies /
The Projected and Prophetic Humanity in Cyberculture, Cyberspace, and Science Fiction /
Society and the Internet : how networks of information and communication are changing our lives /
The Routledge handbook of digital consumption /
Social internet of things /
Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism: An Introduction to Cognitive Materialism
Algorithmuskulturen : Über die rechnerische Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit /
Democracy and the Media The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research.
Digital ethics : rhetoric and responsibility in online aggression /
Young people, ethics, and the new digital media : a synthesis from the GoodPlay project /
The game : a digital turning point /
Information and communication technologies for development : strengthening Southern-driven cooperation as a catalyst for ICT4D : 15th IFIP WG 9.4 International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, ICT4D 2019, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, May 1-3, 2019, Proceedings.
Information for a better world : normality, virtuality, physicality, inclusivity : 18th International Conference, iConference 2023, virtual event, March 13-17, 2023, proceedings.
Doing black digital humanities with radical intentionality : a practical guide /
Red pilled the allure of digital hate /
Digital platforms and the press /
Vorlesen digital : Interaktionsstrukturierung beim Vorlesen gedruckter und digitaler Bilderbücher.
Cyberpsychology : the study of individuals, society and digital technologies /
The server : a media history from the present to the Baroque /
Wirklichkeit(en) : Gegenwart neu wahrnehmen - Zukunft kreativ gestalten /
Stand out of our light : freedom and resistance in the attention economy /
The real cyber war : the political economy of internet freedom /
Las redes sociales en el norte de Chile /
Believing in bits : digital media and the supernatural /
Finite media : environmental implications of digital technologies /
Politics of rightful killing : civil society, gender, and sexuality in Weblogistan /
Digital world : connectivity, creativity and rights /
Decolonizing data : algorithms and society /
If...then : algorithmic power and politics /
Underwriting the internet : how technical advances, financial engineering, and entrepreneurial genius are building the information highway /
Sustainable digital communities : 15th International Conference, iConference 2020, Boras, Sweden, March 23-26, 2020, Proceedings /
Virtual reality als gemeinsames Erlebnis : entwicklung einer interaktiven Anwendung zur Echtzeitsynchronisation mobiler Endgeräte.
Designing for democracy : how to build community in digital environments /
The future of work in information society : political-economic arguments /
Socioinformatics : the social impact of interactions between humans and IT /
Trust and communication in a digitized world : models and concepts of trust research /
Information and communication technologies for development : 14th IFIP WG 9.4 International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, ICT4D 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, May 22-24, 2017, Proceedings /
Personal media and everyday life : a networked lifeworld /
We are Big data : the future of the information society /
Interpreting hashtag politics : policy ideas in an era of social media /
Predicting real world behaviors from virtual world data /
ICT and society : 11th IFIP TC 9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC11 2014, Turku, Finland, July 30? August 1, 2014. Proceedings /
Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Information & Communication Technologies 2015 : MedCT 2015.
The cultural imaginary of the internet : virtual utopias and dystopias /
Virtual sociocultural convergence /
Social computing, behavioral-cultural modeling and prediction : 7th International Conference, SBP 2014, Washington, DC, USA, April 1-4, 2014. Proceedings /
Disinformation in open online media : 4th Multidisciplinary International Symposium, MISDOOM 2022, Boise, ID, USA, October 11-12, 2022, proceedings /
The theory and practice of social machines /
The Internet myth from the Internet imaginary to network ideologies. /
Algorithmic regulation /
New Media and the Politics of Online Communities.
COMPUTATIONAL POWER the impact of ict on law, society and knowledge.
From information to smart society : environment, politics and economics /
The manipulation of online self-presentation : create, edit, re-edit and present /
Pierre Musso and the network society from Saint-Simonianism to the internet /
Critique of digitality /
Mobile media technologies and poiēsis : rediscovering how we use technology to cultivate meaning in a nihilistic world /
Participatory and digital democracy at the local level : European discourses and practices /
Cyberspace : risks and benefits for society, security and development /
Digital authoritarianism and its religious legitimization : the cases of Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and India /
Social virtual worlds and their places : a geographer's guide /
Europe, the crisis, and the internet a web sphere analysis /
Digital development in East Africa : the distribution, diffusion, and governance of information technology /
Hate speech in social media : linguistic approaches /
Big data in information society and digital economy /
Inhabiting cyberspace in India theory, perspectives, and challenges /
Digital cultural politics : from policy to practice /
Mapping selfies and memes as touch /
Language, identity online and running /
China's digital authoritarianism a governance perspective /
Digital fever : taming the big business of disinformation /
The evolution of society : an information-processing perspective /
Collectivity and power on the internet : a sociological perspective /
Internet net and protest in Malaysia and other authoritarian regimes : challenging information scarcity /
Organising during the coronavirus crisis the contradictions of our digital lives /
The networked citizen power, politics, and resistance in the internet age /
Technoscience and citizenship ethics and governance in the digital society /
Digital participatory culture and the TV audience : everyone's a critic /
Challenging online propaganda and disinformation in the 21st century /
Becoming human amid diversions playful, stupid, cute and funny evolution /
Emotions in digital interactions : ethnopsychologies of angels' mothers in online bereavement communities /
The values of public service media in the internet society
Gender, internet use, and covid-19 in the global south : multiple causalities and policy options /
Cultura, economía y educación : nuevos desafíos en la sociedad digital /
Wirtualizacja życia : osób z niepełnosprawnością /
Gouvernementalität der Wissensgesellschaft Politik und Subjektivität unter dem Regime des Wissens /
The hyperlinked society : questioning connections in the digital age /
The anthropology of digital practices : dispatches from the online culture wars /
(Dis)obedience in digital societies : perspectives on the power of algorithms and data /
De la filosofía digital a la sociedad del videojuego : literatura, pensamiento y gamificación en la era de las redes sociales /
Imagining the Internet communication, innovation, and governance /
Auf dem Weg zur Cyberpolis : Neue Formen von Gemeinschaft, Selbst und Bildung /
Das Netz und die Virtuelle Realität Zur Selbstprogrammierung der Gesellschaft durch die universelle Maschine /
Algorithmuskulturen : Über die rechnerische Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit /
Durchbrochene Ordnungen Das Dokumentarische der Gegenwart.
Das quantifizierte Selbst : Zur Genealogie des Self-Trackings /
Digital Diversities Social Media and Intercultural Experience.
Was macht die Digitalisierung mit der Politik? : Einwürfe und Provokationen /
Korea's platform empire : an emerging power in the global platform sphere /
Imagining the Internet : communication, innovation, and governance /
Wake up : the nine h#tags of digital disruption /
Mobile screens : the visual regime of navigation /
Mobile participation : access, interaction and practices /
Disruptive digitalization and platforms : risks and opportunities of the great transformation of politics, socio-economic models, work, and education /
Converged radio, youth and urbanity in Africa : emerging trends and perspectives /
The Post-Socialist Internet : How Labor, Geopolitics and Critique Produce the Internet in Lithuania /
European Public & Social Innovation Review
Liinc em revista
International journal of education and development using information and communication technology
Universal access in the information society
UOC papers
Policy & internet
Innovative ICT-enabled services and social inclusion /
Returning to interpersonal dialogue and understanding human communication in the digital age /
Data selves : more-than-human perspectives /
Accessible technology and the developing world /
Negotiating digital citizenship : control, contest and culture /
A history of fake things on the Internet /
Encyclopedia of information ethics and security /
Protests in the information age : social movements, digital practices and surveillance /
Power, surveillance, and culture in YouTube's digital sphere /
The gentrification of the internet : how to reclaim our digital freedom /
Shifting Dynamics of Contention in the Digital Age : Mobile Communication and Politics in China.
Digital China's Informal Circuits : Platforms, Labour and Governance.
Media Backends Digital Infrastructures and Sociotechnical Relations.
Connecting families? : information & communication technologies, generations, and the life course /
The interaction society : practice, theories and supportive technologies /
Digital authoritarianism in the Middle East deception, disinformation and social media /
Digital literacy : a primer on media, identity, and the evolution of technology /
Imaginar un mundo mejor la expresion publica de los activistas en internet como caso de estudio.
Metafisica de la web
El papel des las TIC en la transformación de la sociedad /
In der Plattformfalle : Plädoyer zur Rückeroberung des Internets /
Impacto social de las tecnologías de la información en instituciones públicas /
Access controlled : the shaping of power, rights, and rule in cyberspace /
The media and the Internet : final report of the British Library funded research report the changing information environment : the impact of the Internet on information seeking behaviour in the media /
Digital culture & society
Asiascape digital Asia.
Media distortions : understanding the power behind spam, noise, and other deviant media /
Cyber-nationalism in China : challenging Western media portrayals of internet censorship in China /
Unruly souls : the digital activism of Muslim and Christian feminists /
Code halos how the digital lives of people, things, and organizations are changing the rules of business /
LIVING IN THE DIGITAL AGE : self-presentation, networking, playing, and participating in politics.
The face-to-face principle : science, trust, democracy and the internet /
Media and metamedia management
Data for the people : how to make our post-privacy economy work for you /
Mirrored spaces : social inequality in the digital age /
Virtual influencers : identity and digitality in the age of multiple realities /
Teorías de la conspiración y discursos de odio en línea en la sociedad de las plataformas : comparación de pautas en las narrativas y redes sociales sobre COVID-19, inmigrantes, refugiados, estudios de género y personas LGTBIQ+
Digital inclusion : international policy and research /
Linux server mit Debian 7 GNU/Linux : das umfassende Praxis-Handbuch : aktuell für die Version Debian 7 (Wheezy) /
Coming to grips with dangerous algorithms : algorithms power transformative technology but also present many threats to users - which raises the question of how to prevent and regulate against potential disaster /
The host in the machine : examining the digital in the social /
GNU/Linux rapid embedded programming : your one-stop solution to embedded programming on GNU/Linux /
Digital cleaning : Informationsflut bewältigen, digital aufräumen und Ordnung halten mit System /
How to do nothing : resisting the attention economy /
Inequidad y justicia social frente a la digitalización en educación y salud /
Dive into misinformation detection : from unimodal to multimodal and multilingual misinformation detection /
Vulnerabilidad y Cultura Digital. Riesgos y Oportunidades de la Sociedad Hiperconectada
Metaverso : pioneros en un viaje más allá de la realidad /
The wolf is at the door /
Information communication technology and social transformation : a social and historical perspective /
Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development : 18th IFIP WG 9.4 International Conference, ICT4D 2024, Cape Town, South Africa, May 20-22, 2024, Proceedings.
Technofeudalism What Killed Capitalism.
Researching digital media and society /
Digital culture and society /
Speeding up fast capitalism : cultures, jobs, families, schools, bodies /
The SAGE handbook of the digital media economy /
Patterns : theory of the digital society /
Hybrid media activism : ecologies, imaginaries, algorithms /
Mediatisation of emotional life /
The Routledge companion to media and activism /
Cracking Facebook : the importance of understanding technology-based communication /
HM851 .A15 2006eb 2006 Information and communications for development global trends and policies.
2006 Information and communications for development : global trends and policies.
HM851 .A25 2004 Academy & the Internet / 1
HM851 .A253 2012eb Access contested security, identity, and resistance in Asian cyberspace information revolution and global politics / 2
HM851 .A254 2010 Access controlled : the shaping of power, rights, and rule in cyberspace / 1
HM851 .A335 2015 Oversharing : presentations of self in the Internet age / 1
HM851 .A337 2004 Speeding up fast capitalism : cultures, jobs, families, schools, bodies /
Speeding Up Fast Capitalism : Cultures, Jobs, Families, Schools, Bodies /
HM851 .A34 2004 The virtual self : a contemporary sociology / 1
HM851 .A34 2004eb The virtual self a contemporary sociology / 1
HM851 .A354 2012 Sharing : culture and the economy in the Internet age / 1
HM851 .A354 2012eb Sharing culture and the economy in the Internet age /
Sharing : culture and the economy in the Internet age /
HM851 .A36 2022 BrandYourself : managing online reputations / 1
HM851 .A37 2023 African media space and globalization / 1
HM851 .A43 2009 Networked communities : strategies for digital collaboration / 1
HM851 .A435 2019 Algorithmic regulation / 1
HM851 .A437 2017 Irresistible : the rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked / 1