Call Number (LC) Title Results
HG950.E54 M85 2021 England's cross of gold : Keynes, Churchill, and the governance of economic beliefs / 2
HG950.E54 M86 1992 Bullion flows and monetary policies in England and the Low Countries, 1350-1500 / 1
HG950.E54 V35 2006 The social life of money in the English past / 2
HG950.E64 B65 2012 Money in the medieval English economy 973-1489 / 1
HG950.I8 By the L. Deputie and Councel Mountioy. Whereas the Queens Most Excellent Maiestie finding by the auncient records of both her realmes of England and Ireland, and that in later times also in the reignes of Her Highnes noble progenitors, as her grandfather, father, brother, and sister, there was a difference alwaies between the monies currant in ech [sic] of Her Highnes said realmes .. 1
HG950.I8 A42 The Irish pound, 1797-1826 : a reprint of the Report of the Committee of 1804 of the British House of commons on the condition of the Irish currency. With Selections from the Minutes of evidence presented to the committee / 1
HG950.I8 S8 1935 The Drapier's letters to the people of Ireland against receiving Wood's halfpence / 1
HG950 .S3 Ane act and proclamatioun for cunzie. 1
HG950 .S36 1696 A proposition for remeding the debasement of coyne in Scotland 1
HG950.3 .B34 2004 Jonathan Swift's allies : the Wood's Halfpence controversy in Ireland, 1724/25 / 1
HG950.3 .G77 2006eb The Irish pound 1797-1826 : a reprint of the Report of the Committee of 1804 of the House of Commons on the condition of the Irish currency / 1
HG950.3 I73 1693 By the Lord Lieutenant and Council, a proclamation. Sydney, Whereas his Excellencie and this Board have lately had it under their consideration .. 1
HG950.3 I74 1652 Ireland. By the Commissioners of the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England for the Affairs of Ireland. Whereas there hath been of late years a custom in this countrey of passing currant in payments, all manner of clipt English money, and likewise Spanish money, (commonly called ryals or peices of eight) with many other sorts of forreign coin and money .. 1
HG950.3 .I74 2007eb Ireland : 2007 Article IV consultation : staff report, staff supplement, and public information notice on the Executive Board discussion. 1
HG950.3 .M33 2018 Money / 2
HG959 .F4 Währungs-Studien : mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Österreich-Ungarn / 1
HG959 .H33 Gold, silber und die valuta-herstellung / 1
HG959 .W3 The Austrian crown. Its depreciation and stabilization / 1
HG959.5 Geld- und Währungspolitik in kleinen, offenen Volkswirtschaften Österreich, Schweiz, Osteuropa. 1
HG959.5 .G426 1994 Geld- und Währungspolitik in kleinen, offenen Volkswirtschaften Österreich, Schweiz, Osteuropa / 1