Call Number (LC) Title Results
HE 20.6209:10/132 Acute conditions : incidence and associated disability, United States, July 1977-June 1978 / 1
HE 20.6209:10/133 Selected health characteristics by occupation, United States, 1975-1976 /
Selected health characteristics by occupation, United States, 1975-76 /
HE 20.6209:10/134 Prevalence of selected impairments, United States - 1977.
Prevalence of selected impairments : United States-1977 /
HE 20.6209:10/135 Use of special aids, United States - 1977.
Use of special aids, United States - 1977 : statistics on the distribution and use of artificial limbs, braces, crutches, canes or walking sticks, special shoes, wheelchairs, walkers, and other special aids for getting around. Based on data collected in the National Health Interview Survey in 1977 /
HE 20.6209:10/136 Current estimates from the national health interview survey, United States, 1979 : estimates of incidence of acute conditions, number of persons reporting limitation of activity, number of persons injured, hospital episodes, disability days and frequency of dental and physician visits : based on data collected in the national health interview survey during 1979. 1
HE 20.6209:10/137 Health characteristics of persons with chronic activity limitation : United States, 1979.
Highlights from Wave I of the National Survey of Personal Health Practices and Consequences : United States, 1979 /
Health characteristics of persons with chronic activity limitation : United States, 1979 /
HE 20.6209:10/138 Dental visits, volume and interval since last visit, United States, 1978-1979.
Dental visits, volume and interval since last visit : United States, 1978 and 1979 /
HE 20.6209:10/139 Current estimates from the national health interview survey, United States, 1980 / 1
HE 20.6209:10/140 Hearing ability of persons by sociodemographic and health characteristics, United States.
Hearing ability of persons by sociodemographic and health characteristics : United States /
HE 20.6209:10/142 Americans assess their health : United States, 1978 / 2
HE 20.6209:10/143 Disability days : United States, 1980. 1
HE 20.6209:10/144 Physician visits : volume and interval since last visit, United States, 1980.
Physician visits : volume and interval since last visit, United States, 1980 /
HE 20.6209:10-145 Eye care visits and use of eyeglasses or contact lenses, United States, 1979 and 1980. 1
HE 20.6209:10/145 Eye care visits and use of eyeglasses or contact lenses, United States, 1979 and 1980 / 2
HE 20.6209:10/146 Health characteristics by geographic region, large metropolitan areas, and other places of residence, United States, 1980-81 /
Health characteristics by geographic region, large metropolitan areas, and other places of residence, United States, 1980-81 /
HE 20.6209:10/147 Health characteristics according to family and personal income, United States.
Health characteristics according to family and personal income, United States /
HE 20.6209:10/148 Health indicators for Hispanic, black and white Americans.
Health indicators for Hispanic, Black, and White Americans /
HE 20.6209:10/149 Persons injured and disability days due to injuries, United States, 1980-81.
Persons injured and disability days due to injuries, United States, 1980-81 /
HE 20.6209:10/150 Current estimates from the National Health Interview Survey, United States, 1982. 1
HE 20.6209:10/151 Persons with and without a regular source of medical care : United States /
Persons with and without a regular source of medical care : United States : statistics on the characteristics of persons.