Call Number (LC) Title Results
gY 4.M 53:97-30 Merchant Marine miscellaneous : hearings before the Subcommittee on Merchant Marine of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session. 1
GZ6001 .M36 Introduction to library research in geography; an instruction manual and short bibliography, 1
H Migration and domestic work. The collective organisation of women and their voices from the city /
Hors des métropoles, point de salut ? Les capacités de développement des territoires non métropolitains /
Public policy. A view from the South. /
Memoirs of Antonio Canova : With a Critical Analysis of his Works, and an Historical View of Modern Sculpture /
Ciaran Carson: Space, Place, Writing
Bücherkunde zur deutschen Geschichte /
Materiality, Techniques and Society in Pottery Production: The Technological Study of Archaeological Ceramics through Paste Analysis
Behavioral and Social Sciences : Achievements and Opportunities.
Mixed Methods and Credibility of Evidence in Evaluation : New Directions for Evaluation, Number 138.
Database of dreams. The lost quest to catalog humanity /
Democratizing Innovation.
Universe and Inner Self in Early Indian and Early Greek Thought.
MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Ranking how national economies adapt to remote work /
MIT Sloan Management review article on To fight pandemics : we need better data /
How Mass Immigration Affects Countries with Weak Economic Institutions: A Natural Experiment in Jordan
ELECTORAL POLITICS IN AFRICA SINCE 1990 : continuity in change.
The sacred and modernity in urban Spain. Beyond the Secular City /
Transient mobility and middle class identity. Media and migration in Australia and Singapore.
Études économiques de l'OCDE: Brésil 2020
Gender Equality in Chile
Bringing Household Services Out of the Shadows
Government at a Glance 2021
Igualdad de género en Chile
Main Findings from the 2020 Risks that Matter Survey
OECD Employment Outlook 2021
Panorama des administrations publiques 2021
Perspectives on Global Development 2021
Investing in Youth: Slovenia
Chemical additives used in automotive lubricants
Clean Energy Finance and Investment Policy Review of Indonesia
Essai n° 249: Essai de toxicité aiguë sur lignée cellulaire de poisson - essai sur lignée cellulaire RTgill-W1
Ligne directrice n° 497: Approches définies pour la sensibilisation cutanée
Tinjauan Kebijakan Pembiayaan dan Investasi Energi Bersih Indonesia
Essai n°498: Phototoxicité in vitro - Essai sur épiderme humain reconstitué
Guideline No. 497: Defined Approaches on Skin Sensitisation
Essai n° 250: Détection sur des embryons de poisson-zèbre transgénique tg(cyp19a1b:GFP) des perturbateurs endocriniens agissant via les récepteurs des œstrogènes (essai EASZY)
Use of aqueous film-forming foams in firefighting
Test No. 249: Fish Cell Line Acute Toxicity - The RTgill-W1 cell line assay
Test No. 250: EASZY assay - Detection of Endocrine Active Substances, acting through estrogen receptors, using transgenic tg(cyp19a1b:GFP) Zebrafish embrYos
Test No. 498: In vitro Phototoxicity - Reconstructed Human Epidermis Phototoxicity test method
Rapport du Secrétaire général de l'OCDE aux ministres 2021
Developing a Water Policy Outlook for Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine
Book of Me: Life Coach Yourself to Success
Disability, Work and Inclusion in Ireland
Preparing for the Future of Work Across Australia
Data-Driven, Information-Enabled Regulatory Delivery
Digital Government Review of Slovenia
OECD Business and Finance Outlook 2021
Financement climatique fourni et mobilisé par les pays développés: Tendances agrégées mises à jour avec les données de 2019
Climate Finance Provided and Mobilised by Developed Countries: Aggregate Trends Updated with 2019 Data
Gobernanza Regulatoria en el Sector de Plaguicidas de México
Regulatory Governance in the Pesticide Sector in Mexico
Industrial Policy for the Sustainable Development Goals
Субсидирование ископаемых видов топлива в странах Восточного партнерства ЕС
OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Lithuania 2021
OECD Regulatory Policy Outlook 2021
OECD Economic Outlook, Interim Report September 2021
Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE, Rapport intermédiaire, septembre 2021
Examens de l'OCDE sur la coopération pour le développement: Danemark 2021
Speculations: Essays on Humanism and the Philosophy of Art
How and Why to Do Things with Eighteenth-Century Manuscripts
La Integridad Pública en el Ecuador
Public Integrity in Ecuador
New Employee Orientation Training
Coaching for High Performance: EBook Edition
Conducting a classroom training audit : measurement and evaluation
Customer Service Training
How to Manage Training: Facilitating Workplace Learning for High Performance - EBook Edition
Jump-start your learning objectives : ISD, vol. 25
Mind mapping for a business advantage : Organization development, vol. 25
The Pfeiffer book of successful conflict management tools : the most enduring, effective, and valuable training activities for managing workplace conflict
Responses to Change: Helping People Manage Transition
Safety Puzzles for OSHA's Top 10 Violations (Make learning fun series)
Simple, effective online training : training technology & e-learning, vol. 25
The Simply Lean Pocket Guide: Making Great Organizations Better Through Plan-do-check-act (PDCA) Kaizen Activities
So You Want to Be Mentored: An Application Workbook for Using Five Strategies to Get the Most Out of a Mentoring Relationship
Practical Data Analysis and Reporting With BIRT: Use the Open-source Eclipse-based Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools System to Design and Create Reports As Quickly As Possible (From technologies to solutions)
Manage Teams Successfully: How to Work With Others and Come Up With Results (Steps to success)
Information and Communication Technologies for Development in Africa - Volume 2: The Experience with Community Telecentres
Basics of Emotional Intelligence
Employee safety workbook
Great presentations : Presentation skills & games, vol. 25
J.J. Keller's Official OSHA Safety Training Handbook: Instructor's Guide
Team leader workbook
Can Do!: How to Achieve Real Personal Change and Growth
Green IT for Dummies®
Interpersonal communication skills in the workplace
Google® Business Solutions All-in-One For Dummies®
Country Report: Zambia
Country Report: TimorLeste
Country Report: Uruguay
Country Report: Vietnam
Country Report: Uzbekistan
Doing Business 2008: Opportunities for Wormen
Mac® Bible
A Political Science Manifesto for the Age of Populism: Challenging Growth, Markets, Inequality and Resentment
Epic Fantasy Painting In Oils (Part 1)
Epic Fantasy Painting In Oils (Part 2)
Voices Beyond the Wall
Redefining Development: Resolving Complex Challenges in Developing Countries
Cybercrime and Cyber Warfare
What Makes a Leader: Why Emotional Intelligence Matters
Protean Power: Exploring the Uncertain and Unexpected in World Politics
The Letters of John Keats
50 Activities for Building Innovation
Asserting Yourself
Behavioral Economics and Decision Making: 51 Exercises
Earned Value Management in Easy Steps
Utilizing the Work Breakdown Structure
Achieving Simplicity at Work and at Home
Becoming a Self-Starter
Developing Career Skills
Getting That Promotion or Moving On
Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE, Comptes de patrimoine financier 2017
Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE, Comptes financiers 2017
Hacia un México más fuerte e incluyente: Avances y desafíos de las reformas
National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Accounts 2017
National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Balance Sheets 2017
OECD Economic Surveys: Norway 2018
Towards a Stronger and More Inclusive Mexico
Managing Multiple Priorities: An Interview with Jeff Davidson
10 Tools to Help Engage Your Learners
12 Tips to Create Opportunities for Innovation
All about SMEs: Building a Successful Partnership
Develop Management Skills with the ACCEL Model
How to Find Breathing Space in Today's Fast-Paced Society: An Interview with Jeff Davidson
Successful Workplace Communication
Time and Territory Management: An interview with Jeff Davidson
Moving Up
Pocket Guide to Managing Stress
Setting and Reaching Goals
Staying Balanced
Learning Good Communication Skills
Up Your Creativity and Innovativeness
Balancing Power without Weapons: State Intervention into Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Abraham Lincoln
A successful man
A venue for the end of the world
Cheers for Miss Bishop
Drums in the deep south
Marie Galante
Life is strange
Rage at dawn
The fatal hour, or, Mr. Wong at headquarters
The Over-the-Hill Gang
This is the army
Smash-up: the story of a woman
The twelve chairs
Cause for alarm
The hairy ape
The southerner
The son of Monte Cristo
Today's Lean Leader: A Practical Guide to Applying Lean Six Sigma and Emerging Technologies to Leadership and Supervision!
It's All About Workflow (Today's Lean!)
Today's Lean!: Using 5S to Organize and Standardize Areas and Files
The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Guide XL: Combining the Best of Both Worlds Together to Eliminate Waste!
The 5S Desktop (PC) Pocket Handbook: Using the Power of the Toyota Production System (Lean) to Organize and Control Your Electronic Files and Folders
Shakespeare in Europe: History and Memory
Marketing Strategy Desktop Guide
#Positivity at Work Tweet: 140 Bite-sized Ideas to Help You Create a Positive Organization Where Employees Thrive (Positivity at Work Tweet.)
Who's Buying by Race and Hispanic Origin
Circle unbroken : a Gullah journey from Africa to America
Madiba: father of a Nation, 1918-2013
The Legend: The Bessie Coleman Story
Dali's Greatest Secret
Dictionnaire créole martiniquais-français Volume 1 A - K
Dictionnaire créole martiniquais-français Volume 2 L - Z
Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE, Volume 2018 Numéro 2
National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Accounts 2018
National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Balance Sheets 2018
National Accounts of OECD Countries, Volume 2018 Issue 2
OECD Economic Outlook, Interim Report March 2019
OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2018 Issue 2
OECD-Wirtschaftsausblick, Ausgabe 2018/2
Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE, Rapport intermédiaire mars 2019
Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE, Volume 2018 Numéro 2
Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE, Comptes de patrimoine financier 2018
Études économiques de l'OCDE: France 2019
OECD Economic Surveys: Portugal 2019
Études économiques de l'OCDE: Turquie 2018
OECD Economic Surveys: Spain 2018
OECD Economic Surveys: Italy 2019
OECD Economic Surveys: Argentina 2019
OECD Economic Surveys: Slovak Republic 2019
OECD Economic Surveys: Hungary 2019
Études économiques de l'OCDE: Pologne 2018
Études économiques de l'OCDE: Indonésie 2018
Estudios Económicos de la OCDE: Argentina 2019
Études économiques de l'OCDE: Slovénie 2017
Études économiques de l'OCDE: Espagne 2018
Études économiques de l'OCDE: Israël 2018
OECD Economic Surveys: Sweden 2019
OECD Economic Surveys: Australia 2018
Études économiques de l'OCDE: Portugal 2017
Études économiques de l'OCDE: Danemark 2019
OECD Economic Surveys: Denmark 2019
Études économiques de l'OCDE: Allemagne 2018
Seconda primavera
Top 10 Crete (DK Eyewitness Travel Top 10 Crete.)
100 Great Business Leaders: Of the world’s most admired companies
Promoting Online Voices for Countering Violent Extremism
Country Profile: Mozambique
Global Environment Outlook - GEO-6: Healthy Planet, Healthy People
Global Environment Outlook - GEO-6: Summary for Policymakers
The Anglo-Norman Historical Canon: Publishing and Manuscript Culture
La vie de Jean-Marie
The Magic Sword
131 Ways to Win with Accountability: Best Practices for Driving Better Results
Cold Calling for Chickens
Courage Goes to Work: How to Build Backbones, Boost Performance, and Get Results
An Introduction to U.S. Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations
Rapport du Secrétaire général aux ministres 2019
Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE, Volume 2019 Numéro 1
OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2019 Issue 1
Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE, Volume 2019 Numéro 1
OECD Yearbook 2016
Secretary-General's Report to Ministers 2019
OECD-Wirtschaftsausblick, Ausgabe 2019/1
OECD Yearbook 2017
National Accounts of OECD Countries, Volume 2019 Issue 1
OECD Economic Surveys: China 2019
OECD Economic Surveys: Mexico 2019
OECD Economic Surveys: Latvia 2019
Estudios Económicos de la OCDE: México 2019
OECD Economic Surveys: France 2019
OECD Economic Surveys: Japan 2019
Cover Test for Strabismus. Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Nursemaid's Elbow. Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Intravenous Access. Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Leg Exam, Knee and Ankle. Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Common pediatric medical procedures. Volume 2, Heart murmurs
Malarial Subjects: Empire, Medicine and Nonhumans in British India, 1820-1909
The Social Assimilation of Immigrants
Business Administration, Support and Facilities Services, Including Services in Employment, Temporary Help, Security, Travel and Credit Bureaus Industry (U.S.)
Furniture Manufacturing, Laboratory, School and Gaming Industry (U.S.)
Intellectual Property, Patent, Trademark & Brand Licensing and Franchise Rights Leasing Industry (U.S.)
Musical Instruments, Caskets, Gaskets, Brooms, Buttons and Other Specialized Manufacturing Industry (U.S.)
Battleship Potemkin
Steamboat Bill Jr.
The General
Orphans of the Storm
The Strange Love of Martha Ivers
Starting Points: Intellectual and Institutional Foundations of Organization Theory
Incomplete Dominance
Content Strategy
Construir un México inclusivo: políticas y Buena Gobernanza para la Igualdad de Género
Débattre des enjeux: le vieillissement
Desigualdad de ingresos: La brecha entre ricos y pobres
Envejecimiento: Análisis de temas de actualidad
How Pharmaceutical Systems are organized in Asia and the Pacific
Inégalités de revenu: l'écart entre les riches et les pauvres
Labor Migration in Asia: Increasing the Development Impact of Migration through Finance and Technology
Making Mental Health Count: The Social and Economic Costs of Neglecting Mental Health Care (Korean version)
OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Lithuania 2018
OECD Reviews of Pension Systems
Национальные счета здравоохранения Республики Казахстан
Обзоры систем здравоохранения: Казахстан 2018
Scenario Thinking: A Historical Evolution of Strategic Foresight
Carmo, Hit the Road
The Basics: What is Project Management
Expecting the Unexpected: 11 Ways to Handle Sudden Disruptions
Set Yourself up for Success
Stress in the Workplace
10 Business Change Situations: How You Can Come Out on Top
12 Tips for Learning to Think Innovatively
13 Tips for Building Your Innovative Team
16 Ways to Simplify Your Reading
11 Ways to Control Information Overload
14 Ways to Boost Your Career
5 Ways to Manage Multiple Priorities
8 Ways to Keep up with Change
5 Ways to Overcome Resistance to Change
17 Ways to Improve Connections with Customers
20 Ways to Sharpen Your Tools for Innovation
6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Time
9 Secrets of Negotiation
4 Ways to Budget for Change
7 Secrets of Down-Time When Handling Change
5 New Approaches to Change Management
5 Change Management Strategies from the Experts
7 Ways to Lead Change
The Many Faces of Stress
Travel without the Stress
Using Visualization and Breathing to Reduce Stress
Becoming More Innovative on the Job
Time Management that Works
Using Charts to Keep Your Project on Schedule
Lessons from 12 of History's Innovators
Onboarding for Business Success
Rising in Your Career
Adopt the Right Mindset
Come Out Charging
How to Get Everything Organized
Organize Online; Meeting; and Travel Activities
Rising Above Workplace Stress
Take on the Harder Tasks
The Connection Between Time; Money; and Stress
Building Self-Confidence
A Sociology of Transnational Constitutions: Social Foundations of the Post-National Legal Structure
#Business Savvy PM Tweet: Project Management Mindset, Skills, and Tools for Ensuring Powerful Business Results (Project Management Mindset, Skills, and Tools for Ensuring Powerful Business Results)
#Plan to Win Tweet: Strategic Territory and Account Planning (Plan to Win Tweet)
His private secretary
Guest in the house
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe 2023) and European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC 2023)
Advanced Photonics Congress 2023
Reaching Climate Neutrality for the Hamburg Economy by 2040
Bank Internal Audit: A Working Guide to Regulatory Compliance
Guide to Commercial Banking Law
Law and Regulation of Financial Institutions
Law of Electronic Fund Transfer Systems
Law of Financial Privacy
Law of Lender Liability
NAFCU's Compliance Guide to Credit Union Operations
NAFCU's Marketing and Advertising Regulatory Guide for Credit Unions
Pratt's Federal Advertising and Marketing Law Guide
Pratt's Human Resources Practice and Compliance Guide for Bankers
Pratt's Regulatory Compliance Guide for Bankers
Challenging Social Inequality Through Career Guidance: Insights from International Data and Practice
Baseline Report of the Fifth Round of Monitoring of Anti-Corruption Reforms in Azerbaijan: The Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan
Baseline Report of the Fifth Round of Monitoring of Anti-Corruption Reforms in Moldova: The Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan
Baseline Report of the Fifth Round of Monitoring of Anti-Corruption Reforms in Armenia: The Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan
Anti-Corruption and Integrity Outlook 2024
Assert yourself: how to find your voice and make your mark
Deal with Stress: How to Take Control of Your Work
Get That Job: Interviews: How to Keep Your Head and Get Your Ideal Job
Balance Your Life and Work: How to Get the Best from Your Job and Still Have a Life
The Economist Style Guide
Southeast Asian Affairs 2006
Beyond al-Qaeda: Part 2, The Outer Rings of the Terrorist Universe
Pocket World in Figures 2009
Little Green Data Book 2007
Urban Battle Command in the 21st Century
Writing Skills for Business: EReport
Be a better manager
25 role plays for interview training
A business miscellany
Trade Secrets of Business Disposals (Thorogood professional insights)
Auditing business continuity : global best practices
Benchmarking: A Guide for Your Journey to Best-practice Processes
The best leadership advice I ever got : 75 successful leaders share their secrets
Business Continuity: Best Practices
Business Continuity: Best Practices: World Class Business Continuity Management
Client relationship management : using relationship management and project service excellence to create a competitive advantage
Communication skills for managers
Communities of Practice: A Guide for Your Journey to Knowledge Management Best Practices (Consortium Learning Forum Best-practice Report)
The competency toolkit. Volumes 1 and 2
The competent leader : a powerful and practical tool kit for managers and supervisors
The complete facilitator's handbook
Complete Guide to Facilitation: Enabling Groups to Succeed
The complete guide to systems thinking and learning
The complete management skills assessment kit : 12 reproducible instruments for trainers
Creating a knowlege-sharing culture
Creative time management for the new millennium
Customer Care Excellence: How to Create an Effective Customer Focus
Customer driven service
Customer Value Management: A Guide for Your Journey to Best-practice Processes
Delegating for Business Success
Developing leaders at all levels
E-mail : a Write It Well guide
Effective Business & Nonfiction Writing
Effective coaching skills
Effective listening
Emotional intelligence
Enterprise Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis: Best Practices
The expressive organization : linking identity, reputation, and the corporate brand
50 activities for achieving change
50 Activities for Coaching & Mentoring
50 Activities for Conflict Resolution: Group Learning and Self Development Exercises
50 activities for team building. Volume 1
First-line supervision
Flexibility Workbook: EWorkbook
Flexible Working: Latest Best Practice for Employers and Employees: A Specially Commissioned Report
Fundamentals of Marketing
Fundamentals of purchasing
Get Yourself Promoted: How to Move up the Career Ladder
Goal Setting Strategies: EReport
Grammar for grownups : a self-paced training program
How to conduct your own survey
How to write reports and proposals : a self-paced training program
Implementing culture change : organization development
Improving new product development performance and practices : Consortium Learning Forum best-practice report
Interpersonal communication : questioning, listening, and feedback skills
Leader's Communication Toolkit: How to Select the Right Communication Method in an Electronic World
Leadership Lexicon: A Handbook of Leadership Competencies With Skills and Development Action
Leadership skills for managers
Leading work teams : management development
Leading Your Team: How to Involve and Inspire Teams
The lean office pocket guide : tools for the elimination of waste in administrative areas!
Listen Up! Customer Service: A Guide to Develop Customer Loyalty
Listening Attentively: 10-Page EReport
Managing your documentation projects
Maximizing Marketing ROI : Best Practices Report
The new lean pocket guide XL : tools for the elimination of waste!
New Product Development: A Guide for Your Journey to Best-practice Processes
The next level : leading beyond the status quo
No-nonsense teamwork : tough questions & practical answers
Supply Chain Management
Managing Quality
Performance appraisals : how to achieve top results
Performance gap analysis : human performance improvement
Peter Drucker : shaping the managerial mind
Planning and Managing Change
Power base selling : secrets of an Ivy League streetfighter
The power laws of business : the science of success
Power of Listening: EWorkbook, How to Communicate Effectively With Anyone
Nonverbal Communication: EReport
The practical guide to facilitation : a self-study resource
Presentation skills
Presentation Skills
Problem-solving & decision-making toolbox : 32 fully reproducible, ready-to-use tools ..
Process improvement
Professional writing skills : a self-paced training program
Project Management: Consortium Learning Forum Best-practice Report
Return on investment (ROI) basics
Satisfying internal customers first! : A practical guide to improving internal and external customer satisfaction
Servant Leader: Unleashing the Power of Your People
7 moments-- that define excellent leaders
Sticking to it : the art of adherence : how to consistently execute your plans
Strategic Development of Talent
Sun Tzu : the art of war
Tackle Office Nightmares: How to Cope With Tricky Situations and People (Steps to success)
Taking control with time management
Team Building Tool Kit: Tips, Tactics, and Rules for Effective Workplace Teams
Telephone Skills: EReport
30 minutes ... to brainstorm great ideas
The Training House assessment kit : 25 reproducible assessment exercises, self-inventories, tests, and survey instruments
Training Needs Analysis Toolkit: A Resource for Identifying Training Needs, Selecting Training Strategies, and Developing Training Plans
12 choices-- : that lead to your success
12 habits of successful trainers
20 training workshops for listening skills
Understanding return on investment
Virtual collaboration : enabling project teams and communities
100 Great Sales Ideas (New Ed): From leading companies around the world
Ultimate Performance Management: Transforming Performance Reviews Into Performance Partnerships
Effective Delegation
Engage your brain for learning : Training basics, vol. 25
Virtual training basics
Project Management for IT-Related Projects: Textbook for the ISEB Foundation Certificate in IS Project Management
Oracle E-business Suite R12 Supply Chain Management: Drive Your Supply Chain Processes With Oracle E-business Suite R12 Supply Chain Management to Achieve Measurable Business Gains
Writing for readability
ICPSR Bulletin
The ASTD leadership handbook
Creative facilitation techniques for training
10 steps to successful virtual presentations
Expert Product Management: Advanced Techniques, Tips & Strategies for Product Management & Product Marketing
How Work Gets Done: Business Process Management; Basics and Beyond
Middle management acumen
Organization of the Nervous System
The High Road
Creating a Time Management System that Works for YOU: Paper, Electronic, or Hybrid?
Managing Business Transformation: A Practical Guide
His Girl Friday
Bag-Mask Ventilation: Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Bladder Catheterization: Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Giving Immunizations: Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Incision and Drainage of Abscess: Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Neonatal Endotracheal Intubation: Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Placement: Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Reduction of Simple Dislocation: Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Simple Laceration Repair: Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Simple Removal of a Foreign Body: Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Temporary Splinting of a Fracture: Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Umbilical catheter placement: Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Venipuncture: Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Lumbar Puncture (Cerebrospinal Fluid Collection): Common Pediatric Medical Procedures
Working with the FMLA: Family and Medical Leave Act Management
The New Lean Office Pocket Guide: Tools for the Elimination of Waste in Paper-Based and Electronic Workflow Environments!
The Bill of Rights
Narciso Yepes. Un corazón de diez cuerdas
101 Leadership Actions for Managing Change in the 21st Century
Small Group Facilitation: Improving Process and Performance in Groups and Teams
The Agile Leader: A Playbook for Leaders
The Improvement Guide: A Practical Approach to Enhancing Organizational Performance
The Iron Mask
Bonding in Metals
Chemical Equations
The Wave Nature of Light
Busha's Mistress or Catherine the Fugitive: A Stirring Romance of the Days of Slavery in Jamaica
Les Simulacres
Études économiques de l'OCDE: Corée 2010
Survive Office Politics : How to Steer a Course Through Minefields at Work
Get the Best from a Career Break: How to Make the Most of Your Time Away from the Office (Steps to success)
Asset and Liability Management
Bank Operations and Administration Desk Reference
Bank Procedures: A Working Guide to Regulatory Compliance
New Essays on Their Eyes Were Watching God
Pratt's State Regulation of Second Mortgages and Home Equity Loans - NorthCentral
Pratt's State Regulation of Second Mortgages and Home Equity Loans - Western
Pratt's State Regulation of Second Mortgages and Home Equity Loans -Mid-Atlantic
Pratt's State Regulation of Second Mortgages and Home Equity Loans -Northeast
Pratt's State Regulation of Second Mortgages and Home Equity Loans -Southeast
Apply 3-V Impact: Strengthen Your Visual, Verbal, and Vocal Image
Asserting Yourself At Work : EBook Edition
Coaching and mentoring employees : helping others achieve their very best
Communicating Effectively with Email: Courtesies, Protocols, and Time Savers
We: How to Increase Performance and Profits Through Full Engagement
The kite
Trade Secrets of Busines Acquisitions
American Attitudes: Who Thinks What about the Issues That Shape Our Lives
Leaders without Titles
Presentation success: how to plan, prepare, and deliver effective presentations
Reducing Drug Trafficking Revenues and Violence in Mexico: Would Legalizing Marijuana in California Help?
Resilient Management
Just Enough Research
Writing for Designers
Achieving Excellence in Fundraising
Becoming a Strategic Leader: Your Role in Your Organization's Enduring Success
Creating Competitive Advantage: How to be Strategically Ahead in Changing Markets
Fragile Bully: Understanding Our Destructive Affair With Narcissism in the Age of Trump
How Clients Buy: A Practical Guide to Business Development for Consulting and Professional Services
Leading Change: How Successful Leaders Approach Change Management
Powerhouse: Insider Accounts into the World's Top High-Performance Organizations
Quantum Leadership: New Consciousness in Business
Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
Strategic Doing: Ten Skills for Agile Leadership
The Art of Coaching: Effective Strategies for School Transformation
The Talent Powered Organization: Strategies for Globalization, Talent Management and High Performance
There's No Such Thing as an IT Project: A Handbook for Intentional Business Change
The Last Time I Saw Paris
Philosophy of Immunology
Cybercrime in progress. Theory and prevention of technology-enabled offenses /
Subcultures the basics.
Autonome Autos. Medien- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Zukunft der Mobilität /
Addiction, modernity, and the city. A users' guide to urban space /
Sharing lives. Adult children and parents /
Perfekte Körper, perfektes Leben? Selbstoptimierung aus der Perspektive von Geschlecht und Behinderung /
Journal of international education in business
E-Dimas jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat.
Los Angeles business journal
Multi-dimensional Review of the Dominican Republic
Pensions at a Glance Asia/Pacific 2022
Primary Health Care for Resilient Health Systems in Latin America
Assessing the Impact of Russia's War against Ukraine on Eastern Partner Countries
Explaining Transformative Change in ASEAN and EU Climate Policy: Multilevel Problems, Policies and Politics
Handbook on Measuring Digital Platform Employment and Work
OECD Skills Strategy Southeast Asia: Skills for a Post-COVID Recovery and Growth
Rethinking Regional Attractiveness in the New Global Environment
Proceedings of the 2023 Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX) Conference, 2023
Career Guidance for Adults in Canada
Career Guidance for Low-Qualified Workers in Germany
Constituciones en países de la OCDE: Un estudio comparado
Constitutions in OECD Countries: A Comparative Study
The Contribution of Migration to Regional Development
Reaching Out and Activating Inactive and Unemployed Persons in Bulgaria
Disability, Work and Inclusion in Slovenia
Coopération réglementaire internationale
Drivers of Trust in Public Institutions in Norway
Guia de Devida Diligência da OCDE para Cadeias de Fornecimento Responsáveis no Setor de Vestuário e Calçados
OECD Integrity Review of the Slovak Republic
Open and Connected Government Review of Thailand
Recueil de pratiques des organisations internationales
Shrinking Smartly in Estonia
Financing a Water Secure Future
Global Plastics Outlook
Policies to Support Green Entrepreneurship
Better Regulation Practices across the European Union 2022
Fortaleciendo el impacto de la Contraloría de la República de Chile
Climate Change and Corporate Governance
Modernising Integrity Risk Assessments in Brazil
OECD Sovereign Borrowing Outlook 2022
Fostering Business Development and Digitalisation in Georgia
Borba protiv transnacionalnog podmićivanja u Hrvatskoj
Fighting Transnational Bribery in Croatia
Modernizando a avaliação dos riscos para a integridade no Brasil
Promoting Start-Ups and Scale-Ups in Denmark's Sector Strongholds and Emerging Industries
Enhancing the Oversight Impact of Chile's Supreme Audit Institution
Towards Agile ICT Procurement in the Slovak Republic
Digital Trade Review of Brazil
Trade and Gender Review of New Zealand
Africa's Development Dynamics 2022
Dynamiques du développement en Afrique 2022
Dinâmicas do desenvolvimento em África 2022
Uncertainty and Its Discontents: Worldviews in World Politics
OECD Employment Outlook 2022
Perspectives de l'emploi de l'OCDE 2022: Reconstruire des marchés du travail plus inclusifs
Ghidul OECD privind Guvernanța Corporativă a Întreprinderilor de Stat, Ediția 2015
IT Operations Management Tweet: Managing Your IT Infrastructure in the Age of Complexity (Managing Your IT Infrastructure in the Age of Complexity)
Inspire: Insights and Lessons From 100 of the Greatest Speeches From Film and Theatre
Presentation Magic!: Achieving Outstanding Business Presentations Using the Rules of Magic
Scarlet Street
Electrical Safety
The Great Gabbo
A Farewell To Arms
Eric Brown: A Pilot's Story
Troubadour Blues
25 Reproducible Activities for Customer Service Excellence
Janus Performance Management System. Volume I: A Complete Performance Management Support Process for Individuals, Teams, and the Entire Organization
50 Activities for Teambuilding. Volume II
22 Tips for Planning for Your Future
Joan of Arc: The Maid of Orleans
A Summer in the Cage: An Inside Look at Bipolar Disorder
Fast Facts: Schizophrenia
Des politiques meilleures pour le développement: Recommendations pour la cohérence des politiques
Transforming HR: How to Get Shared Services, Outsourcing and Business Partnering to Deliver What You Want
Commercial Litigation: The Consequences of Breach of Contract -- Damages and Other Remedies (Thorogood Special Briefing)
Business Continuity and BS25999: A Combined Glossary
The Hitch-Hiker
They Made Me a Criminal
Dressed to Kill
The Man With the Golden Arm
In the Battlefields
My Man Godfrey
42 Rules for Outsourcing Your Call Center: Best Practices for Outsourcing Call Center Planning, Operations and Management
Urban revitalization. Remaking cities in a changing world /
Social and cultural perspectives on health, technology and medicine. Old concepts, new problems /
Disabled childhoods. Monitoring differences and emerging identities /
Political ecology and tourism /
Dementia: A Public Health Priority
An Introduction To The Philosophy Of Social Research
Report on Financial Stability
Responding to Globalization
Right to Home?: Rethinking Homelessness in Rural Communities
Policies Should Promote Access to Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder: State and federal leaders can eliminate barriers, boost treatment
Long-Term Care Financing: What’s Fair and Sustainable?
Questioning the Promise of Employer-Sponsored Child Care Benefits
The Case for ISO27001
Guide to Worker Displacement: Some tools for reducing the impact on workers, communities and enterprises. Update 2009
Little Data Book 2008
100 Great Business Ideas (New Ed): From leading companies around the world
Manage Projects Successfully: How to Make Things Happen on Time and on Budget
Gender and Ageing: Southeast Asian Perspectives
SAS2: A Guide to Collaborative Inquiry & Social Engagement
Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality
Beyond Mestizaje : Contemporary Debates on Race in Mexico /
Santa Fe Trail
Hybrid & Electric Cars in Denmark
Global Syrups & Spreads
Hybrid & Electric Cars in Germany
Hybrid & Electric Cars in Norway
Hybrid & Electric Cars in France
Hybrid & Electric Cars in Canada
Hybrid & Electric Cars in Japan
Management Consulting
International Directory of Company Histories
Making Global Policy
Reading Peer Review: PLOS ONE and Institutional Change in Academia
Le Chatelier's Principle
Social Customer Experience: Engage and Retain Customers through Social Media
Gamestar Mechanic For Dummies
Beyond Elections: Redefining Democracy In The Americas
Your Post has been Removed.
Systematic Reviews in Educational Research.
Soziale Netzwerke und gesundheitliche Ungleichheiten : eine neue Perspektive für die Forschung.
Native Christians : Modes and Effects of Christianity among Indigenous Peoples of the Americas
Caribbean Diaspora in the USA: Diversity of Caribbean Religions in New York City
Ghosts and Shadows: Construction of Identity and Community in an African Diaspora
The Adventures of an Economic Migrant
Les pionniers des indépendances africaines face à leur destin: Colonies françaises d'Afrique noire et territoires de l'océan Indien
Ideology and Change: The Transformation of the Caribbean Left
Juan Gualberto Gómez: L'exil parisien (1869-1876)
Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research
System Effects: Complexity in Political and Social Life
AllAfrica News Wire (French)
Theological Interpretation of Culture in Post-Communist Context: Central and East European Search for Roots
H1 Gandhara journal of research in social science
Liberal Arts & Social Sciences International Journal
Romanian review of political sciences and international relations
Cross-cultural research
Science & society
Revista OBETS revista de ciencias sociales.
ACME an international e-journal for critical geographies.
MALIM jurnal pengajian umum Asian Tenggara.
Kōtuitui New Zealand journal of social sciences online.
The American journal of evaluation
Political science quarterly PSQ.
IAFOR journal of the social sciences
UKH Journal of Social Sciences
Trayectorias humanas trascontinentales
Social science quarterly
The American behavioral scientist
PanAfrican journal of governance and development
Acta Fakulty Filozofické Západočeské Univerzity v Plzni
SAGE open
Cogent social sciences
Kyklos internationale Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaften.
Philosophy & public policy quarterly
Üniversitepark bülten
Journal of advocacy, research and education
E-Bangi journal of social sciences and humanities.
International journal of social sciences and humanity studies
Social sciences
Eurasian journal of social sciences
STED journal journal of social and technological development.
Journal of human sciences and extension
Eastern European journal for regional studies
Social science spectrum
Social analysis
RIMCIS international and multidisciplinary journal of social sciences.
Social science research
International journal of science annals
Advances in social science, education and humanities research
Czasopismo Naukowe Instytutu Studiów Kobiecych
Vilnius University open series
Ethos P-6
Agora Trujillo
Contemporary issues and ideas in social sciences
Technium social sciences journal
Tímarit um félagsvísindi
Romanian review of social sciences
Human relations
Revista colombiana de ciencias sociales
Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi
Social science history official journal of the Social Science History Association.
H1-99 Families in economically hard times : experiences and coping strategies in Europe /
The Ethics of Online Research.
Does the Black middle class exist and are we members? : reflections from a research team /
Leading Local Government The Role of Directly Elected Mayors /
Theorizing the sharing economy : variety and trajectories of new forms of organizing /
Sport, Mental Illness and Sociology.
Gendered Domestic Violence and Abuse in Popular Culture.
ADVANCES IN WOMENS EMPOWERMENT critical insight from asia, africa and.
Punk, gender and ageing : just typical girls? /
H1-970.9 Street teaching in the Tenderloin : jumpin' down the rabbit hole /
NATO AND TERRORISM Catastrophic Terrorism and First Responders: Threats and Mitigation : Proceedings of the Nato Advanced Research Workshop on Catastrophic Terrorism and First Responders: Threats and Mitigation Neuhausen-Stuttgart, Germany 10-12 May 2004 /
The Measurement of Segregation in the Labor Force /
Young Adolescents' Leisure : a cross-cultural and cross-sectional study of Dutch and German 10-15 year-olds /
Responding to Environmental Conflicts: Implications for Theory and Practice : Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Responding to Environmental Conflicts: Implications for Theory and Practice Budapest, Hungary 21-23 January 1999 /
The Barbary Macaque : a Case Study in Conservation /
Exploring Risk Communication /
Victims of the Environment : Loss from Natural Hazards in the United States, 1970-1980 /
Trauma-sensitivity and peacebuilding : considering the case of south Sudanese refugees in Kakuma Refugee Camp /
Peacebuilding and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples : Experiences and Strategies for the 21st Century.
Accumulation in Post-Colonial Capitalism.
The Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations.
Poverty in the United States : Women's Voices.
Couple relationships in a global context understanding love and intimacy across cultures /
Birth mothers and transnational adoption practice in South Korea : virtual mothering /
Social Work
Local dynamics of industrial upgrading the case of the Pearl River Delta in China /
Gender and Islam in Indonesian Cinema.
Challenges for Quality of Life in the Contemporary World : Advances in quality-of-life studies, theory and research /
The Problem of Krakatao as Seen by a Botanist /
Women in Ritual and Symbolic Roles /
Women during the English Reformations : renegotiating gender and religious identity /
Refugee and return : displacement along the Thai-Myanmar border /
Strategic Human Resource Planning Applications /
International Economic Institutions /
Body and Representation /
The Inspiration Motif in the Works of Franz Grillparzer : With special consideration of 'Libussa' /
Embryo Research in Pluralistic Europe /
Between Nation and Europe : Labour, the SPD and the European Parliament 1994-1999 /
Operational Logistics : the Art and Science of Sustaining Military Operations /
Grant Budgeting and Finance : Getting the Most Out of Your Grant Dollar /
Documents and Correspondence on New Guinea's Boundaries /
Perfecting Social Skills : a Guide to Interpersonal Behavior Development /
Agents of Change : Virtuality, Gender, and the Challenge to the Traditional University /
Creating the Competitive Edge through Human Resource Applications /
Arbitrage International Commercial = International Commercial Arbitration : Rapporteur General Pieter Sanders.
Cooperative Models in International Relations Research /
Thwarted Exodus : Post-War Overseas Migration from the Netherlands /
Societies in Transition - Challenges to Women's and Gender Studies /
Problems in Syntax /
The Return Movement of Jews to Austria after the Second World War : With special consideration of the return from Israël /
Adolescents : Theoretical and Helping Perspectives /
Changing Families /
A Choice Collection of Important Books on European History.
Centralization and Power in Social Service Delivery Systems : the Cases of England, Wales, and the United States /
On Geopolitics: Classical and Nuclear /
Neuronal Development /
Multivariate Analysis in the Human Services /
Search for New Guinea's Boundaries : From Torres Strait to the Pacific /
The Jordan River Dispute /
Functional Foods /
"Force of Order and Methods ..." An American view into the Dutch Directed Society /
Catalogue of books, periodical sets and pamflets on general and local History of the Netherlands.
The Paxton Papers /
The Contemporary Middle Eastern Scene : Basic Issues and Major Trends /
The United Nations and the Peaceful Unification of Korea : the Politics of Field Operations, 1947-1950 /
Henry Home, Lord Kames, and the Scottish Enlightenment: A Study in National Character and in the History of Ideas /
Later Life Transitions : Older Males in Rural America /
Perspectives on the Holocaust /
Prelude to War : the International Repercussions of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) /
Freedom, Responsibility and Obligation /
The Relations between Defence and Civil Technologies /
Urban Democracy /
Genocide and Retribution : the Holocaust in Hungarian-Ruled Northern Transylvania /
Socialist Investment Cycles : Analysis in Retrospect /
Telephone Fund Raising /
The Downfall of Cartesianism 1673-1712 : a Study of Epistemological Issues in Late 17th Century Cartesianism /
Prospective Studies of Crime and Delinquency /
Burke, Paine, and the Rights of Man : a Difference of Political Opinion /
Joseph II and Bavaria : Two Eighteenth Century Attempts at German Unification /
Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work ECSCW '95 : 10-14 September, 1995, Stockholm, Sweden /
Chinese Political Thought : Mao Tse-Tung and Liu Shao-chi /
Socialism and Foreign Policy : Theory and Practice in Britain to 1931 /
Strategic Stability in the Post-Cold War World and the Future of Nuclear Disarmament /
Winston Churchill and the German Question in British Foreign Policy, 1918-1922 /
Britain and the Netherlands : VolumeVI War and Society Paper Delivered to the Sixth Anglo-Dutch Historical Conference /
Cohesion and Conflict in International Communism : a Study of Marxist-Leninist Concepts and Their Application /
Social Justice /
The Red Kingdom of Saxony : Lobbying Grounds for Gustav Stresemann /
The Management of Change in Government /
Electronic Mass Media in Europe. Prospects and Developments : a Report from the FAST Programme of the Commission of the European Communities /
The International Legal Status of Formosa /
The Ad Hoc Diplomat: A Study in Municipal and International Law /
Belgium and the February Revolution /
Communism in Malaysia and Singapore : a Contemporary Survey /
French Royalism under the Third and Fourth Republics /
Men Behind Bars : Sexual Exploitation in Prison /
Law and Semiotics : Volume 2 /
Working with Older Persons : Cognitive and Phenomenological Methods /
Government and Rural Development in East Africa : Essays on Political Penetration /
Decision Making in Child Welfare Services : Intake and Planning /
The International Legal Status of Austria 1938-1955 /
Scheler's Phenomenology of Community /
Sino-Russian Relations in the Seventeenth Century /
The Legal Status of Aircraft : Proefschrift ter Verkrijging van de Graad van Doctor in de Rechtsgeleerdheid aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, op Gezag van de Rector Magnificus Dr A.E. van Arkel, Hoogleraar in de Faculteit der Wis- en Natuurkunde, Tegen de Bedenkingen van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid te Verdedigen op Woensdag 13 Juni, 1956 te 14 Uur /
The Mission of Vincent Benedetti to Berlin 1864-1870 /
Acculturation and Occupation: A Study of the 1956 Hungarian Refugees in the United States /
Local Government at the Millenium /
Ambassador at Large: Diplomat Extraordinary /
Supplement to the third edition of Ethnomusicology /
The Deutschtum of Nazi Germany and the United States /
The Cult of Authority : the Political Philosophy of the Saint-Simonians a Chapter in the Intellectual History of Totalitarianism /
Dutch Organised Agriculture in International Politics /
Ethno-Musicology : a study of its nature, its problems, methods and representative personalities to which is added a bibliography /
Critical Psychophysical Passages in the Life of a Woman : a Psychodynamic Perspective /
Beyond Marxism: The Faith and Works of Hendrik de Man /
Law and Semiotics : Volume 1 /
The Roman Question and the Powers, 1848-1865 /
Contemporary Views on the Holocaust /
Slingelandt's Efforts Towards European Peace /
The Optional Society : an Essay on Economic Choice and Bargains of Communication in an Affluent World /
A Trial in Burma : the Assassination of Aung San /
Gender in Transition : a New Frontier /
Longitudinal Research in Alcoholism /
The Rise of the Double Diplomatic Corps in Rome : a Study in International Practice (1870-1875) /
The SPD in the Bonn Republic: A Socialist Party Modernizes /
Criminal Jurisdiction under the United States-Philippine Military Bases Agreement : a Study in Conjurisdictional Law /
Total Warfare and Compulsory Labor : a Study of the Military-Industrial Complex in Germany During World War I /
Dutch Foreign Policy Since 1815 : a Study in Small Power Politics /
Turkey and the European Community /
Communism on the Decline : the Failure of "Soviet Socialism" Incurable Evils Discredited System Symptoms of Demoralization The new Generation Formation of new Psychology Some Rays of Light Cold War with the West Inner Conflicts Soviet Crisis-a Challenge to the Western World /
The Communist Millennium : the Soviet View /
Adjustment after Migration : a longitudinal study of the process of adjustment by refugees to a new environment /
The European Coal and Steel Community : Experiment in Supranationalism /
Speech Production and Speech Modelling /
The Passing of the Frisians : Anthropography of Terpia /
The Theory of Nationalisation /
Science Policy: New Mechanisms for Scientific Collaboration between East and West /
Japan and the cosmopolitan gothic Specters of modernity.
What is in a Name? : an Inquiry into the Semantics and Pragmatics of Proper Names /
The Rhopalocera of Java : Hesperidae /
African Politics /
Turkey and the European Community.
The Political Institutions of Modern China /
Insects, Experts, and the Insecticide Crisis : the Quest for New Pest Management Strategies /
Semiotic Praxis : Studies in Pertinence and in the Means of Expression and Communication /
Critical Survey of Studies on the Anthropology of Nias, Mentawei and Enggano /
Organising the Propaganda Instrument: The British Experience /
Bridges between Science, Society and Policy : Technology Assessment - Methods and Impacts /
The Encyclopedia of Television, Cable, and Video /
Sociology Faces Pessimism : a Study of European Sociological Thought Amidst a Fading Optimism /
Semiotics 1980 /
Psychology and Productivity /
The Arts at a New Frontier : the National Endowment for the Arts /
The Music of Central Africa : an Ethnomusicological Study Former French Equatorial Africa the Former Belgian Congo, Ruanda-Urundi Uganda, Tanganyika /
The Madhesi upsurge and the contested idea of Nepal /
The Emerging Consensus in Social Systems Theory /
Indian Foreign Policy and the Border Dispute with China /
Thinking About Development /
The Commentary of Conrad of Prussia on the De Ente et Essentia of St. Thomas Aquinas : Introduction and Comments /
Diplomacy in an Age of Nationalism : Essays in Honor of Lynn Marshall Case /
The New Bonapartist Generals in the Crimean War : Distrust and Decision-making in the Anglo-French Alliance /
NATO in the First Decade after the Cold War /
Fifth International Conference of the Legal Profession Monte Carlo (Monaco) July 19-24, 1954 : Income Tax Treaties - A Comparison of Basic Provisions.
Scientific and Technical Means of Distinguishing Between Natural and Other Outbreaks of Disease /
New Being : a Study on the Relationship between Conditioned and Unconditioned Being according to Paul Tillich /
The State as Parent : International Research Perspectives on Interventions with Young Persons /
Types of Social Structure in Eastern Indonesia /
An anthropological study of hospitality : the innkeeper and the guest /
How generations remember : conflicting histories and shared memories in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina /
Friendly business : international views on social supply, self-supply and small-scale drug dealing /
Ethnic Dignity and the Ulster-Scots Movement in Northern Ireland Supremacy in Peril /
The Sorcerer's Burden : the Ethnographic Saga of a Global Family.
Negotiating reconciliation in peacemaking : quandaries of relationship building /
Well-being, poverty and justice from a child's perspective : 3rd World Vision Children study /
Global youth citizenry and radical hope enacting community-engaged research through performative methodologies /
Religious diversity and interreligious dialogue
Transnational family communication : immigrants and ICTs /
Teaching and learning about communities : principles and practices /
Located research regional places, transitions and challenges /
Alleviating world suffering : the challenge of negative quality of life /
Self-tracking : empirical and philosophical investigations /
Boasians at war anthropology, race, and World War II /
Laicidad and religious diversity in Latin America /
Representing Place and Territorial Identities in Europe Discourses, Images, and Practices.
Sociology through relation : theoretical assessments from the French tradition /
Psychoactive drug use in Hong Kong : life satisfaction and drug use /
Continuity under Change in Dayak Societies.
Water resource management : sustainability in an era of climate change /
Short-term occupations in Paleolithic archaeology definition and interpretation /
China and the West at the Crossroads : Essays on Comparative Literature and Culture /
An Agent-Based Model of Heterogeneous Demand.
How Are Chinese Only Children Growing : a Bioecological Systems Perspective /
Boundaries within : nation, kinship and identity among migrants and minorites /
The bioarchaeology of social control : assessing conflict and cooperation in pre-contact Puebloan society /
Diaspora as cultures of cooperation : global and local perspectives /
Archaeology of the Communist era : a political history of archaeology of the 20th century /
Self-organisation shapes travel behaviours and social exclusion in deprived urban Neighbourhoods of China
African Immigrant Traders in Inner City Johannesburg : Deconstructing the Threatening 'Other'
Globalization and Marginalization in Mountain Regions : Assets and Challenges in Marginal Regions /
Negotiating the boundaries of belonging : the intricacies of naturalisation in Germany /
Beyond neoliberalism : social analysis after 1989 /
Identity strategies of stateless ethnic minority groups in contemporary Poland
Religion, disability, and interpersonal violence /
Exploring the social life of Japanese "Manchurian Immigrants"
Children and Young People Living with HIV/AIDS : a Cross-Cultural Perspective /
Canaries in the data mine : understanding the proprietary design of youth environments /
Politicising polio disability, civil society and civic agency in Sierra Leone /
Understanding the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States : the role of syndemics in the production of health disparities /
Organic public engagement : how ecological thinking transforms public engagement with science /
Producing China in Southeast Asia Knowledge, Identity, and Migrant Chineseness.
Sharia dynamics : Islamic law and sociopolitical processes /
Artificial intelligence as a disruptive technology : economic transformation and government regulation /
Hegemonies of legitimation : discourse dynamics in the European Commission /
Archaeological Landscape Evolution the Mariana Islands in the Asia-Pacific Region /
Ancient West Asian civilization : geoenvironment and society in the pre-Islamic Middle East /
The Paris Agreement : Climate Change, Solidarity, and Human Rights.
Challenges of Modernization and Governance in South Korea : the Sinking of the Sewol and Its Causes.
Cities and climate change climate policy, economic resilience and urban sustainability /
Anthropology in medical education : sustaining engagement and impact /
The violent technologies of extraction : political ecology, critical agrarian studies and the capitalist worldeater /
Environmental participation practices engaging the public with science and governance /
Coast Guards and ocean politics in the Arctic /
Tertiary student migration from Central Asia to Germany cases of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan /
Indentured and post-indentured experiences of women in the Indian diaspora
The Origins of Democracy in Tribes, City-States and Nation-States.
The theatrical spectaculum an Anthropological Theory /
Anglo-Indian women in transition : pride, prejudice and predicament /
Measuring country image theory, method, and effects /
A framework of intersectional risk theory in the age of ambivalence
Identity of cities and city of identities
Social capital, resilience and adaptation on small islands : climate change on the Isles of Scilly /
Disadvantaged Children in India Empirical Evidence, Policies and Actions /
Demographic Dividends.
An ordinary city : planning for growth and decline in New Bedford, Massachusetts /
Illness, identity, and taboo among Australian paleo dieters /
Youth and Substance Abuse.
Israeli sociology : text in context /
Low fertility in advanced Asian economies focusing on families, education, and labor markets /
Water-related urbanization and locality protecting, planning and designing urban water environments in a sustainable way /
Inhabiting cyberspace and emerging cyberplaces : the case of Siena, Italy /
EU Asylum Policies : the Power of Strong Regulating States.
Trauma responsive child welfare systems /
The ancient Nasca world : new insights from science and archaeology /
Neoliberal Bio-Economies? : the Co-Construction of Markets and Natures /
Managing Culture Reflecting on Exchange in Global Times /
Retirement migration from the U.S. to Latin American colonial cities
Migration, whiteness, and cosmopolitanism : Europeans in Japan /
Digitisation and Precarisation Redefining Work and Redefining Society /
Community Nutrition Resilience in Greater Miami Feeding Communities in the Face of Climate Change /
The science of citizen science /
Sociopolitics of migrant death and repatriation : perspectives from forensic science /
Time blind : problems in perceiving other temporalities /
New approaches to death in cities during the health transition /
Tramway renaissance in Western Europe a socio-technical analysis /
German Philanthropy in Transatlantic Perspective : Perceptions, Exchanges and Transfers since the Early Twentieth Century.
The history of Islam : revelation, reconstruction or both? /
Decolonizing and feminizing freedom : a Caribbean genealogy /
The frontiers of applied demography /
The cultural trauma of decolonization colonial returnees in the national imagination /
Migration, risk management and climate change : evidence and policy responses. /
Leisure's legacy : challenging the common sense view of free time /
Morphogenesis and the crisis of normativity /
Reimagining Class in Australia : Marxism, Populism and Social Science.
Selecting and implementing evidence-based practice a practical program guide /
Women, Children and Social Transformation in Myanmar
Narcosubmarines : outlaw innovation and maritime interdiction in the war on drugs /
Mountains, mobilities and movement
Navigating Private and Public Healthcare Experiences of Patients, Doctors and Policy-Makers /
A performative feel for the game how meaningful sports shape gender, bodies, and social life /
De-extinction and the genomics revolution : life on demand /
Comprehensive deepening of reforms in China
Precarious places social, cultural and economic aspects of uncertainty and anxiety in everyday life /
Identity, justice and resistance in the neoliberal city /
Intimacies, citizenship and refugee men /
An examination of Latinx LGBT populations across the United States : intersections of race and sexuality /
Socio-Economic Development in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Disparities and Power Struggle in China's North-West /
Social capital as a resource for migrant entrepreneurship self-employed migrants from the Former Soviet Union in Germany /
The Messages of Tourist Art an African Semiotic System in Comparative Perspective /
Children's online behaviour and safety : policy and rights challenges /
Collusion, Local Governments and Development in China a Reflection on the China Model.
Subaltern urbanisation in India : an introduction to the dynamics of ordinary towns /
Global Pharmaceutical Policy
Longitudinal Research Methods and Uses in Behavioral Science /
From loose to tight management : seeking evidence of archetype change in Dutch and English higher education /
Fertilization and Embryonic Development In Vitro
Fatherhood and Love : the Social Construction of Masculine Emotions.
Popular Struggle and Democracy in Scandinavia : 1700-Present.
Recognising Human Rights in Different Cultural Contexts The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) /
The Making of a Gay Muslim : Religion, Sexuality and Identity in Malaysia and Britain.
Beyond Cosmopolitanism : Towards Planetary Transformations.
Boasians at war : anthropology, race, and World War II /
Chinese Capitalism in Southeast Asia : Cultures and Practices.
School Choice, Ethnic Divisions, and Symbolic Boundaries.
Political Ecology, Food Regimes, and Food Sovereignty : Crisis, Resistance, and Resilience.
Leonard Wood and Cuban Independence, 1898-1902
Family Therapy an Interactional Approach /
The Romantic Syndrome Toward a New Method in Cultural Anthropology and History of Ideas /
Zusammenwirken Von Natürlicher und Künstlicher Intelligenz
Politics of (Dis)Integration.
Integration Processes and Policies in Europe : Contexts, Levels and Actors.
Eleventh Conference of the International Bar Association Lausanne, Switzerland, July 11-15, 1966.
Influences on Human Development : a Longitudinal Perspective /
H1.A1 SHS web of conferences
SER Social
H1.A1 S6 Social compass 1
H1 .A12 Analyse & Kritik 1
H1 .A122 Bulletin signalétique. 1
H1 .A13 Epitheōrēsis koinōnikōn ereunōn = The Greek review of social research. 1
H1 .A145 Bulletin of the International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam.
Bulletin of the International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam
H1 .A1454 Social sciences information = Information sur les sciences sociales /
Social science information /
Social science information
H1 .A1458 Pacific economic review 1
H1 .A15 Kyklos : internationale Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaften. 1
H1 .A1685 online Revista orbis revista científica. 1
H1 .A17 Socialiniai tyrimai 1
H1 .A188 Social compass. 1
H1 .A19 Scienza nuova : international journal of reviews and studies in psychosociological and humanistic sciences. 1
H1 .A2 International social science bulletin = Bulletin international des sciences sociales /
International social science journal.
International social science journal