Call Number (LC) Title Results
GN8 .S5 1971 Man, culture, and society /
Man, culture, and society;
GN8 .S65 Method and perspective in anthropology : papers in honor of Wilson D. Wallis. 1
GN8 .S67 Context and meaning in cultural anthropology / 1
GN8 .T3 Horizons of anthropology. 1
GN11 Q methodology /
Rank-ordered logistical models /
Count data models /
Studying place /
Machine learning interpretation tools /
Whorf, Benjamin Lee /
Exploratory data analysis /
Ethnographic film /
Rigour /
Ecological fallacy /
Data linkage /
Campbell, Donald /
Agent based models /
Epistemic and evidential cultures /
Social media scroll back method /
Standard errors /
Multiple and generalized nonparametric regression /
Mixed methods research /
Type I and Type II errors /
Writing and reading ethnography /
Emplacement /
Hurston, Zora Neale /
Content analysis, quantitative /
Abduction /
Boas, Franz /
Telling stories with descriptive data and graphs /
Ethnographic fieldnotes : the foundations of ethnography /
Gell, Alfred /
Popper, Karl Raimund /
Interpretivism /
Action research, concept of /
Ethnodrama and ethnofiction /
Malinowski, Bronislaw /
Principal components analysis /
Other worlds /
Haraway, Donna /
Cazden, Courtney /
Ethnography in martial arts studies /
Data transformations for linear models /
Memory research /
Interdisciplinary studies /
Interaction effects /
Nominal scale agreement /
Individualism versus holism /
Instrumental variable analysis /
Visualization techniques /
Integrative analysis for mixed methods research /
Bias /
Debord, Guy /
Power analysis /
Big data in qualitative research /
Thematic analysis /
Posthumanism /
Rubin, Don /
Single- and mixed-mode survey data collection /
Web scraping /
Monte Carlo simulation /
Arts-based research /
Sensory ethnography /
Imitation game /
Causality in qualitative research /
Respondent-driven sampling /
Realism /
Clifford, James, and George Marcus /
Draw-and-write techniques /
Data cleaning /
Stoller, Paul /
Bonferroni, Carlo Emilio /
Interviewing children and young people /
Analysis of proportions /
Multilevel models for continuous responses /
Wright, Benjamin D. /
Star, Susan Leigh /
Ethnopoetics /
Content analysis, qualitative /
Linear discriminant analysis /
Respondent-generated image production /
Space /
Qualitative research on food and foodways /
Generic causation /
Systematic reviews /
Material culture, analysis of /
Comparative case studies /
Longino, Helen /
Digital storytelling /
Research assistants and ethnographic fieldwork /
Acyclic graphs /
Membership roles in fieldwork /
Praxiography /
Latent class analysis /
Ordinal independent variables /
Sampling, probabilistic and statistical /
Visual elicitation in interviews /
Comics in qualitative research /
Measurement invariance across groups /
Online citizen research /
Futures studies /
Design and evaluation of survey questions /
Ordinal regression models /
Experimental designs /
Unobtrusive measures /
Winch, Peter /
Dangerous fieldwork /
Natural language processing /
Marginal effects and adjusted predictions /
Interpretative phenomenological analysis /
Ostension /
Bricolage and bricoleur /
Reflexivity /
Newton, Esther /
Abrahams, Roger /
Regression, spline /
Folklore and oral cultures /
Goodness-of-fit measures /
Critical discourse analysis /
Performativity /
Randomization /
Harding, Sandra /
Multiple imputation /
Causality /
Propensity theory and single-case probability /
Practice research /
Evaluation research, quantitative /
Cluster analysis /
Dégh, Linda /
Mol, Annemarie /
Botkin, Benjamin A. /
Knowledge brokerage organisations /
Documents in social research /
Seam bias /
Indigenous performing arts research /
Central limit theorem /
Contemporary legend /
Flâneur /
Postmodernism /
Hermeneutics /
Canonical correlation analysis /
Model-based inferences /
Participatory action research /
Variance estimation /
Kotz, Samuel /
Cronbach's alpha /
Cognitive modeling /
Meta-analysis and research synthesis /
Objectivity /
Indigenous methods /
Illness narratives as theory and method /
Case study /
Multispecies research /
Gamification in web surveys /
Patronage and clientelism /
Classical test theory /
Conquergood, Dwight /
Postpositivism /
Decolonizing research methods /
Latour, Bruno /
Visual ethnography /
Intercoder reliability /
Mobile and sensor data collection /
Parametric and nonparametric statistics /
Discourse research /
Naturalism /
Measuring attitudes /
Ethnomusicology /
Ethics of qualitative research /
Autoethnography /
t test /
Translation in qualitative methods /
Transparent and reproducible data analysis /
Qualitative evidence synthesis /
Jasso, Guillermina /
Embodied methods in qualitative research /
Computational modeling /
Illness narratives : collecting /
Cross-cultural surveys /
Suchman, Lucy /
Positivism /
Five-level QDA method /
Dundes, Alan /
Qualitative comparative analysis in organizational research /
Secondary analysis of quantitative data /
Survey questions, design of /
Neoliberalism /
Epistemics /
Glassie, Henry /
Experiments in the laboratory and in other settings /
Narrative analysis, quantitative /
Official statistics, quantitative approaches /
Entering the field /
Confirmatory factor analysis /
Bricolage as method /
Religious studies and qualitative research /
Neural networks /
Life history methods /
Gellner, Ernest /
Avatars /
Explanation /
Cartwright, Nancy /
Structural equation modeling /
Complexity /
Recruiting participants through Facebook /
Social network analysis /
Ignorance /
Garfinkel, Harold /
Hymes, Dell Hathaway /
Phenomenology /
Online video games research /
Paradata in survey research /
Emotions in fieldwork /
Jefferson, Gail /
Generalisation /
Factorial survey /
Powdermaker, Hortense /
Experience sampling /
Verstehen /
Verran, Helen /
Labov, William /
Saturation in qualitative research /
Barad, Karen /
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty /
Informed consent from adults /
Unit of analysis /
Qualitative insider research /
Grounded theory and situational analysis /
Analysis of rare events /
Adaptive and responsive survey designs /
Linguistic relativity /
Analysing administrative data /
Brown, Karen McCarthy /
GN11 .D38 1972b A dictionary of anthropology /
A dictionary of anthropology
GN11 .D48 1986 Dictionary of anthropology / 1
GN11 .D5 Dictionnaire des sciences anthropologiques : anatomie, crâniologie, archéologie préhistorique, ethnographie (mœurs, arts, industrie) démographie, langues, religions / 1
GN11 .E52 Encyclopedia of anthropology / 1
GN11 .E63 2006 Encyclopedia of anthropology / 2
GN11 .E63 2007eb Encyclopedia of anthropology 1
GN11 .H413 Anthropology A to Z. / 1
GN11 .P43 1985 Anthropological glossary / 1
GN11 .W5 Dictionary of anthropology. 1
GN11 .W5 1958 Dictionary of anthropology. 1
GN12.8 .R34 2012 Radio fields : anthropology and wireless sound in the 21st century / 2
GN13 Beyond boundaries : understanding, translation, and anthropological discourse / 1
GN13 .B48 1993 Beyond boundaries : understanding, translation and anthropological discourse / 1
GN13 .D53 1995 The dialogic emergence of culture / 1
GN13 .M44 1994 Media anthropology : informing global citizens / 1