Call Number (LC) Title Results
G445 .F43 My dream came true : (a journey round the world) / 1
G445 .Y43 1987 Voyager / 2
G460 An intrepid Scot : William Lithgow of Lanark's travels in the Ottoman lands, North Africa and Central Europe, 1609-21 /
A voyage to Guinea, Brazil & the West Indies in His Majesty's ships, the Swallow and the Weymouth, describing the several islands and settlements /
A voyage to Guinea, Brazil & the West Indies in His Majesty's ships, the Swallow and the Weymouth, describing the several islands and settlements
Ayyām Kamāl al-Dīn al-Ḥāʼik : Ḥalab fī awākhir al-qarn al-ʻāshir /
G460 .A557 2014 Voyages et aventures de François Pyrard de Laval : Récit de voyage. 1
G460 .A85 1735i A voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the West-Indies in His Majesty's ships, the Swallow and Weymouth : describing the several islands and settlements, viz, Madeira, the Canaries, Cape de Verd, Sierraleon, Sesthos, Cape Apollonia, Cabo Corso, and others on the Guinea coast; Barbadoes, Jamaica, &c. in the West-Indies : the colour, diet, languages, habits, manners, customs, and religions of the respective natives, and inhabitants : with remarks on the gold, ivory, and slave-trade; and on the winds, tides and currents of the several coasts / 1
G460 .B37 2010eb A description of the coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the beginning of the sixteenth century / 2
G460 .B73 2006 An intrepid Scot : William Lithgow of Lanark's travels in the Ottoman lands, North Africa and Central Europe, 1609-21 / 1
G460 .C243 1964 My voyage around the world / 1
G460 .E952513 vol. 2 Evliya Çelebi in Bitlis : the relevant section of the Seyahatname / 1
G460 .E952513 vol. 5 Evl̇iya Çeleḃi in Albania and adjacent regions (Kosovo, Montenegro, Ohrid) : the relevant sections of the Seyahatname / 1
G460 .E952513 vol. 6 Evliya Çelebi in Medina : the relevant sections of the Seyahatname / 1
G460 .F54 A relation of ten years in Europe, Asia, Affrique, and America all by way of letters occasionally written to divers noble personages, from place to place, and continued to this present year / 2
G460 (INTERNET) The true travels, adventures, and observations of Captaine Iohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Affrica, and America, from anno Domini 1593. to 1629 His accidents and sea-fights in the straights; his service and stratagems of warre in Hungaria, Transilvania, Wallachia, and Moldavia, against the Turks, and Tartars ... After how he was taken prisoner by the Turks, sold for a slave ... and escaped ... Together with a continuation of his generall History of Virginia, Summer-Iles, New England, and their proceedings, since 1624. to this present 1629; as also of the new plantations of the great river of the Amazons, the iles of St. Christopher, Mevis, and Barbados in the West Indies. /
The rare and most vvonderfull things vvhich Edvv. VVebbe an Englishman borne, hath seene and passed in his troublesome trauailes in the cities of Ierusalem, Damasko, Bethlehem and Galely and in the landes of Iewrie, Egypt, Gracia, Russia, and Prester Iohn, vvherein is set forth his extreame slauery sustained many yeeres together in the gallies and warres of the great Turke, against the lands of Persia, Tartaria, Spaine, and Portugale.
The totall discourse, of the rare adventures, and painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares travailes from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Affrica perfited by three deare bought voyages, in surveying of forty eight kingdomes ancient and modern, twenty one rei-publicks, ten absolute principalities, with two hundred islands ... divided into three bookes ... /
A most delectable and true discourse, of an admired and painefull peregrination from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affricke With the particular descriptions (more exactly set downe then hath beene heeretofore in English) of Italy Sycilia, Dalmatia, Ilyria, Epire, Peloponnesus, Macedonia, Thessalia, and the whole continent of Greece, Creta, Rhodes, the Iles Cyclades ... and the chiefest countries of Asia Minor. From thence, to Cyprus, Phænicia, Syria ... and the sacred citie Ierusalem, &c.
Antiquity reviv'd, or, The government of a certain island antiently call'd Astreada in reference to religion, policy, war and peace some hundreds of years before the coming of Christ.
A true relation of the travailes and most miserable captiuitie of William Dauies, barber-surgion of London, vnder the Duke of Florence VVherein is truly set downe the manner of his taking, the long time of his slauierie, and meanes of his deliuerie, after eight yeeres, and ten moneths captiuitie in the gallies. Discouering many manye landes, ilandes, riuers, cities, and townes, of the Christians and infidels, the condition of the people, and the manner of their countrey: with many more strange things, as in the booke is briefely and plainely expressed. /
A relation of ten years in Europe, Asia, Affrique, and America all by way of letters occasionally written to divers noble personages, from place to place, and continued to this present year /
The principal nauigations, voyages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation made by sea or ouer-land, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1600. yeres: deuided into three seuerall volumes, according to the positions of the regions, whereunto they were directed ... /
G460 .J68 2010eb The journal of John Jourdain, 1608-1617 : describing his experiences in Arabia, India, and the Malay archipelago / 2
G460 .K5517 2015 The admirable adventures and strange fortunes of Master Anthony Knivet : an English pirate in sixteenth-century Brazil / 1
G460 .K5517 2015eb The admirable adventures and strange fortunes of Master Anthony Knivet : an English pirate in sixteenth-century Brazil / 1
G460 .L47 1682 Lithgow's nineteen years travels through the most eminent places in the habitable world containing an exact description of the customs, laws, religion, policies and government of emporers, kings, and princes : also of the countries and cities, trades, rivers, and commerce in all places through which he travell'd : also an account of the tortures he suffered under the Spanish Inquisition by racking and other inhumane usages, for his owning the Protestant religion : together with his miraculous deliverance from the cruelties of the papists, which far exceeded any of the heathen countries herein largely described.
Lithgow's nineteen years travels through the most eminent places in the habitable world containing an exact description of the customs, laws, religion, policies and government of emporers, kings, and princes : also of the countries and cities, trades, rivers, and commerce in all places through which he travell'd : also an account of the tortures he suffered under the Spanish Inquisition by racking and other inhumane usages, for his owning the Protestant religion : together with his miraculous deliverance from the cruelties of the papists, which far exceeded any of the heathen countries herein largely described.
G460 .L7 The totall discourse of the rare adventures & painefull peregrinations of long nineteene yeares travayles : from Scotland to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica / 1
G460 .L72 1928 Rare adventures and painefull peregrinations / 1
G460 .N37 2014 An account of several late voyages and discoveries to the south and north / 1