Call Number (LC) Title Results
EP 1.8/3:Al 8/3/proposed Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the aluminum forming point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:AL 8/974 Primary aluminum smelting subcategory of the aluminum segment : of the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:AN 5 Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the animal feed, breakfast cereal, and wheat starch segments of the grain mills point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:Ap 5/974 Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the apple, citrus and potato processing segment of the canned and preserved fruits and vegetables point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:B 32/2/draft Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the battery manufacturing point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:B 32/2/final/v.2 Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the battery manufacturing point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:B 32/2/proposed Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the battery manufacturing point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:B 39/974 Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards of performance for new sources : beet sugar processing subcategory of the sugar processing point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:B 86/2 Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the builders paper and roofing felt segment of the builders paper and board mills point source category / 1
EP 1.8/3:B 86/2/974-2 Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the builders paper and roofing felt segment of the builders paper and board mills point source category / 1
EP 1.8/3:B 86/974 Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the building, construction and paper segment of the asbestos manufacturing point source category / 1
EP1.8/3:B32/974 Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the bauxite refining subcategory of the aluminum segment of the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:C 16/974 Development document for effluent limitations guidelines for new source performance standards : cane sugar refining segment of the sugar processing industry. 1
EP 1.8/3:C 17 Development document for interim final effluent limitations, guidelines, and proposed new source performance standards for the carbon black manufacturing point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:C 28/974 Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards of performance for the catfish, crab, shrimp, and tuna segments of the canned and preserved seafood processing industry point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:C 33/974 Development document for effluent limitations guidelines : and new source performance standards for the cement manufacturing category. 1
EP 1.8/3:C 63 Development document for interim final effluent limitations guidelines : and new source performance standards for the coal mining point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:C 63/975 Development document for interim final effluent limitations guidelines : and new source performance standards for the coal mining point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:C 63/976 Development document for interim final effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the coal mining point source category. 1
EP 1.8/3:C 63/981/proposed Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the coal mining point source category. 1