Call Number (LC) Title Results
EP 1.23:73-026 The Shagawa Lake Project : lake restoration by nutrient removal from wastewater effluent / 1
EP 1.23:73-030 Effects of sulfur oxides in the atmosphere on vegetation : revised chapter 5 for Air quality criteria for sulfur oxides. Task 16, ROAP no. 26AAA, Program element 1A1001. 1
EP 1.23:73-032 Fish and food organisms in acid mine waters of Pennsylvania / 1
EP 1.23:73-033 Water quality criteria, 1972 : a report of the Committee on Water Quality Criteria. 1
EP 1.23:73-035 Environmental effects on toxaphene toxicity to selected fishes and crustaceans / 1
EP 1.23:73-037 Effect of silt and silt removal in a prairie lake / 1
EP 1.23:73-039 Rates of photosynthesis and phytoplankton growth in Shagawa Lake, Minnesota / 1
EP 1.23:73-041 Thermal effects on eggs, larvae and juveniles of bluegill sunfish / 1
EP 1.23:73-042 Interaction between marine organisms and oil pollution / 1
EP 1.23:73-044 Biological investigations of Lake Wingra / 1
EP 1.23:73-045 Effects of copper on the locomotor orientation of fish / 1
EP 1.23:73-046 The effects of methoxychlor on aquatic biota / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-73-017 Pollution effects on adult steelhead migration in the Snake River / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-75-005 Inputs of phosphorus from precipitation to Lake Michigan / 2
EP 1.23:600/3-75-005/ Mathematical modeling of phytoplankton in Lake Ontario. / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-75-005/pt.1 Mathematical modeling of phytoplankton in Lake Ontario. / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-75-007 Metabolism of mercury compounds in microorganisms /
Metabolism of mercury compounds in microorganisms
EP 1.23:600/3-75-008 Second Annotated bibliography on biological effects on [i.e. of] metals in aquatic environments (no. 568-1292) / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-75-011 Compilation of methodology for measuring pollution parameters of landfill leachate / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-75-012 Comparative toxicity of sewage-effluent disinfection to freshwater aquatic life / 2