Call Number (LC) Title Results
EP 1.23:600/3-76-046 Chronic toxicity of lindane to selected aquatic invertebrates and fishes / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-76-047 Chronic toxicity of atrazine to selected aquatic invertebrates and fishes / 2
EP 1.23:600/3-76-048 Effects, uptake, and metabolism of methoxychlor, mirex, and 2,4-D in seaweeds / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-76-050 Mortality, saltwater adaptation and reproduction of fish during gas supersaturation / 2
EP 1.23:600/3-76-051 Toxicity of copper to daphnids in reconstituted and natural waters / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-76-053 Plant uptake of cadmium from phosphate fertilizer / 2
EP 1.23:600/3-76-055 Power plants, chlorine, and estuaries / 2
EP 1.23:600/3-76-056 Salmonid bioassay of supersaturated dissolved air in water / 2
EP 1.23:600/3-76-057 Temperature effects on young yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill) / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-76-061/ Standard test fish development / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-76-062/ Effect of hydrogen sulfide on fish and invertebrates / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-76-063 Phosphate reduction and response of plankton populations in Kootenay Lake / 2
EP 1.23:600/3-76-064 Evaluation of the algal assay procedure / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-76-065/ Mathematical modeling of phytoplankton in Lake Ontario. / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-76-065/pt.2 Mathematical modeling of phytoplankton in Lake Ontario. / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-76-069 Assays of toxic pollutants by fish blood / 2
EP 1.23:600/3-76-070 Mechanism of photochemically initiated oxidations / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-76-072 Ecosystem impacts of urbanization assessment methodology / 2
EP 1.23:600/3-76-075 The ecological impact of synthetic organic compounds on esturine ecosystems / 1
EP 1.23:600/3-76-076 Analysis and GC-MS characterization of toxaphene in fish and water / 1