Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED586323 Evaluation of Educational Problems Regarding the End of Term Inspection Reports of the Inspectors of Education (Ordu Province Sample) = Maarif Mufettislerinin Ogretim Yili Sonu Denetim Raporlarina Gore Egitim Sorunlarinin Degerlendirilmesi (Ordu Ili Ornegi) / 1
ED586325 CEDEFOP Annual Report 2017. 1
ED586326 Studies in Teaching : 2018 Research Digest. Action Research Projects Presented at Annual Research Forum (Winston-Salem, North Carolina, June 28, 2018) / 1
ED586329 Life Skills in Non-Formal Contexts for Adolescent Girls in Developing Countries. CMI Report Number 5 / 1
ED586330 Recognizing the Changing Face of Postsecondary Students. CLASP Priorities for the Higher Education Act / 1
ED586332 Guidance & Coaching on Evidence-Based Practices for Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders / 1
ED586336 Disciplined and Disconnected How Students Experience Exclusionary Discipline in Minnesota and the Promise of Non-Exclusionary Alternatives / 1
ED586338 Analogy and Higher Order Thinking : Learning Mathematics as an Example / 1
ED586341 Connecting Low-Income Students to Good Jobs and Careers. CLASP Priorities for the Higher Education Act / 1
ED586343 Federal Investment in Employment and Job Training Services Has Declined over the Last 40 Years. Fact Sheet / 1
ED586344 Making College More Affordable for Low-Income Students. CLASP Priorities for the Higher Education Act / 1
ED586353 Supporting Healthy Sleep Habits in Adolescents. Autism at-a-Glance / 1
ED586355 Teaching in Teams : A Planning Guide for Successful Collaborations. CRLT Occasional Paper No. 37 / 1
ED586356 Supporting Communication in High School. Autism at-a-Glance / 1
ED586357 Supporting Functional Communication in High School. Autism at-a-Glance / 1
ED586358 Millions Learning Real-Time Scaling Labs : Designing an Adaptive Learning Process to Support Large-Scale Change in Education / 1
ED586360 Teachers of English Language Learners in Secondary Schools : Gaps in Preparation and Support / 1
ED586361 Basic eSkills : A Research Study of Entering Community College Students' Computer Competency / 1
ED586362 Student Access to Benefits. Fact Sheet / 1
ED586366 College Transformed : Five Institutions Leading the Charge in Innovation / 1